ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<darsie> Houston, we have a Problem: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot77.png
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<darsie> Any idea why this tank overheats? IIRC it didn't always do that, but dunno what was different then. It's all 2.5 m. http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot58.png http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot80.png
<darsie> Would it help to make the tank a little thinner?
<darsie> I'd like to fly shallower/more efficient.
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<Mike`> darsie, do you use MLI?
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<darsie> Mike`: yes, it's LH2.
<Mike`> MLI tanks overheat easily. Try reducing the amount of MLI or put the mli tank within fairings if it's an upper stage.
<Mike`> How much MLI do you have?
<darsie> 100
<darsie> thx
<Mike`> Oh, hehe, well, that explains it.
<darsie> ok
<darsie> LH2 just needs to last 3/4 LEO orbits.
<darsie> But I'm already at the Moon, so it worked out this time.
<Mike`> what did you do to make it work?
<darsie> Forgot to transmit science from teh Moon. Do you think recovering it counts, too?
<darsie> I launched steeper.
<darsie> Like in the screenshot.
<Mike`> k
<darsie> Couldn't go shallower.
<darsie> Contract says "Transmit science from the surface of the Moon; Recovery: transmit"
<darsie> quite specific.
<darsie> Oh my, I had such a beautiful landing.
<darsie> Ok, I'll load the situation landed and transmit ...
<Mike`> :)
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<darsie> I did most of the descent with stage 1 which couldn't be throttled and didn't have gimbal, but had RCS. Near the ground I veered off retrograde to cancel horizontal motion, switched to radial out, detached stage 1 and used stage 0 which had gimbal, throttleable, no RCS. Cancelled what was left of horizontal motion and did a very nice, controlled vertical landing.
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