Judge_DedD changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current (final?) version: | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Backup channel is ##KSPOfficial on libera.chat
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<raptop> Yep. Kerbals can only die through violence (and of course can come back). Although while not dead, they do cease to exist if fired...
<xxcoder> of course. they have amazing life insurance. what with vats and all
<xxcoder> only the orange suits is tough to experence hard death and willing to go on next mission with as doubous design rocket
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<Deddly> Cool video there, Mat2ch
<Mat2ch> I thought so as well
<Mat2ch> but I would probably have more invested into the 3d print. So the pill can be released without opening the bottles and I'd have added something to rotate it more easily ;)
<Mat2ch> But it's crazy to see just how few rpms are necesary to push all the water to one side.
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<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> You ponder how philosophically ambiguous it is for a plant based sentient species to be vegetarian. Atmosphere? Where we go we don't need an atmosphere!
<Mat2ch> But plants need atmosphere.
<Mat2ch> Well, at least we haven't found one that doesn't.
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