egg changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Cesàro. We currently target both 1.2.2 and 1.3. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out |
<awang> egg|zzz|egg: Is BurnEditor.Render() called every frame?
<awang> Or if not, how frequently?
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<GH> [Principia] aw1621107 opened issue #1609: Flight plan window can become inaccessible after deleting last maneuver
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<awang> egg|nomz|egg: How is the duration for a burn calculated for an instant impulse?
<egg|nomz|egg> awang: with a *really high* thrust (it's in UseTheForceLuke)
<egg|nomz|egg> (because instant is kinda messy, but it's very short)
<egg|nomz|egg> (in principle instant would be easy but a completely different code path and we don't actually want that, it's a fallback)
<awang> Ah
<awang> Makes sense
<awang> Also, is there a set order of private members at the end of a class?
<awang> C# class
<awang> I may have accidentally at least partially addressed one of your TODO(egg)s
<egg|nomz|egg> the order of private members is dictated by good taste
<egg|nomz|egg> good taste is defined by the reviewer :-p
<egg|nomz|egg> awang: also, your flight plan window bug seems like a great bug for you to look into if you want to poke at the c#
<awang> Handy :P
<awang> I'll just pick a random spot and hope it works out :P
<awang> I'll definitely take a look
<awang> Are you opposed to having the window be scrollable instead of dragging parts of it off-screen?
<awang> Also, I thought LINQ was generally discouraged for games?
<egg|nomz|egg> show me a benchmark that shows it's significant compared to principia's main C++ logic, otherwise readability first :-p
<awang> Very true
<egg|nomz|egg> not opposed to scrollable, the UI design was mostly eggstremely lazy
<awang> egg|nomz|egg: How is burn duration calculated?
<awang> The duration appears to approach some kind of upper bound as maneuver dv increases
<awang> Admittedly, the maneuver dv is impossibly high
<awang> But the behavior of the duration value seems somewhat odd
<egg|nomz|egg> awang: циолковский
<egg|nomz|egg> at constant burn rate it takes finite time to burn off all your rocket, reaching an infinite speed
<egg|nomz|egg> most rockets are equipped with a little bit of non-fuel mass to prevent that :-p
<awang> lol
<awang> One of the funnier explanations I've heard :P
<awang> Where in the .cs file should I put an enum that is used inside the class only?
<egg|nomz|egg> in the class?
<awang> Like at the top, bottom with the rest of the instance variables, or elsewhere?
<egg|nomz|egg> (anyway we'll heavily nitpick about that once code review comes so don't worry yet)
<egg|nomz|egg> tbh the C# is not very clean, style-wise
<egg|nomz|egg> some of the classes have the variables at the bottom, others at the top
<awang> Also, would you prefer an anonymous function be broken out into a private method?
<egg|nomz|egg> I think we'd want to switch to having them at the bottom, but that would be separate cleanup work
<awang> Right now I have it sitting in the middle of a method as a local var
<awang> But I'd imagine that isn't preferred
<egg|nomz|egg> awang: depends how big it is
<egg|nomz|egg> and how complicated
<awang> Few lines. Basically checks whether an enum value matches some value and pre/appends a color tag to some text
<egg|nomz|egg> hm, if it's general-purpose useful pull it out, otherwise keep it local? we'll see at code review anyway, I don't see the code
<egg|nomz|egg> (we tend to be eggstremely nitpicky at review time, but it's kind of messy to give style advice before seeing the code)
<awang> At least at the moment it's pretty specific
<awang> True
<egg|nomz|egg> eggsample of a pull request with lots of comments: #469
<Qboid> [#469] title: Leapfrog | looks like we'll be needing a bibliography soon...... |
<awang> Oh jeeze
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<GH> [Principia] aw1621107 opened pull request #1610: Indicate burn type being used by flight planner (master...indicate-current-burn-mode)
<egg|nomz|egg> awang: uh, problem with your pull request
<egg|nomz|egg> it's not persisted
<awang> I was worried about that...
<awang> How do I persist that?
<egg|nomz|egg> it doesn't go to the C++, so it's lost on plugin destruction
<awang> Ah
<egg|nomz|egg> and adding it to the C++ is tricky
<awang> I didn't know that flight plans were persisted
<egg|nomz|egg> they are, there's a proto
<egg|nomz|egg> but in order to add things to the C++ we need to know where we want to go with burn specifications (that whole question with choosing engines and whatnot)
<awang> Ah
<awang> So what happens if it isn't persisted?
<awang> Incorrect indication when the save is reloaded?
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<egg|zzz|egg> well burn_type_ will take its default value, which is ActiveEngines
<egg|zzz|egg> you can check in game
<awang> I see
<awang> Would having it be set in Compute[Engine|RCS]Characteristics or UseTheForceLuke make it show up correctly?
<egg|zzz|egg> no, the information is lost
<awang> :(
<egg|zzz|egg> also this fails if the fallback paths occur, e.g. if there are no active engines it will say you picked that, even though it fell back to RCS
<awang> I was more aiming for "This is what the user picked, but the warning will tell you that something else is going on"
<egg|zzz|egg> ah, so that was intentional
<egg|zzz|egg> makes some sense
<awang> Since otherwise the user may be confused that "Active Engines" was clicked, but "Active RCS" or "Instant Impulse" was showing up as active
<egg|zzz|egg> but without persistence it's a mess anyway :-\
<awang> Yeah :(
<awang> Guess in that case ignore the PR
<awang> I'll keep working on engine/stage selection
<egg|zzz|egg> also even if you wanted to start hacking away at the protos you can't compile C++ right now so you couldn't test persisting additional info
<awang> I can, now that you killed WE_LOVE_228
<egg|zzz|egg> ah fun :D
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: so I guess technically you could try hacking away at that, I'd advise starting with something small like the hidden flight plan window bug though
<egg|zzz|egg> (that's self-contained, when you render the window check that it's not entirely out of bounds, if it is bring it in bounds by a minimal displacement)
<awang> I'll get on that once I get frustrated enough with the engine selection (ignoring the proto part) :P
<GH> [Principia] eggrobin commented on issue #1610: As discussed on IRC, this information is not persisted (the principia.serialization.Manoeuvre message would have to include it, as well as the interchange principia.journal.serialization.Burn)....
<GH> [Principia] eggrobin closed pull request #1610: Indicate burn type being used by flight planner (master...indicate-current-burn-mode)
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: closed as discuss, feel free to reopen (maybe poke me so we can discuss what should be in principia.serialization.Manoeuvre; while principia.journal.serialization types are a mess by construction (they're interchange), we try to keep deeper layers cleaner)
<awang> Sure, once 228 has been laid to rest
<awang> Unless you have another fun bug to focus on for the relase after the upcoming one
<egg|zzz|egg> we don't have anything planned for that one yet
<awang> :D
<awang> egg|zzz|egg: Good news: I hacked a fix that lets me use SRBs for flight planning!
<awang> Bad news: It has the same issue(s) as my earlier PR :(
<awang> And doesn't account for "proper" staging
<egg|zzz|egg> doesn't account for proper staging is ok if it's a strict improvement; no persistence is no go, but maybe you can fetch the properties of the next stage's engine or something?
<awang> Right now I just list all the engines and let the user pick :P
<egg|zzz|egg> uh that seems unwieldy
<awang> It is
<egg|zzz|egg> like I know our UX is shit, but I'd still like to see the rocket sometimes :-p
<awang> :P
<awang> Going stage-by-stage is a good idea
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Maybe let the user pick stages instead of engines
<awang> That would work better
<awang> Maybe
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