egg|zzz|egg changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Cartan. We currently target 1.2.2. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out |
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<rsparkyc> so i remember hearing that it's a feature that you can't target celestials. What's the best way to get my relative inclination to one then?
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<GH> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #1353: Make it possible to construct a SolarSystem from protocol buffers (master...SolarSystemCreation)
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<GH> [Principia] pleroy commented on issue #1353: retest this please
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<GH> [Principia] pleroy closed pull request #1353: Make it possible to construct a SolarSystem from protocol buffers (master...SolarSystemCreation)
<GH> [Principia] pleroy pushed 4 new commits to master:
<GH> Principia/master 8045e6f pleroy: SolarSystem constructor.
<GH> Principia/master 386aac1 pleroy: Fix tests.
<GH> Principia/master 9c2b079 pleroy: Second constructor.
<rsparkyc> um, how is this even possible?
<rsparkyc> it's like i'm slingshotting around the moon, yet i'm staying on the far side
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<egg|zzz|egg> [answered in #RO]
<GH> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #1354: Support for KSP frames in SolarSystem (master...Frames)
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<GH> [Principia] pleroy closed pull request #1354: Support for KSP frames in SolarSystem (master...Frames)
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<rsparkyc> what log should i be looking at to make this more useful?
<rsparkyc> 8 0x00000004b7ee6485 google::DumpStackTraceAndExit() + 341
<rsparkyc> 9 0x00000004b7eddd9a google::LogMessage::Fail() + 10
<rsparkyc> 12 0x00000004b7ee206e google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal() + 606
<rsparkyc> 10 0x00000004b7edcc69 google::LogMessage::SendToLog() + 921
<rsparkyc> 11 0x00000004b7edd29d google::LogMessage::Flush() + 189
<rsparkyc> 13 0x00000004b7ede149 google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal() + 9
<rsparkyc> 14 0x00000004b7df2ebf principia::physics::internal_continuous_trajectory::ContinuousTrajectory<principia::geometry::internal_frame::Frame<principia::serialization::Frame_PluginTag, (principia::serialization::Frame_PluginTag)7, true> >::WriteToMessage(principia::base::not_null<principia::serialization::ContinuousTrajectory*>, principia::physics::internal_continuous_trajectory::ContinuousTraje
<rsparkyc> 15 0x00000004b7ded6b1 principia::physics::internal_ephemeris::Ephemeris<principia::geometry::internal_frame::Frame<principia::serialization::Frame_PluginTag, (principia::serialization::Frame_PluginTag)7, true> >::WriteToMessage(principia::base::not_null<principia::serialization::Ephemeris*>) const + 593
<rsparkyc> 16 0x00000004b7db12c1 principia::ksp_plugin::internal_plugin::Plugin::WriteToMessage(principia::base::not_null<principia::serialization::Plugin*>) const + 2337
<rsparkyc> 17 0x00000004b7d4f023 principia__SerializePlugin + 259
<UmbralRaptor> o_o
<UmbralRaptor> pastebin?
<rsparkyc> you guys and your pastebin…
<rsparkyc> what's the ethical limit to number of lines you should paste here?
<UmbralRaptor> ambiguous, I'd use 4 as a guess.
<rsparkyc> ok
<rsparkyc> i'll paste in batches of 4 then :)
<UmbralRaptor> aaaaaa
<rsparkyc> i bet this is the issue
<rsparkyc> F0501 16:25:20.248947 2704909248 continuous_trajectory_body.hpp:215] Check failed: s.t_max() < checkpoint.t_max_ (-1.32383520000000000e+09 s vs. -1.32384000000000000e+09 s)
<rsparkyc> (there, 1 line)
<rsparkyc> got that from stderr.log
<rsparkyc> egg, any ideas?
<rsparkyc> ooo, termbin FTW
<egg> rsparkyc: make an issue, send the INFO log that ends with this FATAL log
<rsparkyc> will do
<egg> it has to be the INFO log, otherwise we can't decode the stacktrace, and it has to be the one with that FATAL log obviously :-p
<rsparkyc> the Player.log?
<egg> ...
* egg slaps rsparkyc with the FAQ
<egg> our logs
<rsparkyc> i'll find it
<egg> we have our logs, and we describe how to find them right at the beginning of the FAQ
<egg> which you have read
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<rsparkyc> glog dir
<egg> ja genau
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<rsparkyc> of course, i wipe out that directory, try to reproduce it, and it doesn't break...
<egg> why the fuck do you wipe that directory
<egg> it's the bloody logs
<egg> you're not supposed to wipe them, you're supposed to send them to me and do nothing else!
<rsparkyc> because 1) it was full of old crap, and 2) i like to make sure i'm sending you the right stuff so you're not waisting your time
<rsparkyc> and 3) it happened twice in a row, so i figured it was repeatable
<egg> never trust that something is repeatable, 1. is fine, that old crap can be useful, 2. that's why I ask you to look for the one that ends with that FATAL failure
<egg> (which you can find because it's *the exact same line*)
<rsparkyc> well, you're in luck, because i catted the file i think was it
<rsparkyc> i'll make an issue with that
<egg> yup that's the right FATAL failure
<egg> oooooh but it's OS X
<rsparkyc> see, useless :)
<egg> I can't decode non windows traces, you'll have to forward that to lamont
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<egg> keep that log though, it's interesting
<rsparkyc> !tell lamont egg thought you might like this one:
<Qboid> rsparkyc: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<egg> rsparkyc: forwarded the FATAL log to phl, who agrees that it's going to be hard
<rsparkyc> hard to fix? hard to diagnose?
<egg> to diagnose
<rsparkyc> a little background: on a RealismOverhaul install, about 8 years in
<rsparkyc> that happened going into the tracking station
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<lamont> hmmm
<Qboid> lamont: rsparkyc left a message for you in #principia [01.05.2017 20:46:10]: "egg thought you might like this one:"
<lamont> that looks like its just floating point differences
<lamont> there’s that pile of failing tests i ignored because it was tiny deltas off by even tinier deltas
<egg> it most certainly doesn't look like that, lamont
<lamont> F0501 16:25:20.248947 2704909248 continuous_trajectory_body.hpp:215] Check failed: s.t_max() < checkpoint.t_max_ (-1.32383520000000000e+09 s vs. -1.32384000000000000e+09 s)
<lamont> ^ that?
<egg> that's a huge difference, nowhere near the limit of precision
<lamont> oh ‘k
<lamont> oh e+09
<egg> if it's FP roundoff stuff, it's in the last digits
<lamont> welp
<egg> here it's only 6 digits in
<egg> there's a logic failure here of sorts, but good flippin' luck with that :-\
<rsparkyc> 1/1000 %?
<rsparkyc> where's the mantissa on that number?
<rsparkyc> and is it double precision?
<lamont> some sort of integration where a round off error of some sort gets magnitifed by orders of magnitude?
<egg> no
<egg> ;rpn -1.32383520000000000e+09 -1.32384000000000000e+09 -
<kmath> egg: 4800.0
<egg> that's off by a whole checkpoint probably
<egg> rsparkyc: this is a save you created with Cartan?
<rsparkyc> yeah
<egg> so the default timestep of the ephemeris is 10 min, which is 600 s
<rsparkyc> well, i gotta run
<egg> ;rpn 4800 600 /
<kmath> egg: 8.0
<egg> yeah, 8 points, that's a whole polynomial
<rsparkyc> i'll prob be on later tonight, feel free to leave me a message me if you want me to try anything
<egg> well try to reproduce it
<rsparkyc> not that I expect there to be anything for me to try :)
<rsparkyc> yeah, i will
<egg> if you can do so deterministically, turn on journalling
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