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<Ellied> ;mission
<kmath> Ellied: You read that SpaceX's Dragon has succesfully attacked the International Spacestation. It turns out that non-thermal bremsstrahlung hurts just as much as the normal kind.
icefire has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
* UmbralRaptor ? UmbralRaptor in the paperwork.
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* UmbralRaptor x_x
<UmbralRaptor> Bad dinosaur!
<Iskierka> At least it means the speech recognition is pretty good if a bird can order?
<UmbralRaptor> And yes, real life has absurd grinding?
<UmbralRaptor> probably.
<UmbralRaptor> probably at the speech recognition
<UmbralRaptor> out of season birb?
<Iskierka> they fail on reducing it and decide that the opposite doesn't work either
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg
<UmbralRaptor> There's this weird assumption among most politicians that jobs are easily available, and all (or at least most) have benefits.
* UmbralRaptor is still bitter about those emails touting the benefits of a healthcare plan he will probably never be eligible for.
<Ellied> irc is complicated. >_>
<Pinkbeast> IRC is a horrible kludge
<Ellied> I'm trying to write a guide to it for my classmates and so far it reads like five pages of "oh, and"
<Pinkbeast> "try and avoid talking to anyone, they're all dreadful"
<Iskierka> just give them RFC 2812
<Ellied> Pinkbeast: I solved that problem by installing my own IRCd. I now have a clean server with no people on it.
<Pinkbeast> Nice but of limited utility
<Pinkbeast> I'm at the dead dog at Eastercon; someone is explaining their kook theory as to why relativity is bogus to a very patient foreign chap
<Pinkbeast> I am keeping my gob shut but it's getting increasingly hard because someone is Wrong on the Real Life
<Iskierka> people who claim relativity is wrong I think are probably under the misunderstanding that he just made it up out of nowhere
<Iskierka> as opposed to the michaelson-morley experiment completely refuting all conventional logic of space
<Pinkbeast> I expect a slightly higher average level of comprehension at Eastercon
* Iskierka googles
<Iskierka> but yes, if interrupting, ask if they're aware of the michaelson-morley experiment
<Pinkbeast> It's the UK's national SF convention, about 1000 attendees.
<Pinkbeast> The foreign chap is well aware of it and is trying to get a word in edgeways
<Pinkbeast> Now there's a conspiracy? theory involving integer representations in computers
<Iskierka> o.O
<Iskierka> location of it would've been a bit awkward for me anyway
<Pinkbeast> Something about the Earth's magnetic field, simulations thereof, and that all integer representations have the sign in the first bit.
<Iskierka> except the unsigned ones
<Pinkbeast> One of many flaws in this argument, yes
<Iskierka> egg: you have a decimal logic calculator, does it manage signs? (and how?)
<Pinkbeast> location> quite convenient with Whitby being next weekend; staying over in Sheffield tomorrow night
<egg> Iskierka: ?
* UmbralRaptor recalls recently running across someone online who seemed to think that the twin paradox (and time dilation in general) was not well grounded. o_O
egg is now known as egg|nomz|egg
<Pinkbeast> Oh, oddly much of kook's argument was rooted in the fact that GPS works.
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg
<UmbralRaptor> O_o?
<Pinkbeast> Well, frequencies are the same everywhere.
<Iskierka> egg: I recall you mentioning a DL calculator before and was wondering how it achieves negatives without 2's complement
<Pinkbeast> I may not be doing the argument justice
<Pinkbeast> I _think_ it hung on a failure to understand how time dilation and apparent size dilation means everything looks right at both ends
<Iskierka> until you allow a tachyon telephone
<Pinkbeast> Please do not violate causality. Or turn out to have violated causality last week.
<egg> Pinkbeast: conjugation and time travel are hard
<egg> Pinkbeast: do not have violated causality?
<Pinkbeast> egg: Well, I mind when I find out about it, when I open my wallet to find out Iskie went back in time and stole all the money
<Pinkbeast> Now I have a 2038 tenner and the Queen is a dragon
<Iskierka> I burned it in front of a tory asking for more MP allowance
<Pinkbeast> In that case I forgive you
<egg> Pinkbeast: Iskierka is the queen?
<Pinkbeast> I dunno, dragon recognition's not my forte
icefire has joined #kspunofficial
<Ellied> I like inspircd's history module. Makes IRC a little more like other chat services that automatically hold messages for users that aren't online.
Lyneira has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
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<kmath> <politico> A kid asks Trump to sign his hat at the White House Easter Egg Roll. The president signs ... and then tosses the ha…
<Glaug-Eldare> oh man, I read about that
<Glaug-Eldare> was a dick
<Glaug-Eldare> what*
<Ellied> incredible
<Ellied> ;mission
<kmath> Ellied: You search for the Mysterious Cities of Kerbin. Your GPU fries.
<Ellied> sounds pretty much as expected
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg