egg|zzz|egg changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Clifford. We currently target 1.2.2, and 1.3.1. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out |
<egg> awang: do you think it's OK to release Coxeter for 1.3.1 & 1.2.2 only?
<egg> we'd like to try building the release tomorrow
<egg> of course that means we'd depend on RO not releasing for another month
<egg> (we cannot allow a principia gap!)
<awang> Are there significant C++ code changes required for 1.4.0?
<awang> Or do you not want to worry about 1.4.0 support for now?
<awang> If that, then sure
<awang> RO's release is perpetually Soon (c)
<awang> Don't think you need to worry about it releasing
<awang> Especially with 1.4.0 dependency shenanigans
<awang> And I'm somewhat tempted to see if 1.3.1 could be skipped
<awang> Or at least have both a 1.4.0 and 1.3.1 release
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<egg> awang: I don't know, I thought you had managed to get it working with 1.4.x with minor changes?
<egg> (there should never be C++ changes for that, it's all in the C# layer)
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<awang> egg: Well, it compiles
<awang> idk if it works
<awang> Want a PR, or should I wait?
<awang> *wait for 1.4.1?
<egg> feel free to make a pull request, might be nice to try it out in game
<awang> Alright
<egg> when is 1.4.1 scheduled?
<awang> Principia doesn't have any dependencies, right?
<awang> I'm guessing Tuesday?
<awang> KSP subreddit had a post from Squad about a livestream marathon Monday/Tuesday
<awang> So I'm guessing it'll drop sometime during/shortly after that?
<awang> I'm pretty sure I'm going to screw up the vsproj configuration
<GH> [Principia] aw1621107 opened pull request #1750: Get ksp_plugin_adapter compiling with KSP 1.4.0 (master...add-ksp-1.4.0-compatibility)
<awang> Looks like the C++ build actually completes on macOS now
<awang> Oh crap
<awang> Don't merge taht
<GH> [Principia] aw1621107 closed pull request #1750: Get ksp_plugin_adapter compiling with KSP 1.4.0 (master...add-ksp-1.4.0-compatibility)
<GH> [Principia] aw1621107 commented on issue #1750: I'm stupid and forgot to switch branches before recompiling :(
<egg> awang: eh, just merge master back into this and reopen
<GH> [Principia] aw1621107 opened pull request #1751: Get ksp_plugin_adapter compiling with KSP 1.4.0, take 2 (master...add-ksp-1.4.0-compatibility)
<awang> Aright, I think this one should be fine
<egg> awang: .... why make two pull requests
<egg> you could just have merged stuff into the first one...
<awang> Uh
<awang> Good question
<awang> I panicked?
<egg> poor 1750
<awang> Sorry >_<
<egg> awang: clearly you should find another unrelated change to rebase into 1750 and reopen it :-p
<egg> awang: anyway, check that things do work with 1.4.0 in game, I'll review the thing tomorrow
<awang> egg: Don't tempt me :P
<awang> Yeah, I'll get it booted up once the C++ side finishes compiling
<egg> awang: eh, I wouldn't mind if you put something into 1750, just rename it accordingly :-p
<awang> lol
<awang> Hijacking the PR?
<awang> idk if that would work since I can't rename the branch once the PR is made
<awang> I think
<egg> you can rename the pull request
<awang> Also, the linker problem with the C++ test binary seems to be something to do with Clang 5.0.0 LTO
<egg> the linker problem was a bug that we fixed today
<awang> When was the change pushed?
<egg> #1747
<Qboid> [#1747] title: Fix the Linux build | |
<awang> I pulled within the last hour
<awang> Right, I have that in my git log
<awang> And it compiles when I'm not using LTO
<awang> (and using Apple's Clang)
<egg> hm yeah LTO might confuse things I guess?
<egg> not really relevant for the test binary anyway
<awang> It shouldn't, in theory?
<egg> dunno
<awang> LTO is either too aggressive or something's not being referenced right?
<awang> Maybe I'll try hijacking 1750 for the 1.4.1 update
<awang> Assuming merge conflicts don't kill it
<egg> well you can always rebase whatever you want into that branch, no matter what happens to master :-p
<egg> (it's TODO(eggrobin) at work and TODO(egg) in principia and I get confused)
<egg> (yes there's somebody whose email is egg and who is not me)
<egg> (and sometimes I dump TODOs on them :-p)
<awang> Principia seems to be working fine in 1.4.0
<egg> yay
<awang> And that's true, with rebasing
<awang> I was thinking waiting for 1.4.1
<awang> It's not that far, and it's similar-ish
<egg> makes sense
<egg> but then again nothing we do with our usage of git makes sense here so do what you want :D
<awang> Don't like having skipped PR numbers? :P
<awang> That is very true
<egg> hmm, this is boring, it's often rather sillier
<awang> The mockingbirdnest part looks plenty silly to me
<awang> Rest is just that everyone else is too scared to contribute :P
<egg> the mockingbirdnest part has been more interesting in the past
<egg> go back to october
<awang> Oh wow
<awang> ALL the branches
<awang> btw, do C++17 features work right with clang-cl?
<egg> dunno
<awang> Or is it the MSVC backend that messes up?
<egg> clang-cl uses LLVM as its backend
<egg> clang/C2 is deprecated aiui
<awang> Oh what
<awang> I thought clang-cl was just the newer version of clang/C2
<awang> that still used the MSVC backend
<awang> LLVM the entire way through should work then
<awang> At least in theory
<awang> Hm, you're right
<awang> I should also see if I can compile Windows things on mac
<egg> awang: yeah, it's just that clang-cl is slow as hell
<egg> (so is clang tbh)
<awang> Oh?
<awang> I thought clang was supposed to be the fast one
<awang> Is MSVC that much faster than clang?
<awang> Or is it just *nix stuff being really slow on Windows?
<egg> awang: incremental compilation
<egg> with our giant template libs, that helps
<awang> Uh
<awang> Does Clang not have that?
<awang> It sounds like it should
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<GH> [Principia] pleroy commented on issue #1749: retest this please
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<GH> [Principia] pleroy pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GH> Principia/master 84f87a7 pleroy: TestPlugin is really a fake object.
<GH> Principia/master 2a17af4 Pascal Leroy: Merge pull request #1749 from pleroy/Fake...
<GH> [Principia] pleroy closed pull request #1749: TestPlugin is really a fake object, adjust its name (master...Fake)
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<egg> awang: um where is the core module dll and the image thingy dll etc.
<egg> can't find them in ksp_x64_data\managed as usual :-/
<egg> cc Sarbian
<Sarbian> uh ?
<Sarbian> egg: I have the usual Assembly-CSharp.dll
<Sarbian> Do a file check in Steam ?
<egg> Sarbian: I'm not using the steam version (I never ported my thingy to steam)
<egg> Sarbian: but see #1751
<Qboid> [#1751] title: Get ksp_plugin_adapter compiling with KSP 1.4.0, take 2 | |
<egg> awang is depending on a shittonne of DLLs because UnityEngine.dll apparently got split up?
<egg> but I can't find those in the game
<Sarbian> egg: ok, same here. I do not have a UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll
<egg> Sarbian: hm
<egg> Sarbian: but we need those as deps?
<egg> that's going to be annoying
<Sarbian> Thomas: do you have more Unity dll in Managed on Linux ?
<egg> oh gods are we going to have to have separate builds for linux
<GH> [Principia] pleroy commented on issue #1751: retest this please
<Sarbian> That looks like the dlls of a Unity 2017.3, not .1
<egg> hmm
* egg confused
<egg> !seen Thomas
<Qboid> egg: I haven't seen the user Thomas yet.
<egg> Sarbian: might have to download the linux thingy myself to check
<Sarbian> I doubt you need them all
<egg> actually I think awang uses the mac version
<egg> can download that too! :D
<egg> also I actually have a mac (my corp machine) :-p
<egg> (installing KSP on my corp machine is OK right :-p)
<Sarbian> actually I have the Linux version on the jenkins. 1s
<Sarbian> ok, same libs as Windows
<egg> downloading the Mac ones right now
<awang> egg: Uh
<awang> The split dlls are sitting in the same directory as UnityEngine.dll on my computer
<awang> And yeah, I use the mac version
<awang> I have a Windows VM though
<awang> I'll try on that
<awang> Have a linux vm too, but it doesn't have a window manager installed right now
<egg> awang: uh
<egg> awang: where is that on the mac version
<egg> #!$^%@#%^>%#$%&#$&%
<awang> ?
<egg> there's a different set of DLLs in mac and windows/linux
<egg> awang: if you build the adapter on windows (without using those new DLLs), does the adapter you produce work on mac
<egg> if that's the case then we can happily ignore the fact that the things come from different dlls
<egg> if somehow the symbols are tied to the assembly from which they come (I have no idea how this stuff works in .NET) then we're screwed
<awang> Oh
<awang> Great
<awang> Uh
<awang> I'm not sure
<awang> I don't have Principia set up on Windows yet
<awang> No clue how things work in .NET either
<awang> VS for mac did say that things were "forwarded"
<awang> And then said which dll I needed to include
<awang> Hopefully that would allow things to work?
<Sarbian> awang: can you check the Unity version in your logs ? It s strange that Mac get something that looks like a newer Unity
<awang> Sarbian: 2017.1.3p1
<awang> 02d73f71d3bd
<Sarbian> OK, then Unity did some strange things...
<egg> meow
<awang> Dangit
<awang> Looks like Clang's MSVC integration is broken with VS 2017
<egg> awang: use VS2015 to build principia
<egg> (and don't build with Release_LLVM, that's experimental)
<awang> The download page appears to be slightly broken
<egg> awang: build with MSVC using VS2015, that is the only thing that is supposed to work
<egg> and then check whether the adapter works with 1.4.0 on ma
<egg> s/$/c
<Qboid> egg meant to say: and then check whether the adapter works with 1.4.0 on mac
<awang> Working on it
<awang> Trying to figure out how to download VS 2015 first
<awang> egg: VS 2015 *just* finished installing
<egg> awang: so uh there's a deterministic null dereference if you turn on the engines apparently
<egg> (we introduced that somewhat recently I think)
<awang> egg: Wait what
<awang> What engines?
<awang> Like turn on rocket engines?
<egg> yeah
<egg> but possibly only when loading an old save
<egg> we're investigating (this is a release blocker)
<awang> Didn't happen to me when I tried out Principia on 1.4
<awang> But that was a new save
<awang> Also, you prefer to not use CMake for *nix builds, right?
<egg> makefile only
<egg> or fix bazelbuild/bazel#374 and transition to that
<Qboid> [#374] title: Allow any characters in filenames | Ultimately any character can be part of a filename. We should probably allow that.... |
<egg> (I should take some time at work to fix it probably)
<awang> That doesn't look fun to fix :(
* egg works in i18n, so
<awang> True
<awang> Why bazel instead of cmake?
<awang> Also, do I have to build using rebuild_all_solutions.ps1?
<awang> Getting a compilation error, interestingly
<awang> "Google/protobuf/vsprojects/Debug/js_embed.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file"
<egg> awang: hmm, do you have the latest protobuf from mockingbirdnest/protobuf
<egg> we should have fixed that
<awang> egg: git tells me I'm up to date
<awang> Last commit Jan 20
<awang> dc25c99?
<egg> blarg
<egg> I don't know
<egg> I thought it worked here last time we tried
<awang> Looks like js_embed.exe is in vsprojects/x64/Debug/
<awang> VS is looking in vsprojects/Debug
<awang> $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration)
<awang> Is sthere something that should go in between for the arch?
<egg> no
<awang> Guess I can hack a solution by adding /x64/ in there
<egg> hm
<egg> or maybe $(Platform) but I think that doesn't work the same on win32
<egg> I don't know just hack in an x64 and I'll look at it some other day
<egg> why is everything broken :'(
<awang> Guess I should open an issue?
<egg> OK but do so in the principia repo
<egg> so we track everything in one place
<awang> Everything is broken because evidently watching us solve normal problems isn't amusing enough for the programming deities
<awang> Alright
<awang> Yay, more errors :(
<awang> "Cannot open include file google/protobuf/unittest_no_arena_lite.pb.h: No such file or directory"
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<GH> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #1752: Capture by reference to fix an addressing fault (master...Crash)
<1APAABAWV> [Principia] pleroy closed pull request #1752: Capture by reference to fix an addressing fault (master...Crash)
<5XYAAG7GS> [Principia] pleroy pushed 2 new commits to master:
<5XYAAG7GS> Principia/master 464dcb7 pleroy: Capture by reference.
<5XYAAG7GS> Principia/master e0b58ae Pascal Leroy: Merge pull request #1752 from pleroy/Crash...
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<GH> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #1753: Next release is Cramer (master...Cramer)
<kmath> <41Strange> Gigantic Felt Cat Head created by Housetu Sato, a teacher at the Japan School of Wool Art ⏎ #HappyCaturday
<GH> [Principia] pleroy pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GH> Principia/master e72f177 Pascal Leroy: Remove Cohen notice.
<GH> [Principia] pleroy closed pull request #1753: Next release is Cramer (master...Cramer)
<GH> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #1754: Journal for Coxeter (master...Journal)
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<GH> [Principia] pleroy closed pull request #1754: Journal for Coxeter (master...Journal)
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