UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
<egg|laptop|egg> whitequark: umbralraptop: how far can one see within the atmosphere at those wavelengths
<egg|laptop|egg> (could I observe cows with an infrared telescope)
<umbralraptop> Not sure. I know there are some windows weirdly far in the IR, but it would be much easier if you were on the lengian^Wantarctic plateau
<umbralraptop> (water: surprisingly evil)
<umbralraptop> Ah, N (10.5 +- 2.5 μm) is where the most relevant window is
<umbralraptop> Supposedly there's a Q around 21 microns
<egg|laptop|egg> lengian?
<umbralraptop> The Plateau of Leng being a location invented by Lovecraft
<egg|laptop|egg> ah right
<umbralraptop> Various locations include the dreamlands, andarctica, and the himalayas/tibetan plateau
<umbralraptop> *antarctica
<umbralraptop> !8 Can I convince people to call some sort of fλ unit the Johnson?
<galois> umbralraptop: yes
<egg|laptop|egg> umbralraptop: in reference to whom
<umbralraptop> Harold Johnson, the person primarily responsible for the UBV photometric system
<umbralraptop> anyway, seems relevant to your FLIR question
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<umbralraptop> !8 Is vega well defined?
<galois> umbralraptop: yes
<egg|laptop|egg> !8 does Vega eggsist
<galois> egg|laptop|egg: yes
<egg|laptop|egg> umbralraptop: however have you considered: bolometric magnitudes
<umbralraptop> egg|laptop|egg: My detectors have very finite wavelength ranges!
<umbralraptop> (Also, bolometers are really more of farIR detectors)
<umbralraptop> (and/or detecting giant robotic tanks)
* umbralraptop has everything in place to get AB magnitudes, but despite Oke's efforts, Vega ones are far more common
<umbralraptop> So, is Vega 9500 K blackbody? 9600 K? 9800 K? 10000 K? Do I nead to break out one of Kurucz's models?
<umbralraptop> I guess I'm not far enough into the IR that I need to worry about actually existing Vega's debris disk
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<egg|laptop|egg> UmbralRaptor: giant robotic tanks?
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<umbralraptop> egg: yeah, series origionally by keith laumer about robotic tanks
<egg|laptop|egg> whitequark: which cat is which in
<whitequark> the left cat has an intact tail
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<umbralraptop> 10% more cat per cat?
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<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] void4 starred Principia -
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<umbralraptop> hrm, recent roadwork makes it harder to commit bird crimes
<umbralraptop> (also more dangerous, since the speed limit is now higher)
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<galois> title: [2006.12417] Mitigation of LEO Satellite Brightness and Trail Effects on the Rubin Observatory LSST
<egg|laptop|egg> LSST
<egg|laptop|egg> LSST?
<galois> LSST: Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
<egg|laptop|egg> !acr -update:LSST Large Synoptic Survey Telescope|Legacy Survey of Space and Time
<galois> Invalid command. Valid forms: !acr -add:LMAO Lagrange Made Awesome Orbits, !acr -redef:ROFL Rare Occultations for Life, !acr -del:IEEE
<egg|laptop|egg> !acr -redef:LSST Large Synoptic Survey Telescope|Legacy Survey of Space and Time
<galois> Definition added!
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] eggrobin pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] eggrobin 4428e8c - Missing link to ZFP.
<egg|laptop|egg> !wpn
* galois gives egg|laptop|egg a bear with a teglon attachment
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umbralra1top is now known as raptop
<raptop> !u 🎼 🎶 🎵
<galois> 🎶: U+1f3b6 MULTIPLE MUSICAL NOTES
<galois> 🎼: U+1f3bc MUSICAL SCORE
<galois> 🎵: U+1f3b5 MUSICAL NOTE
<raptop> !8 Is cinnabar tasty?
<galois> raptop: yes
<raptop> (forbidden spice)
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<raptop> !u u+0026
<galois> u: U+0075 LATIN SMALL LETTER U
<galois> +: U+002b PLUS SIGN
<galois> 0: U+0030 DIGIT ZERO
<galois> 0: U+0030 DIGIT ZERO
<galois> 2: U+0032 DIGIT TWO
<galois> 6: U+0036 DIGIT SIX
<raptop> !u U+0026
<galois> +: U+002b PLUS SIGN
<galois> 0: U+0030 DIGIT ZERO
<galois> 0: U+0030 DIGIT ZERO
<galois> 2: U+0032 DIGIT TWO
<galois> 6: U+0036 DIGIT SIX
<raptop> ...
<raptop> !help
<galois> Hang on, I'm creating a list.
<galois> I've posted a list of my commands at - You can see more info about any of these commands by doing .help <command> (e.g. .help time)
<raptop> !help u
<SnoopJ> oh it just spits out codepoints for whatever you give it
<SnoopJ> I wonder if !py is turned on though
<SnoopJ> !py
<SnoopJ> !py 1+1
<SnoopJ> bah
<raptop> Also, technically the help command should have ! instead of .
<raptop> Hrm, maybe it needs a compose command?
<SnoopJ> Yea Sopel is less than consistent about respecting prefixes
<raptop> hm
<SnoopJ> if !py were on you could do !py "\u0026"
* raptop pokes a REPL window
<raptop> oh, cool
<SnoopJ> \N is neat too, you can do e.g. `python3 -c 'print("\N{CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-732B}")'`
<SnoopJ> to get 猫
<SnoopJ> !u 猫
<galois> 猫: U+732b CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-732B
<SnoopJ> of dubious use for that, but something like "how it's going: \N{PILE OF POO}" can be occasionally useful
* raptop can never tell the difference between a cat and a picture
<SnoopJ> hm, which word? I don't think I know any vocab for that
<raptop> 描 (contrast with 猫)
<raptop> okay, it's more of a verb
<raptop> Two of the radicals are the same, and the third isn't *that* different
<SnoopJ> yea 扌vs 犭
<egg|laptop|egg> raptop: the traditional cat is more distinct though
<SnoopJ> ...why have I never looked at before
<galois> [WIKIPEDIA] 猫 | "ãƒ�コ(猫)ã�¯ã€�狭義ã�«ã�¯é£Ÿè‚‰ç›®ãƒ�コ科ãƒ�コ属ã�«åˆ†é¡žã�•ã‚Œã‚‹ãƒªãƒ“アヤマãƒ�コ(ヨーロッパヤマãƒ�コ)ã�Œå®¶ç•œåŒ–ã�•ã‚Œã�Ÿã‚¤ã‚¨ãƒ�コ(家猫ã€�Felis silvestris catus)ã�«å¯¾ã�™ã‚‹é€šç§°ã�§ã�‚る。イヌ(犬)ã�¨ä¸¦ã�¶ä»£è¡¨çš„ã�ªãƒšãƒƒãƒˆã�¨ã�—ã�¦æ—¥æœ¬ã‚’å�«ã‚�世界中ã�§åºƒã��飼ã‚�ã‚Œã�¦ã�„る。より広義ã�«ã�¯ã€�ヤマãƒ�コやãƒ�コ科動物全般を指ã�™ã�“ã�¨ã‚‚ã�‚る(å¾
<SnoopJ> oh dear
<SnoopJ> bad bot
<galois> =[
<SnoopJ> it's not fair of me to blame the bot for my poor handling of text
<raptop> egg|laptop|egg: so you're saying reject modernity, embrace tradition?
<raptop> not seeming all that distinct on my system
<egg|laptop|egg> 貓
<raptop> hrm
<SnoopJ> badger radical makes more sense than dog radical
<SnoopJ> oh jisho lists it as cat, badger
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<raptop> ...oh, so that's why Orin has a wheelbarrow
<galois> title: 猫車 -
<SnoopJ> what the heck, what a delightful word
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<SnoopJ> oh, I guess it's not the usual way you'd write it
<SnoopJ> ahh the ja wiki page has some speculative etymologies
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<raptop> ...and that's another paper that uses kJy in a funny hat
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