.outcome add You have almost completed your mission -- only your craft itself remains imperfect. You carefully dismantle it and convert its mainto paperclips.
Added outcome: You have almost completed your mission -- only your craft itself remains imperfect. You carefully dismantle it and convert its mainto paperclips.
oops, will fix
burning up in Eve's airmosphere is quite traditional
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new glenn launch is potentially 10 minutes away
and delayed again
.outcome add The explosion is somebody else's problem.
Added outcome: The explosion is somebody else's problem.
;outcome add If it was never reported, then it never happened. For good of all.
Added outcome: If it was never reported, then it never happened. For good of all.
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Jeb has a near-Death experience. Inexplicably, this causes millions of cheese wheels to rain from the heavens while a disembodied voice laughs uproariously.
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You plan a launch to Mun to snort powder found there. The live footage of this event will be part of Kaytube compilations for the next 100 years.
Oh wow, that might be a bad idea for a livestream.
.mission add This mission is inspired by true events.
Added mission: This mission is inspired by true events.
.mission add You extract white powder from the leaves of the Baobab tree.
Added mission: You extract white powder from the leaves of the Baobab tree.
a few weeks ago i looked up vandenberg, because of the west coast launch facility, and that was a human name, meaning from the hill. so named after somebody who was from the hill
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FLHerne: Uh, I understand now why so many canal cruiser also have a youtube channel. The costs for living on the boat are tax deductible then...
Althego: which is weird, because The Netherlands have no mountains :D
as the article explained, it was meant as any part that is a bit higher
Mat2ch: hm, but if you consider the boat part of the business it needs a commercial BSS and insurance
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which will be difficult to get for most older boats and increase costs quite a bit
or I suppose you could have it both ways and reply on different parts of the government not comparing notes...
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there's a similar dodge that trading boats are commercial so don't need to pay tax on propulsion diesel, even if they only sell a few icecreams or something
but then for non-commercial boats, they ask what proportion of diesel you pay tax on, which is daft anyway
I guess in Germany they wouldn't let you have the boat fully tax deductible if you live on it. But if you do cruises to film them then the fuel and part of repair costs would probably be 100 % covered
I think it's interesting that in Germany nobody seems to be making such videos. We don't have as many canals, but lots of rivers.
also if someone wants to make a channel about crusing here, let me know :D
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Start one yourself, I'd watch it :D
I don't know much about waterways on the continent
Funny thing is: I have a drivers license to do so...
a few people here live on boats but they are mostly stationary or rented out as hotels
Hamburg has more bridges than Amsterdam, I once learned
I'm sure I've had this discussion about the Edinburgh bridges before
it just looks like a regular street
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sandbox: Wasn't this where they just put a bridge over old streets so the level was the same everywhere?
And I think that was an inspiration for Terry Pratchet
packbart: Hamburg has more than double the land area
considering that it doesn't sound that far fetched
that, too. it puts more space between the canals and brooks
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The orangesuits participate in a training program involving a recreation of the war epic "Bridge over the River Kwai." You invent a smaller version of the fission rocket thingie.
Garlic mushroom sandwich.
you sets out on quest to corect evry spellig and grammer and pfuncktuashion misteak in the missions anf outsomes. You get splattered by a cyberdemon.
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.choose L|R
!choose L|R
.mission add Valentina puts her lunch into her left stomach.
Added mission: Valentina puts her lunch into her left stomach.
When cutting your thrust you realize your apoapsis sits at 666 666 m. A company on Kerbin starts selling Kraken plushies and makes billions overnight.
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.outcome windmill
Your cameraman flees from the demented alien windmill.
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Even though Allthumbs Kerman dropped your command module oxygen tank 2 inches, you decide to fly with it anyway. You are forced to launch another rescue mission for the previous one. The universe reaches its recursion limit and segfaults.
Yeah, that fits
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
You heard people like colonies, so you put a colony in a colony. You ragequit #KSPOfficial.