egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
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<LightBender1> Hello?
<LightBender1> Is this working?
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<VITAS> yes but you left before anyone could reply
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<RockyTV> Thomas I was speaking to a future contractor and I realized we should've used Django for SD when we used python
<Thomas> Why?
<Thomas> Personally I never liked django
<Lartza> Django <3
<Lartza> Thomas, Prefer Flask or what?
<Lartza> Pyramid?
<Thomas> flask
<Lartza> I tried Flash, then switched to Django when everything was hard and didn't work
<Lartza> *Flask
<Lartza> Like having users and permissions, there is no proper up to date library
<Lartza> for Flask
<VITAS> did we have any say in what was used for kerbalstuff and consequently for spacedock?
<VITAS> didnt know
<VITAS> i think it doesnt matter what you use if you dont use it as it was intended
<Thomas> There were multiple opportunities to rewrite it, but KerbalStuff used flask and we continued to use it
<VITAS> because we didnt want to rewrite it
<VITAS> but i still have the feeling that the current code does more fighting with flask than beeing written like flask was meant to be used
<VITAS> but anyway: its crap and im hoping for a change
* Thomas remembers his horrible flask permission system
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<RockyTV> that's what Lartza said
<RockyTV> we could've used its permissions system
<RockyTV> also, its debugging isn't vulnerable like flask's
<RockyTV> afaik
<RockyTV> I'll have to get used to django, my internship requires it (almost signing the internship contract)
<Thomas> Hmm, yeah, the flask debugger was funny :D
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egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg