Judge_DedD changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current (final?) version: | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Backup channel is ##KSPOfficial on libera.chat
raptop has joined #KSPOfficial
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_whitelogger has joined #KSPOfficial
<Judge_Dedd> !mission
<LunchBot> Due to a severe mistranslation, Werner fills the tanks with chocolate. . . which seemed a good idea at the time, you tell the accident investigator.
<Judge_Dedd> YES. The ellipsis worked :)
<xxcoder> nice
<xxcoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> You attempt to hack Kountdown. Yoha obliterates you.
* xxcoder dies
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<Mat2ch> of shame! Hahaha
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sandbox_ is now known as sandbox
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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