which looks more like a video editors page :D
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You take off despite your brain being inoperative, contradicting the Minimum Equipment List. Your crewmembers are arrested for flying while green.
I seem to have gotten away with it myself
Your wireless network accidentally becomes viral. As a large language model, you are unable to plan this mission out properly.
yes, since your brain was inoperative, you are legally not committing crime
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Deddly has joined #KSPOfficial
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You found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what you want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because you screwed it up. Not because it doesn't like you... Or feels threatened by you.. Or thinks you're a smart ass.. The resulting craft is compact as bread, yet strong as unstoppable!
.outcome add This is so successful that you're promoted to management. You sit at your comfortable, safe desk - far away from any explosions or toxic chemicals - and try to convince yourself it's a win.
Added outcome: This is so successful that you're promoted to management. You sit at your comfortable, safe desk - far away from any explosions or toxic chemicals - and try to convince yourself it's a win.
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
.outcome add You are unemployed at the moment and for all foreseeable moments.
Added outcome: You are unemployed at the moment and for all foreseeable moments.
Althego has joined #KSPOfficial
!outcome add You try to convince management and your investors that you were just trying to produce some great footage for the blooper reel.
Added outcome: You try to convince management and your investors that you were just trying to produce some great footage for the blooper reel.
!outcome add The universe collapses in on itself and it's all your fault. There are no intermediate steps.
Added outcome: The universe collapses in on itself and it's all your fault. There are no intermediate steps.
Kitten Space Agency Will Be FREE. How They Plan To Make It Work
I thought only if we buy them out :D
Ten minutes to say "free, will solicit donations"
not exactly pointless to ask for donations
wikipedia asks for donations, streamers ask for donations, even beggars ask for donations
it can work
I... didn't say it was?
what i want to say i wouldnt see it as a problem if they asked for donations
Althego: I think it was meant as critizisim of the video not KSA :)
Yeah. Typical youtube, ten minutes to convey information that would take a heartbeat to read
Pinkbeast, what, no 5-minute into, a little complaint that x% of the viewers aren't subscribed and why we should absolutely do that, 2 minute sponsorship spot, a few minutes in the middle to plug useless merch and a lengthy conclusion begging us to like and subscribe and push the bell?
Don't forget the shilling for NordVPN
or brilliant
and what is the other thing?
lately no raid shadow legends
skillshare i think
Nah, Betterhelp, one minute long, which will then sell your health data to anyone
skillshare at least sounds reasonable, because people would learn something there.
* raptop
is glad that a bunch of the channels I follow get funding from patreon (typically game-related) or the tax system (eg: NTSB, CSB)
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