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<schnobs> Raidernick: if you're around, have a look at http://ksp.schnobs.de/RO/plot.png
<schnobs> compare to NTRS 19720007150.pdf, page 74
<Raidernick> i saw that PR
<Raidernick> thanks for doing that
<Raidernick> those srbs have been a mess for a long time
<Raidernick> and yeah i know there were multiple grain shape configurations for the boosters
<Raidernick> can you make it whichever one was used most often?
<schnobs> All three in that plot use the same thrust:propellant curve, just running at different thrust levels.
<Raidernick> ah
<Raidernick> i'm assuming green is the standard
<schnobs> yes.
<Raidernick> ok then use that
<schnobs> Well, "standard" -- the one that was considered for MOL.
<Raidernick> the image in the pdf even says it's standard
<Raidernick> on page 74
<schnobs> yes.
<Raidernick> although the end of the curve there look a bit different
<Raidernick> the image sucks unfortunately
<Raidernick> starting from 120 seconds i think?
<Raidernick> and the start also
<schnobs> Come again?
<Raidernick> the shape of the curve
<Raidernick> the "standard" curve
<Raidernick> is different than the one you just sent me
<schnobs> I've got the hump a bit too soon, i think.
<Raidernick> it has a sharp jump in thrust at ignition in the pdf
<Raidernick> and the last few seconds of thrust seem to flatten out before droping more sharply
<Raidernick> the rest of the curve looks good
<schnobs> Yeah, that's a PITA to get right. As are the wobbles at the end of the tailoff.
<Raidernick> btw the srmu one is good
<schnobs> The main curve doesn't quite fit yet either. Getting there.
<Raidernick> so you don't need to make a pr for that too
<Raidernick> unless you don't like how that guy did it?
<schnobs> One could almost re-use the 1205 curve at different thrust. Only that the main hump on the 1207 lasts 30sec, on the 1205 it's only 20sec.
<schnobs> Nah, what i came here to ask:
<Raidernick> if you think reusing it is better than doing it again from scratch that's fine too
<schnobs> Given that the cuvres for different thrust levels all work quite well, and can be set by the user using the SRB thrust slider...
<Raidernick> one srb that you definitely CAN reuse it for is the ua1206
<schnobs> I wonder if one shouldn't make just one config and leave it to the user?
<schnobs> Would it be possible tha the main slider is set to 90% by default?
<Raidernick> maybe
<Raidernick> but that's going to cause issues with multiple mesh files
<Raidernick> or mods that use mesh changes
<schnobs> ?
<Raidernick> i think it's best to just have them separate
<Raidernick> however they CAN adjust the thrust to match one of the other curves for the same booster
<schnobs> I can of course make three different configs that have only differ in rated thrust.
<Raidernick> yes
<Raidernick> that's what i think is best
<Raidernick> don't try to combine the configs
<Raidernick> i wish that RF had an srb config manager similar to what ti uses for liquid engines
<Raidernick> then you could combine similar ones like this
<Raidernick> but without that keeping them as separate files and just changing the thrust is best
<schnobs> I'm totally unsure about the 15xx boosters.
<schnobs> I guess I could re-use the 12xx curves -- from what I gather, nearly any curve could be built into a SRB. So it wouldn't be wrong, per se. But... I'm not happy with that approach.
<Raidernick> does that report now have any example curves for those?
<Raidernick> not*
<schnobs> That one's only about 1205 and 1207.
<Raidernick> ah ok
<Raidernick> i didn't look further into it than that pages about the 1207
<schnobs> The only thing dealing with 15-foor SRMs I could find, was UA advertising possible solutions for space shuttle boosters.
<Raidernick> since that's what i was looking for
<schnobs> Those all have very flat and long curves, 130sec.
<schnobs> Don't look anything like what eventualy was on the shuttle.
<Raidernick> i don't know then
<Raidernick> you might need to just fudge the numbers to come up with something
<Raidernick> i wouldn't copy the ua12 booster curves
<schnobs> Well, it will certainly look similar, but probably not quite the same.
<Raidernick> is there any information on grain shape?
<schnobs> in the 12xx doc? Yes.
<Raidernick> can you use that to "guess" but change the length of it to come up with something for the other boosters?
<Raidernick> I'm assuming they'd use a similar shape
<schnobs> Me too.
<schnobs> Nutshell: 5 or 7 circular sections, plus aft and nose section.
<schnobs> Only the nose section had a star cut.
<schnobs> That's the hump at the beginning.
<schnobs> 1207 had a larger nose section ("forward closure"), hence the hump lasts longer.
<schnobs> Remaining adjustments com from burning the main sections either only inside out, or from one or both fore/aft ends as well.
<schnobs> That's the meanin of "both ends restriced".
<Raidernick> ok
<schnobs> further variations would be possible by having slower and faster burning propellant in different sections, but I think they only considerd cases where the forward closure was the odd one out.
<schnobs> Grrr. 156-in SRMs were MOL/LUNEX. Hence DoD, not NASA.
<schnobs> "Approved for public release", but apparently not digitized.
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<Raidernick> schnobs, pap plans to release RO tonight
<Raidernick> any chance you can get that ua1207 curve done
<Raidernick> i'll be merging your PR very soon
<Raidernick> i'm testing the other curve ones now
<Mike`> schnobs nice work, but where are the tangents? :(
<Mike`> But yeah you discovered an issue with their calculation which apparently happens when the data points are too close and/or the section is flat. Will investigate that some more later i think.
<Raidernick> @Mike`, the release is tonight
<Raidernick> if the fix needs to be in that it has to be done within the next 6 hours
<Mike`> That's fine
<Mike`> it doesn't
<Raidernick> the ua1207 one does
<Raidernick> that booster has the issue with internal temp
<Raidernick> that some of the others did
<Mike`> oh, yeah, i meant my tangent fix doesn't have to get in. :) About the ua, yeah, that really should get fixed if it has temp issues.
<Raidernick> the curve is just bad
<Raidernick> it's totally wrong
<Raidernick> i don't know where it was copied from
<Raidernick> probably a much smaller booster
<Raidernick> they also remain at 100% thrust the entire time
<Mike`> in theory i could create a curve in an 30-60 mins i guess but i'd rather want to sleep as it's late here.
<Mike`> Isn't it an option to just delay the release a day or two and you could press the button then in case the curve's not getting ready?
<Raidernick> it's not up to me