UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
[Principia] eggrobin commented on issue #2144: Extending the external API to allow for interaction with flight planning -
[Principia] eggrobin closed issue #2144: Extending the external API to allow for interaction with flight planning -
[Principia] RCrockford opened issue #2571: RCS burns in editor are incorrect for multi-port thrusters -
[Principia] RCrockford edited issue #2571: RCS burns in editor are incorrect for multi-port thrusters -
[Principia] pleroy synchronize pull request #2566: Three new API functions -
<justice_arman> DM: you come across a large egg ⏎ ⏎ DRUID: can we please keep this one? ⏎ ⏎ WIZARD: what kind of egg is that? ⏎ ⏎ DRUID: [lo…
(well, that is not PhysX’s fault, it is just investigating workarounds to PhysX’s behaviour, and some approaches that we initially thought were sound are not)
egg|laptop|egg: hah
(but 500 rpm rockets are very silly)
if you mount a drill on top you could make a borehole.
(in particular because the various parts start being stretched apart so the rocket is made of magically held bits spinning away)
also cute graphs
have you ever considered integrating jsbsim with ksp
also my cat is snoring
jsbsim ?
Johann-Sebastian Bach sim
well, I guess this sounds a lot more like ferram4’s purview
but I should point out that, whereas what we do in Principia is ultimately pretty standard problems, ferram4 actually has to deal with strange new problems
Music of the spherical harmonics?
most flight sims don’t have to deal with your plane suddenly deciding that it no longer has wings
so you can precompute good models as slowly as you want
and most sims deal with planes, and not whatever weirdly misshapen things people come up with, so the model can’t be too tailored to sane aircraft
whereas FAR has to come up with a flight model for a clothes iron in real-time
(I recommend the #principia channel for general principia design chatter and occasionally blathering with ferram as well)
egg|laptop|egg: do you play DnD
very occasionally, and if so, very weirdly
in the two campaigns I have been in, I have played an egg
<GregroxMun> @eggleroy and I have been working last night and today to rigorously define the internal structure of his D&D chara…
what does the statblock of an egg have
lol egg of holding
mostly it is a convenience so I can be in someone’s pocket when I’m not able to join for timezone or other busitude reasons
my role in combat generally consists in doing weird things with mage hand, e.g. holding a cafe menu in front of someone’s face as they were trying to stab someone on the party