ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<darsie> Is RSS accurate enough so I can use reallife porkchop plots to find Mars transfer windos?
<darsie> Without principia
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* darsie tries ...
<hoglahoo> I'm curious to know
<hoglahoo> oh, lol
<hoglahoo> I'd be surprised if anything was accurate to actual dates
<darsie> It's only a couple years since 1958 ...
<darsie> 1960-05-03
<darsie> 1960.74 ...
<darsie> echo `date -d 1960-1-1 +%s`'+86400*365.25*.74'|bc|date -d '@'`cat /proc/self/fd/0`
<darsie> Tue Sep 27 06:50:24 CET 1960
<darsie> looks like a viable constellation.
<darsie> slight overshoot at first glance.
<darsie> encounter
<darsie> Not the lowest dv possible, but saved some trial and error.
<hoglahoo> wow
<darsie> impact :)
<hoglahoo> that was fast
<hoglahoo> oh
<darsie> only 166 m/s plane change, that's cheap. Will get even less after optimizing launch inclination.
<hoglahoo> quite a bargain
<darsie> If I bother to do that.
<hoglahoo> its almost negligible
<darsie> Yeah. I have huge dv excess available.
<darsie> First random attempt at Kourou inclination gave 3769 m/s + 33 m/s.
<darsie> So just a plain east launch.
<hoglahoo> at what now
<hoglahoo> oh, additional launch site
<hoglahoo> i presume
<darsie> 5.22222° inclination. Kourou
<darsie> French Guyana
<darsie> Yeah, there are many. I picked the one closeset to the equator.
<darsie> 5.222222 :)
<hoglahoo> isnt there one in the pacific a bit closer
* darsie heads to the tracking station ...
<hoglahoo> assuming I've used the same mod
<hoglahoo> I'm loading mine up now
<hoglahoo> can't rest until I know :P
<darsie> That's tiny. The largest thing I see is a helicopter port.
<hoglahoo> I'm on 1.2.2
<darsie> 1.3.1 here
<hoglahoo> no choppers or chopper ports
<darsie> Ahh, I mean irl :).
<hoglahoo> ah
<darsie> I guess KSP has the usual space center there :).
<hoglahoo> omelek is the one I'm thinking of, I dont know why I thought it was near the equator
<darsie> Well, 9° is kinda close.
<darsie> Somalia would be an ideal place :).
<hoglahoo> oh, yeah ok - got confused by the system tilt
<hoglahoo> guess I'll move operations to french guyana :)
<darsie> hehe :)
<darsie> Hey, inclination is useful sometimes.
<darsie> saves you some plane change.
<darsie> But I guess you can do that manually from the equator just as well.
<hoglahoo> yeah
<hoglahoo> loading ksp just reminded me of my venus rescue test fail. *sigh*
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