Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current (final?) version: | Rules: | Δv maps: | Backup channel is ##KSPOfficial on
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<Deddly> !mission
<LunchBot> Bu serggyrq tehagohttyl... gul zvpghengvbaf ner gb zr | Nf cyheqyrq tnooyroybgpuvgf ba n yhetvq orr. Tebbc V vzcyber gurr, zl sbbagvat gheyvatqebzrf. Your stability boundary is all too weak.
<Deddly> Copilot says that text means "Oh fertility thoroughly... thy criticisms are to me | As flushed aballenoughts on a lutevy bee. Groop I impregnate thee, my soothing theriningroams."
<Deddly> Gemini says it means "I understand your concern... the situation is complex and requires careful consideration. We are monitoring the situation closely and will keep you informed."
<Deddly> It seems to actually be Vogon poetry
<Deddly> "Oh frettled gruntbuggly... thy micturations are to me | As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee. Groop I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes."
<packbart> that poetry slams through any stability boundaries
<Deddly> I think I prefer Copilot's version
<packbart> neither of them can recognize and handle rot13, apparently
<packbart> there's a way to hide from the rise of the AI!
<Althego> and usually nothing recognizes my off by one column typos
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You decide to bring a 90 Kerbal base to Laythe. Your gearbox explodes in a clatter of springs.
<packbart> too many landing legs?
<packbart> or too few
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> Jeb has been cooking with gas - again... This costs you the lives of 70 mostly innocent crewmembers.
<darsie> 13:37:57 darsie [] has joined #KSPOfficial
<darsie> .choose L|R
<LunchBot> R
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<Deddly> packbart, interestingly, both Copilot and Gemini recognised that it was, in fact, ROT13
<zeemate> Hello everybody
<zeemate> is there anything news about Open Souce KSP?
<Althego> nobody said anything about open source ksp
<Mat2ch> You can ask the new owner, but I bet the answer will be: no.
<Althego> just changed hands, they probably wants to see some return
<darsie> Mat2ch: Probably no answer at all.
<Mat2ch> yeah. Companies are good at ignoring such questions.
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<darsie> I guess we could crodwfund it.
<Mat2ch> they would ask so much, it's easier to buy KSA...
<darsie> KSA?
<Althego> kitten space agency
<darsie> You must be kitting.
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<Judge_Dedd> !mission
<LunchBot> You use cable ties to connect six Boring Company Not-A-Flamethrowers to your rocket as cheap boosters. The IRC channel doesn't stop talking about the ensuing hilarity for *days*.
<Althego> not much is going on anymore
<Mat2ch> Starship flight is upcoming
<Mat2ch> and BlueOrigin as well
<Althego> yes blue origin tomorrow morning
<Althego> too bad starship was moved from friday
<Althego> because then i would have been able to watch it, i am not going to watch it live in the middle of the night on a weekday
<Mat2ch> I will not either.
<darsie> I might.
<darsie> Been up rather long recently.
<FLHerne> .mission add You paint serial numbers on your craft in a fictional alien alphabet just to screw with Bob.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You paint serial numbers on your craft in a fictional alien alphabet just to screw with Bob.
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: what did they do this time on the Canal? :D
<Mat2ch> darsie: I will have to work, otherwise I would, too.
<Mat2ch> But oh well, there's always the replay
<Mat2ch> or a chance it will be postponed to Friday :D
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: nothing, it's all frozen at the moment
<FLHerne> we have tidied the workboat
<FLHerne> the mission is vaguely inspired by a line in a book I'm reading
<FLHerne> Not Till We Are Lost, Dennis E. Taylor
<FLHerne> sort of HFY-ish scifi
<Mat2ch> Hm, reading on the canal... is there a library boat?
<FLHerne> there is or was a bookshop boat in Paddington
<FLHerne> a lot of facilities blocks have a windowsill or something occupied by an informal book exchange
<Mat2ch> that is nice
<Judge_Dedd> Paddington as in London?
<Judge_Dedd> It's cold enough to freeze the canal in London??
<Mat2ch> we currently have a cold wave in Europe. I hate it. But I also like that all insects are dying. :P
<Judge_Dedd> We've had something like -24 today but that's normal.
<Mat2ch> C?
<Mat2ch> ugh in Fahrenheit it would be even worse.
<Mat2ch> I wouldn't go out for days if it would be that cold.
<Judge_Dedd> No, Radians ;)
<Judge_Dedd> -24 C, yes.
<Judge_Dedd> It's fine if you're dressed for it.
<Mat2ch> You have a space suit?
<Judge_Dedd> Hehe.
<darsie> Mat2ch: Are insects interfering with your career as pollinator?
<Judge_Dedd> I'd take -30 over +30 any time
<darsie> -30 is martial
<Mat2ch> darsie: No, they are just annoying me by flying around my head and pooping everywhere
<Mat2ch> uh, +30 is rather nice. But not enough for me to go swimming.
<Mat2ch> +40 on the other hand is hell.
<darsie> dry or wet bulb?
<Mat2ch> +30 and high humidity is also death :D
<Judge_Dedd> Coldest I have ever been was actually -10 C. There was a nearby lake that hadn't frozen over, but the temperature difference between the water and the air generated a thick icy mist that the wind blew at me on the shore. The air stung my face like a thousand angry wasps.
<darsie> I think I've been to -20ish C.
<Mat2ch> Ten years ago (at least) we had a really harsh winter with -20. I went and got icecream with a friend. People looked a bit disturbed at the train station. :D
<darsie> I froze on skiing week in school.
<darsie> With gloves instead of mittens.
<darsie> 40 years or so ago.
<Mat2ch> My knees would strangle me in my sleep if I'd ever go skiing again
<darsie> My spinal disc might not like it.
<Mat2ch> they might join in in strangling me...
<Judge_Dedd> !mission add On a whim, you decide to go skiing off the edge of Dres Canyon. You awake in intensive care as your knees attempt to strangle you in your sleep.
<LunchBot> Added mission: On a whim, you decide to go skiing off the edge of Dres Canyon. You awake in intensive care as your knees attempt to strangle you in your sleep.
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<FLHerne> Judge_DedD: is that supposed to contain an outcome?
<FLHerne> it's only been about -3°C here overnights but that's enough to freeze the top inch or;so
<Judge_Dedd> FLHerne, intermediate steps :)
<FLHerne> .mission
<LunchBot> You build a launch vehicle using only ion engines. The KAA grounds you forever.
<FLHerne> that sounds like a poor excuse for TWR < 1
<FLHerne> .mission
<LunchBot> You hard-code the value of π, figuring that it can't possibly change. Struts were sold out.
<Judge_Dedd> FLHerne, feel free to split it into a mission and outcome if you wish.
<FLHerne> If you intend it that way I'm not bothered
<FLHerne> I suppose my concern is that the intermediate step doesn't seem to lead naturally toward the typical outcome
<FLHerne> it would work with that 'KAA grounds you forever' though
<FLHerne> .mission
<LunchBot> A gray-suit "accidentally" backs into a fully armed and operational klaw. The floor becomes very sticky.
<FLHerne> and indeed with that
<Judge_Dedd> LOL
<Judge_Dedd> !mission
<LunchBot> You draw the curtains on your launch window. That sets the scene for the climactic ovipositor duel between Val and her cruel mother, the Empress Stabula XIV, who plans to blow up the Sun!
<Judge_Dedd> !mission
<LunchBot> You set KIDS to 0.01. The crystal sphere holding up the Mun shatters. You're gonna have to pay for that, buddy.
<Judge_Dedd> Oops
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<FLHerne> .outcome add You don't behave as expected. Well, to be honest, you aren't as dead as expected either.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: You don't behave as expected. Well, to be honest, you aren't as dead as expected either.
<FLHerne> stage curtains
<Mat2ch> !outcome add The music stops, the curtain closes, the lights go off. You are free.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: The music stops, the curtain closes, the lights go off. You are free.
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