[OpenDock] StollD pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v7gpt
OpenDock/master 63abee8 Dorian Stoll: Working registration....
OpenDock/master 7bfa1c7 Dorian Stoll: Mod featuring
[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7gps
SpaceDock-Backend/master 9198fc6 Dorian Stoll: Some fixes for OpenDock
Starting build #71 for job SpaceDock-Backend (previous build: SUCCESS)
VITAS: Hmm, we should be able to start a public test with OpenDock / sdb soon(tm). If you want that of course (I haven't forgot that you weren't the biggest fan of opendock :D)
"Edit and delete versions and view your mod as if you were not logged in"?
also, hi
I am bad at descriptions :P
I added the ability to edit versions, delete versions, and to view your mod like a normal user would see it (with all edit stuff removed)
And hi
[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v72iA
SpaceDock-Backend/master e58bdf7 Dorian Stoll: Set default mod version
Starting build #73 for job SpaceDock-Backend (previous build: SUCCESS)
[OpenDock] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v72ih
OpenDock/master 709ff47 Dorian Stoll: Set default mod version
RockyTV: Ok, the mod view page should do everything it is supposed to do now, except that the "Edit Mod" and "Update Mod" buttons, the outdated mod warning and the autoupdate don't work
Alanonzander has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
Alanonzander has joined #spacedock
[OpenDock] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v72Xm
OpenDock/master c185c77 Dorian Stoll: Outdated mod warning
bonus: you could incorporate the ability to add alpha, beta and release candidate game updates that dont outdate all mods and the same for mods so new ver of a mod isnt rated as the default one
[OpenDock] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v72Sv
OpenDock/master 20feadd Dorian Stoll: Working logout button
VITAS: beta gameversions already exists
and the outdated warning is built to ignore the newest betas
and beta mod vers
the fields are there but they do nothing
my idea was that beta versions cant be marked as default and they have a special icon
yes bnut how do you handle compatiblity with game versions
(whoever made that black border deserves to be slapped :D)
svg icons are bugged
Thomas, can I use slim to request /api/mods/random and then trigger a redirect to /mods/id?
not sure if I should use default php, though (i.e. use php to request the json)
RockyTV: Also, I figured out that the icons werent bugged in kerbal stuff, so I am currently going through the speed-hell of the internet archive :D
don't need to
RockyTV: I think we can use php there
I know that I dont need to but I like the F12 debugging window :D
nice, vs code has a in-editor merge conflict solver
do you need to be logged in to view a mod?
er "too many requests"
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:5000/api/users/current. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).
even with cors-blocking disabled in sdb
Yeah, set a higher request limit
I think 10 reqs per second isn't enough
request-limit: "50-S" works for me
okay, random route works
the round icons dont match the rest
neither in form nor in color
i suggest using button classes with only icons in them instead
they wont be round but look better
or you use my bendy css from the production site for those
The interesting thing is that they looked good in kerbalstuff and I cant find the reason why they look bad now
uh Thomas I just realized we can do the random mod redirect with vue
VITAS: We never updated in in the transition period
actually we did
my i suggest to replace the random mod by mod suggestions powered by piwik?
No, we updated it in opendock
we can have a box for that
we never did for spacedock
newer bootstrap ver?
what version are we using? 3.6?
anyway you can find it out using the inspector in your browser
Icon classes cannot be directly combined with other components. They should not be used along with other classes on the same element. Instead, add a nested <span> and apply the icon classes to the <span>.
but the colors are different anyways
we do that, okay
I know, and there are literally no differences between the kerbalstuff css and the open-/spacedock css
and i remember that there was a bunch of additional css befor emine that battled with bootstrap
i wouldnt use the ks css because it wasnt propper bootstrap
and i would use bootstrap or not but not mix and fight it
I fixed the weird border in chrome
[OpenDock] RockyTV pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/v72F6
OpenDock/master 88d819b Alexandre Oliveira: Use single quotes with path_for
OpenDock/master 9ef125b Alexandre Oliveira: Add route for random mod
OpenDock/master 1852f7c Alexandre Oliveira: Update glyphicons-halflings font
incoming commits
I didn't see the layout.html diff before adding :(
uh can sdb use ssl?
not on its own, but through a proxy
how easy would it be to change the layout later?
you mean use a new frontend?
e.g. if we want to replace prod with it and i want to use the current spacedock design?
you'd have to adapt it
and btw, not wanting to sound rude or anything, but if we keep working on opendock it'll end up more stable than current prod code
i would welcome strict bootstrap as starting point
it isnt rude
anything is more stable
goes to bed
I doubt that putting a new CSS onto the working opendock wouldn't be a problem for VITAS
(he has done it already after all)
RockyTV: Also, I have the feeling that the icons themselves arent centered
they aren't
And all icons have different margins
I suggest font awesome :P
does it have all the icons we need?
it has 3 times more icons than glyphicons
lets use it, then
we need to change our spans to <i>'s
no, thats just the fontawesome example I think
You can place Font Awesome icons just about anywhere using the CSS Prefix fa and the icon's name. Font Awesome is designed to be used with inline elements (we like the <i> tag for brevity, but using a <span> is more semantically correct).
I think you meant the actual includes we have?
Well, when we render / and /mods/1 we render two totally different files with different vue setups
and in js we would need to do the same. The two pages must be different. and we need the ability to switch to a completely different vue setup
and all that in JS which has a terrible garbage collection