VITAS: Hmm, should we send Stone Blue the link to Opendock? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/159581-spacedockinfo-mod-hosting-site/&do=findComment&comment=3141530
you can
but i would use bootstrap and overwrite certains tuff like color and round corners
so if he wants a dark them he should make both standart and dark
basing on the same css
whats bad about round corners?
* Thomas
likes them
i want to reproduce spacedocks theme but a bit sharper/precise
also i dont lake those corners theyre so early 2000s
but the most important thing is: i dont want spacedock to look like twitter or any other bootstrap powered site
just like SDF if you want to know how i imiagine it to look
Thats understandable
i would realy like something liek i did on sdf
where some language (js or some other) can change the colors, fotn and other important bits according to soma variables
i know theres a special version of bootstrap in less or similar
we could adapt that
so what we could do (and i would be on board with) is to make some differently colored, corner shaped, font suing version opensource
and just slot in the right values for spacedock
if we want to use it
That sounds awesome
but there have to be a good amount of settings so that 1. someone can tweak it to his liking if they use it, 2.) we can offer a dark theme for spacedock and 3.) people have to want to clone spacedock and cant achive that by accident
I think lot's of colors could be moved to twig variables
bonus: the settings should be obscured from the visitors eyes (so that there isnt an easy way to just copy past a block to make it a spacedock clone)
hi RockyTV
VITAS, round corners isn't 2000s, it's pretty much recent
i did that on sdf (twig )
I can say that square corners is pretty much 1980s
we could try materializing SDF
i could try monetizing it :P
i liked the sdf style
its loosly based on youtube
VITAS: Well, twig would do that, but someone could still look at the source and check where we insert what
yes i know
i just want to make it a bit harder than geting some settings file and slotting it in
but didnt your opendock thing use purly js?
Thomas, is user profile page working?
also, just realized that I need to setup sdb on my server again, I formatted it yesterday and moved to arch
or does it have any frontend backend?
VITAS: It uses pure JS, but it still uses slim/twig for routing / settings
RockyTV: Yes
ah i thought you figured out how you could do that with js and some .htaccess
in that case look at sdf
i think it isnt based on bootstrap
VITAS: I had ideas but I fear that's going to be awful
but it does the approach you suggest
what ive learned sicne sdf is: you can precompile custom versions of bootstrap using stuff like less or so
let's make SD a SPA!
so what you could so is use bootstrap as css theme and we then compile a spacial light and dark version of it for later use on spacedock
single page application
thats what i thought you where doing with vue
Yes, we used SCSS for opendock previously, but I switched it all to plain CSS, because the compilation was annoying
(and i did with d-mp.org but failed because of the url stuff)
VITAS: No. vue is just responsible for adding data to the page
Thomas, before we have a public beta of opendock, can we please modify the current js files so they don't look like you compiled coffeescript?
and what does jquery in your instance?
RockyTV: Which files look like I compiled coffescript?
VITAS: ajax and getting form values in some places
i would say: just use the newest bootstrap and we care about custom bootstrap mods later
is that intended that way?
(for vue to use jquery)
nvm, my files were outdated
VITAS: No, vue can work without jQuery. But at some places I rather used jQuery that adding empty vars to vue, binding them to form elements, and reading the data later
VITAS: Also, the parallel request stuff I added yesterday (which speeds up the site a lot) uses jQuery
just dont do it some crazy way noone will understand in a month or two
and use as many ready made stuff as possible
RockyTV: About the single-page application idea: I still have no idea how we could do reloads without creating new vue instances
"and use as many ready made stuff as possible" /me looks at his ajax functions and hides
just for future proofing: you could integrate websockets to be used by non essential stuff like site internal messanging etc. (in the future)
you knwo that you will have to udnerstand and maintain it for a long time
ant thats every lien of code you write
thats why i currently venture into laravel
because it promisises for me not write as little code as neccesary
I didn't understand what you said about those instances, Thomas
Well, currently each page has a different vue setup with its own instance (different variables)
If we are going to use a js routing and rendering library, we would have to change theese variables when we load a different route
Currently the browser just throws away the old instance and creates a new one
hmm i saw a compairson between differen js libs and i now remember that vue allows to write per page or even per module apps
But in a single page application this instance would remain active
So even if we find a way to disable it, it would stay in memory (js GC is crap)
dont make the mistake i made with d-mp.org
make it linkable :D
But then we could also use twig
no difference there, except that with a js routing and rendering lib we expose all our settings
That means, for a working single page application, we need to change all the variables of a vue instance, without updating the current page
Also, we probably have to find a way to make vue aware of the DOM changes
but a single page app has the advantage of not requireing to load the same crap over and over and its easily made into an smartphone app in the future
(im not sure about the use of SD on smartphones but then again im not sure about the use of smartphones)
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[OpenDock] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7okU
OpenDock/master f16f0e0 Dorian Stoll: Update mod page
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RockyTV: Is there any feature for OpenDock you want to work on? (So I dont start working on it)
what's left to be done?
Umm, edit mod, edit profile, modlists, the admin panel and smaller stuff
I'll give edit mod a tr
RockyTV meant to say: I'll give edit mod a try
I need to install sdb again
adminpanel: may i suggest adminLTE?
You just volunteered for that task :P :D
cant be ive to code two other sites atm
thats why i cant stand to code on spacedock in my free time :(