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You accidentally spill the tray of googly eyes all over the space capsule. This becomes colloquially known as a "Beef Supreme."
So I did a Beef Supreme?
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with googly eyes
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.outcome add This is the One True Mission and all others are heretical.
Added outcome: This is the One True Mission and all others are heretical.
.outcome add Gene predicts this will end badly but you're sure he's wrong.
Added outcome: Gene predicts this will end badly but you're sure he's wrong.
* Mat2ch
throws a comma at the but(t)
English doesn't use as many of them as German, though
I see suggestions to do so, but (hehehe) it looks like there's not much grammer in English that enforces it.
I put one to avoid ambiguities and where it feels right :)
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.outcome add Your craft corners well, for such a long thing. Like it's cutting a wedge through the air.
Added outcome: Your craft corners well, for such a long thing. Like it's cutting a wedge through the air.
;mission add Your research team invents negative weight metal.
Added mission: Your research team invents negative weight metal.
You try to recreate a previous failure as a learning exercise, but this time with greater sarcasm. Comedy ensues.
yay sarcasm is funny
When they tell you that you will be working under crushing pressure, they did not mean you will have a lot of heavy duties. It is actual crushing Jovian atmosphere. You open your door, and - KERBS
door and opposite wall probably met each other within milliseconds
Is "KERBS" in capital letters used as an expletive in this case?
oh "oh sh*
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"oi don't open tha-" signal ends
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Stronk kebab
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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You create a device that converts quality into quantity... except it only works on everyone's bones. BWEEP BWAARRP BWEEP BWAARRP.
Congratulations everyone, you now have bone cancer.
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.outcome add You are caught red-handed because your hands are covered in blood.
Added outcome: You are caught red-handed because your hands are covered in blood.
That must be the origin of the idiom.
but why does the bone cancerizer have to make that horrible noise?
it probably is tbf
Why *wouldn't* a bon cancerizer make a horrible noise? That's part of its charm!
(Also, what happens if you're caught green-handed?)
MRT makes noise.
!outcome add You are caught green-handed.
Added outcome: You are caught green-handed.