egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
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<queqiao-> ⟨johnkurveen⟩ It may either be that circular SSO orbits become slightly elliptical, or that true SSO requires it so get the procession just right. Contrary to Keplar, the perfect orbit isn't always a circle haha
<raptop> Looks like it's the semi-major axis that's important, some SSOs range from circular to rather eccentric, depending on other parameters
<queqiao-> ⟨clayel⟩ i suppose the conflict is getting an sso that actually works in principia (which seems to involve a large range of semi major axises and inclinations) and one that feels right in stock (the slightly retrograde polar orbit)
<raptop> I'm pretty sure in stock, it's not happening
<queqiao-> ⟨clayel⟩ well yes but the contract still exists in stock
<queqiao-> ⟨clayel⟩ +(as in stock rp-1)
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_whitelogger has joined #principia
<queqiao-> ⟨egg⟩ The dumb orbital parameter-based contracts are dumb in general and often broken with Principia, this has been discussed many times here already. But #σκοπός is happening so there is hope.
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_whitelogger has joined #principia
_whitelogger has joined #principia
_whitelogger has joined #principia
_whitelogger has joined #principia
_whitelogger has joined #principia
_whitelogger has joined #principia
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raptop has joined #principia
<queqiao-> ⟨butcher6994⟩ Cat for you
<raptop> yay, tuxxy
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