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You install an LY-01 landing gear on your craft. The triffids have their day.
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.outcome add The case against you implodes spectacularly due to depressurization of the courtroom.
Added outcome: The case against you implodes spectacularly due to depressurization of the courtroom.
You try to get your rocket out of a flat spin. The engineers go on strike.
the very people who designed my spinny rocket strike? bah just fire em all
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darsie has quit [Quit: Avoid fossil fuels and animal products. Have no/fewer children. Protest, elect sane politicians. Invest ecologically.]
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!8ball Is depressurizing the courtroom an effective legal strategy?
By Friday at the latest.
i have not only seen chewbacca defense, but also witnessedd the vader offense, live
so doesnt seem to be impossible
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You exceed the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit. As it turns out, those turn into amazing fuel for rockets. Who knew?
breaking limit turns into fuel. hmmm
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.outcome add The probability of success is too small to be represented by a 64-bit IEEE 754 floati'g
Added outcome: The probability of success is too small to be represented by a 64-bit IEEE 754 floati'g
.outcome add The probability of success is too small to be represented by a 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point number, and is rounded to zero.
Added outcome: The probability of success is too small to be represented by a 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point number, and is rounded to zero.
.outcome add Jeb is permanently stained purple and obliged to learn how to operate a spacecraft with his tongue.
Added outcome: Jeb is permanently stained purple and obliged to learn how to operate a spacecraft with his tongue.
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* raptop
poorly converts Jeb between RGB and CMYK
.mission add You cultivate a reputation as the person who knows everything through the simple expedient of having no social life.
Added mission: You cultivate a reputation as the person who knows everything through the simple expedient of having no social life.
how can you know everything then?
* packbart
substituted a nanowar of Steel concert yesterday for social life
it was great
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.mission add You invent a cure for old age, which has no effect on Kerbal life expectancy at all.
Added mission: You invent a cure for old age, which has no effect on Kerbal life expectancy at all.