Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current (final?) version: | Rules: | Δv maps: | Backup channel is ##KSPOfficial on
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<FLHerne> .outcome add The medical officer fills your cabin with bees for an unascertained philosophical purpose.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: The medical officer fills your cabin with bees for an unascertained philosophical purpose.
<Azander> !mission
<LunchBot> You try to go only up. The flatworlders are right. Sure, the world was a sphere, but it is flat now.
<xxcoder> you up so hard
_whitelogger has joined #KSPOfficial
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> You slap your rocket around a bit with a large trout. Not even the astrobaras can save this mission.
<raptop> oh no!
<packbart> .oO( - so the sport expanded into space?)
<Mat2ch> Uh
<Mat2ch> Slapped into space!
<packbart> it's all in the delivery
<Mat2ch> !mission add You order pizza to your space station.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You order pizza to your space station.
<raptop> Unfortunately, it's still frozen. (The pizza was going to cook on reentry)
<Mat2ch> !mission add You cook your dinner on the heat shield
<LunchBot> Added mission: You cook your dinner on the heat shield
<raptop> !choose return with your heat shield|return on your heat shield
<LunchBot> return with your heat shield
<raptop> !mission add You tell your kerbals to return with their heatshields or on them.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You tell your kerbals to return with their heatshields or on them.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> You install Deddly Reentry. When you try to light a cigar to celebrate your success, everything goes up in flames.
<Mat2ch> That was Deddly...
<raptop> That fits reasonably well
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> You speak in faux cyrillic, just to annoy the people who speak real cyrillic. Things get far too meta.
<Mat2ch> heh
<xxcoder> perfect lol
<raptop> !mission add You confuse hurricanes with ethernet cables.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You confuse hurricanes with ethernet cables.