Any fictional dwarf planets or planets added to the system will be given NATO-designations, while any asteroids will be given systematic designation: S1-(number)(anagram of solar system asteroid of same number)
Actually, Alfa (the star) is gonna be called Slippist
we're kinda stuck with equirectangular
Lambert's cylinder looks terrible
equirectangular win
It is my favorite
because it's the one I can work with.
is it the one from google maps?
That would be mercator.
We use equirectangular for KSP.
it's pretty bad I guess
for travelling purposes I mean
did you check out the kittopia dumps?
I do wish I could play around with other map projections but the only software that exists to convert between different projections is either expensive or I have no clue how to make it work
Haven't yet
let me check
let me know if there's something missing
I uploaded a bunch of stuff
Can you do png versions of the textures?
We need heightmaps.
I could
you mean the heightmaps used by ksp
or the total heightmap resulting from the sum of all pqsmods?
not that
the ones used by KSP to make the height we end up with
problem with that is that not all planets have heightmaps
and some have multiple mapdecals
Well then we won't have exports for planets without heightmaps
and in general, procedural terrain is more important than heightmaps
Yeah, unless you're trying to see what is and isn't procedural
or if you're trying to make a modification to the Stock system and you want a heightmap to modify
but if you have a list of files you want I will export them
There is a problem though
the exporter thing doesn't seem to be able to export heightmaps.
The exportfromtexturename
don't worry
that may be because those files are not saved in texture form
I may need to write a proper exporter for those
like the biome map exporting thing
I really like how the biome maps came out
!wa 1+1
Sigma88: 1 + 1 = 2
internet is very slow for some reason
GregroxMun: just make me a list of the files you need