egg changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Cesàro. We currently target both 1.2.2 and 1.3. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out |
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<awang> egg|work|egg: You need to update the channel topic :P
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<egg|zzz|egg> awang: ah good catch
egg|zzz|egg changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Chasles. We currently target 1.2.2, 1.3.0, and 1.3.1. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out |
<egg|zzz|egg> !chanserv help set
<egg|zzz|egg> um
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<lamont> egg: what do you know about inverse rotating?
<egg> *endless screaming*
<lamont> so… bill told me...
<lamont> that GetOrbitalStateVectorsAtUT did not need to be fixed for inverse rotation
<lamont> that it was correct above and below the threshold
<lamont> but i’m finding that its not
<lamont> and wondering if that was a 1.2/1.3 API change
<lamont> ring any bells?
<egg> lamont: orbital state vectors (from the name, no idea what it actually does, kps api naming is daft) should be in an inertial frame?
<lamont> no, all of the orbit class is swizzled and needs to be fixed below the inverse rotation threshold
<lamont> orbit class is where literaly all of the pain is
<lamont> (swizzled == xzy swapping stuff)
<lamont> anyway if none of this is familiar it means you probably didn’t hit it in Chasles for 1.2.2/1.3.x
<egg> well not all of the orbit class I think
<egg> lamont: wait what do you mean
<egg> lamont: yes, it's right handed
<egg> contrary to the rest
<egg> but it's not in a rotating reference frames
<lamont> yeah it is
<egg> (the axes do rotate but that's daft)
<egg> yes the axes rotate
<egg> but that's not the point
<lamont> the velocity needs fixing for the inverse rotation
<lamont> (i can’t still quite wrap my head around fixing only the velocity and not the position, but i’m just rolling with it for now)
<egg> the vectors are inertial, e.g. the velocity vector represents velocity in an inertial frame
<egg> but the *axes* rotate
<egg> which is daft
<egg> (and it's all right handed but that's a completely different issue)
<egg> lamont: i.e. it's not the velocity with respect to the surface of the earth (which would make sense to represent in earth-fixed axes), it's the ECI rotation *but with ecef or whatever axes*
<egg> s/rotation/velocity
<Qboid> egg meant to say: lamont: i.e. it's not the velocity with respect to the surface of the earth (which would make sense to represent in earth-fixed axes), it's the ECI velocity *but with ecef or whatever axes*
<egg> lamont: that's not a change with Chasles, principia has had to deal with that from the beginning
<egg> and inserted in the code to deal with that is the code for our axial tilt :D
<egg> (note that planetariumframe correspond to nothing ksp-side, it's defined above in the comment)
UmbralRaptor is now known as NomalRaptor
<egg> !wpn NomalRaptor
* Qboid gives NomalRaptor a deviant metallic inverter
<NomalRaptor> AAΑAΑ
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<awang> egg: In the past, when trying to plan a lunar insertion, the periapsis marker kept "jumping around"
<awang> I'd right-click on a periapsis marker to watch the predicted altitude, adjust the planned burn, and all of a sudden a later periapsis marker is showing the predicted altitude, while the one I originally right-clicked no longer shows the predicted altitude
<awang> Undoing the change(s) made to the flight plan restores the altitude display to the marker I originally right-clicked
<egg> yeah
<awang> Does this have anything to do with #1593?
<Qboid> [#1593] title: Do not reuse map nodes for another type | Working around a KSP bug...... |
<egg> kinda
<egg> we still reuse nodes so the issue still exists
<egg> but less so, so less so I guess
<egg> but still
<egg> but less
<egg> :-p
* awang gives up trying to parse the English abomination
<egg> awang: ?
<awang> Trying to be funny and failing, I guess
<egg> awang: yeah so the thing is we don't have a way to identify "the same periapsis"
<egg> awang: so we just render all the periapsides in order, into a pool of periapsides on the C# side
<egg> awang: which means that sometimes a new one appears and it all gets shifted
<egg> "same periapsis" identification sounds tricky, but I guess somewhat useful
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<awang> Perhaps sort by encounter order?
<awang> What's the current order?
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<egg> that's what we're doing
<awang> Oh
<awang> Wonder where the jumping is coming from, then, because encounter order shouldn't change significantly with a small change in the flight plan
<awang> Or at least I think?
<awang> Actually
<awang> That's not really true for more complex trajectories...
<egg> ^
<awang> :(
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<awang> egg: Did you have to do anything with Visual Studio to address std::tr1 warnings in Google Test?
<lamont> egg: ah yeah, a guy on the PEGAS thread i think was constructing your planetariumframe in kos by using the sun as a reference i think
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<lamont> ah picturing the axes rotating makes more sense to me. i was thinking of a time-dependent rotational transformation matrix but couldn’t picture wtf that monstrosity produced.
<egg> lamont: yeah inertial vectors in rotating axes are just confusingly daft
<egg> lamont: we have to cope with that to interact with ksp, but in principia we either have inertial frames or non-inertial frames (some of which are rotating)
<egg> so if you have a Velocity<ECEF> it's actually ECEF, not ECI-but-we-rotated-it-to-ECEF-axes >_>
<egg> but hey, KSP
<egg> lamont: yeah it's easy to be tricked into these rotations rotating something (or unity's transforms transforming something) when almost always they change the reference frame to describe the same thing
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egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
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