egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf | Logs:
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* egg|anbo|egg_ scritches whitequark
<egg|anbo|egg_> !wpn whitequark, smkz, & al.
* galois gives whitequark, smkz, & al. a yugoloth
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<raptop> !8 Will the summer changes that mason is proposing to email finally break my thunderbird access?
<galois> raptop: yes
* raptop hochos things
<egg|cell|egg> raptop: it sounds like tuxedo cat might know how to operate the flap
<egg|cell|egg> ANBOcat does not approve
<raptop> egg|cell|egg: now you have two cats
* raptop eyes and wonders if it would be practical to use a Starship to do a buch of asteroid sample returns
<galois> title: [2105.01900] Visible-Infrared spectroscopy of ungrouped and rare meteorites brings further constraints on meteorite-asteroid connections
<raptop> well, to launch a number of probes to do the sample returns
<raptop> lotta asteroid papers went up on arχiv today
<galois> March 2020 | Alt-text: "I've traveled here from the year 2020 to bring you this vaccine!"
<galois> title: xkcd: March 2020
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<egg|anbo|egg_> meoow
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<SnoopJ> "or maybe not, but maybe" HAH
* raptop wonders if anyone has done an exoplanet version of that comic
<raptop> (and if they have, did I link it and forget?)
<raptop> astronomers naming things:
<galois> title: [2105.02206] Magnetic chemically peculiar stars investigated by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager
<raptop> "Solar Mass Ejection Imager" sounds something a supervillian made that launches a star into intergalactic space (or outright destroys it) with each use
<raptop> more astronomers naming things:
<galois> title: [2105.02034] Dust changes in Sakurai's Object: new PAHs and SiC with coagulation of submicron-sized silicate dust into 10 micron-sized melilite grains
<raptop> (Though "Sakurai's Object" sounds like a textbook)
<raptop> PAH?
<raptop> !acr -add:PAH Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbon
<galois> Definition added!
<raptop> MaNGA?
<galois> MaNGA: Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO
<raptop> More of HEP than astronomers naming things:
<galois> title: [2105.01668] The ANITA Anomalous Events and Axion Quark Nuggets
<raptop> (This is what happens when my advisor requries I keep on on arχiv for a week)
<raptop> Polish astronomers naming things:
<galois> title: [2105.02120] The Araucaria Project. Distances to Nine Galaxies Based on a Statistical Analysis of their Carbon Stars (JAGB Method)
<raptop> (So also their names require a bit of LaTeXing)
<raptop> !seen icefire
<galois> raptop: I last saw icefire in here 11 months, 8 days ago, saying: !wpn
<X> !wpn
* galois gives X a private lithium dodecagon
<SnoopJ> apt last message
<SnoopJ> !wpn raptop, X, et al.
* galois gives raptop, X, et al. an ambidextrous snow
<SnoopJ> no thank you, hold the snow for a few months pls
<X> I got an erotic weapon that burns on exposure to water. Then I was given snow. A ticking time bomb.
<raptop> !wpn SnoopJ && X
* galois gives SnoopJ && X an embezzling lore with a trachea attachment
<raptop> O_o O_O o_O
<SnoopJ> galois's DB has gotten pretty good
<mofh> raptop: doesn't appear to be unusually named?
<raptop> mofh: the weapon, or the papers that Grothendieck wrote?
<raptop> !u 🤌
<galois> No info for U+1f90c (I only know about Unicode up to 12.1.0)
* SnoopJ pets galois
<SnoopJ> Maybe One Day™, bud
<raptop> Apparently I need to update my emoji fonts for symbols released in 2020
<SnoopJ> I'm not even sure what version of Python galois is currently running on, come to think of it. It's *probably* 3.8
<SnoopJ> most of the code responsible for trawling UCD is in CPython's tools/ dir, even
<X> O_o
<X> I need to learn python apparently... and I have really no desire to do so until I need it for something.
<SnoopJ> I can't remember the process of learning it, which is only slightly concerning
<raptop> X: obviously for messing around with some random numpy functions and making graphs
<SnoopJ> numpy gud
<X> I just need a certificate so I can find a real job.
<X> Or I need to buck up.
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