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<schnobs> Any reason why we still have the old UA120x thrust curves?
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<schnobs> Nah, we don't...
<schnobs> Except that we do.
<schnobs> Raidernick?
<Raidernick> i didn't update them
<Raidernick> i don't know
<Raidernick> ask pap
<schnobs> RO engine config looks fine, but I'm still getting the old thrust curve in my ModuleManagerConfigCache.
<schnobs> So it's something about how the patches are applaied.
<Raidernick> it's fine for me
<Raidernick> the thrust curve i'm seeing is the exact one from the generic file
<schnobs> Are there other part packs beyond FASA that provide the UA120x SRMs?
<Raidernick> mine
<Raidernick> the fasa ones are old and crap
<Raidernick> i made actual good ones for the titan iv
<Raidernick> it provides the 1207 and srmu
<Raidernick> you shouldn't be using the fasa ones, but if you are for some reason and they aren't using the right curves
<schnobs> US rockets?
<Raidernick> it's either because they have a weird config setup
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<Raidernick> or not using the generic config
<Raidernick> yes
<schnobs> Well, FASA having a weird config setup wouldn't exactly be news.
<Raidernick> i just looked at the fasa configs
<Raidernick> they have thrust curves defined there
<Raidernick> and aren't using the generic configs
<Raidernick> so there is your problem
<Raidernick> they haven't been updated in 3 years
<Raidernick> it's not my responsibility to do the fasa configs
<Raidernick> i already have too much on my plate
<Raidernick> they were entirely made and are maintained by someone else
<schnobs> I'm using FASA because... well, done so for three years. Habit mostly.
<Raidernick> since I own fasa now
<Raidernick> your best bet is to check my mods to see if i replaced a fasa model
<Raidernick> i replace what i thin is necessary
<Raidernick> think*
<Raidernick> a lot of the models are super old and don't look good anymore
<Raidernick> you can see the replacements there
<schnobs> Just btw, would it be an option to have an adjustable nozzle cant?
<schnobs> The 6° were supposed to line up with the CoM of the LV. Arguably you'd want something different if you want to get creative.
<schnobs> Down to zero degree for a scout-like SRM stack.
<Raidernick> i would need to make a second model for it
<Raidernick> animating an object that gimbals doesn't work well
<Raidernick> i've tried
<Raidernick> especially since it uses skinned meshes
<Raidernick> also the boosters are asymmetrical
<Raidernick> so it would cause issues anyway
<Raidernick> i think they were designed to only be used as strapon boosters
<Raidernick> the actuators and tvc fuel are all on one side
<Raidernick> so they aren't balanced masswise
<Raidernick> or aerodynamically
<schnobs> Sorry, work calling. BRB.