UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
iximeow: if I had said “have you checked on the spider recently” and left it at that, only me you egg and raptor would have gotten it
Also it looks like the image is pretty saturated around the bright object. Could it be blooming in a weird way
that's definitely possible. i haven't seen it on dimmer (but still bright) stars but i'm not yet certain they don't have long enough spikes to see it
either way, i'd like to find what's doing this :|
increasingly distrustful of the lrgb filters i have, too. that would be weird here, but not impossible
actually. if it's a weird polarization(?) thing from the filters i can rule that out by changing the rotation and seeing if the pattern changes.
* iximeow
waits 20 minutes for an answer
! it does not move with rotation !
I guess that points to the saturation hypothesis
it could also be a weird defect in the filter. i'm going to see if this remains in non-L
As in something near WISE W1 or IRAC channel 1?
if only. i had a light pollution filter that i thought, sure, what harm is it gonna do rejecting sodium or whatever? and it's a seven slot filter wheel, so what else would i put there?
(what i would love to put there is a 2" diffraction grating. that would be rad.)
this might be the vanes not being perfectly parallel.
since I don't know Chinese, I assume that the green lines are nebular emission ones, and the orange are common light pollution (eg: sodium and mercury)?
It's actually pretty cool that it's possible to make a filter with that response curve
yeah! i'd love to learn a bit more about filter design one of these days
my extremely unscientific "draw lines in mspaint" methodology has me thinking that, indeed, the vanes aren't quite in line
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title: [2101.05587] HUBS: A dedicated hot circumgalactic medium explorer
(Though that one works pretty well)
* raptop
stabs dielectrics
Don't worry, they're ideal dielectrics in a vacuum, and the one that's giving me trouble right now is even a sphere!
(it's not a cow, though)
Anyway, a point charge q is in free space a distance d from the center of a dielectric sphere of radius a (a < d), and dielectric constant ε/ε0. Find the potential at all points in space as an expansion in spherical harmonics