ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<wikkit> hi
<wikkit> is anyone here?
<wikkit> I have problem
<wikkit> I started playing realism overhaul and everything works great exept for runway. It's splited in 4 parts that aren't conected together correctly so when i try to take of those spaces betwen textures cause my plane to jump and change trajectory. what could it be?
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<WannabeRocketgirl> Hola everyone! It's been years since I played KSP and am trying to like; get into Realism Overhaul, but I can't figure out how to install all that goodness
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<WannabeRocketgirl> Anyway I was just wondering if RP-0 is compatable with 1.3.1 or if I need to use an older version
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<Mike`> WannabeRocketgirl, 1.3.1 is what you need.
<Mike`> Installation could be done via ckan, or do it manually, which will be harder/more work though
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