raptop changed the topic of #kspacademia to: https://gist.github.com/pdn4kd/164b9b85435d87afbec0c3a7e69d3e6d | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
> just airdrop them
* egg|laptop|egg_
slaps mofh with the ∆𝑣 between the INTEGRAL orbit and a reentering trajectory
(admittedly it's highly eggscentric so maybe at apogee it's OK?
iximeow: how do you focus with a CCD
my jupiter is stupidly blurry,
egg: i've never been able to focus very well with planets, i'm not sure how people do particularly good images
i think one of the things is just taking lots of short exposure images and hoping there's some where atmosphere plays nice
alternatively, did venus acquire moons
iximeow: the bayer filter is very obvious on planet raws :-p
egg: there was a 61.2mp full frame sensor announced recently and i'm more excited than i should be
i'm gonna get the mono one and stop worrying about bayering :3
yeah not even a trace of bands on those jupiter images
maybe seeing issues?
iximeow: yeah the focus seems to be meh but not catastrophic, the moons are 10-20 pixels across and probably as good as they'll get with the atmosphere
pixel size?
(pixels counted in the raw image and also i can't count)
<spacermase> Chemistry Twitter: is there a simple way to convert Berman-Brown Gibbs free energy values into standard Gibbs free… https://t.co/FsNg54GvMc
(in case anyone here knows)
UmbralRaptor: I mean what the heck is "standard" Gibbs free energy?
anyhow I used to actually know how to convert between conventions off the top of my head but it's been many, many years
also I swear I've only ever seen Berman-Brown used in geochemistry for w/e reason.
Uh, she's doing stuff related to geochemistry
egg|laptop|egg has joined #kspacademia
[Principia] eggrobin labeled pull request #2151: Use Ephemeris::Guard to protect the computation of the prognostication - https://git.io/fjnzH
wait what, i thought i had labeled this pull request yesterday night
iximeow: um, my images are completely inconsistent with my darks
i think i might have fucked up the camera settings
[Principia] pleroy synchronize pull request #2151: Use Ephemeris::Guard to protect the computation of the prognostication - https://git.io/fjnzH
[Principia] pleroy commented on pull request #2151: Use Ephemeris::Guard to protect the computation of the prognostication - https://git.io/fjnob
[Principia] pleroy commented on pull request #2151: Use Ephemeris::Guard to protect the computation of the prognostication - https://git.io/fjnKz
[Principia] pleroy commented on pull request #2151: Use Ephemeris::Guard to protect the computation of the prognostication - https://git.io/fjn6q
[Principia] pleroy synchronize pull request #2151: Use Ephemeris::Guard to protect the computation of the prognostication - https://git.io/fjnzH
[Principia] pleroy closed pull request #2151: Use Ephemeris::Guard to protect the computation of the prognostication - https://git.io/fjnzH
[Principia] pleroy pushed 6 commits to master [+0/-0/±27] https://git.io/fjnPq
[Principia] pleroy a09adf9 - Use the guards and remove check in the Ephemeris.
[Principia] pleroy 24a8aca - Merge branch '2090' into 2090b
[Principia] pleroy pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±8] https://git.io/fjnP7
[Principia] pleroy b043505 - Speed up debug tests.
[Principia] pleroy 80be4b3 - Merge pull request #2152 from pleroy/BaseTests Speed up debug tests
iximeow: meow
iximeow: the cluster is M107
iximeow: the instrument is a ZWO ASI178MC-cool
iximeow: banding isn't an issue when I don't screw up camera settings so that I don't have appropriate darks
[Principia] eggrobin commented on issue #1841: Show ☊ and ☋ with respect to the equator in body-centred inertial frames - https://git.io/fjnXW
[Principia] eggrobin edited a comment on issue #1841: Show ☊ and ☋ with respect to the equator in body-centred inertial frames - https://git.io/fjnXW
UmbralRaptor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
UmbralRaptop has joined #kspacademia
[Principia] eggrobin opened pull request #2153: A better reference plane for the the ECI etc. frames. - https://git.io/fjnDE
[Principia] eggrobin edited pull request #2153: A better reference plane for the the ECI etc. frames. - https://git.io/fjnDE
[Principia] eggrobin synchronize pull request #2153: A better reference plane for the the ECI etc. frames. - https://git.io/fjnDE
UmbralRaptop: the declination dial says Nice degrees
!wpn -add:wpn hotfix
Added wpn 'hotfix'
problem: I'm pointing to something which is 19 degrees in apparent declination
I am so grumpy about every aspect of this bug >:(
UmbralRaptop: now there can be right angles from the dovetails etc., but how does Nice become equivalent to 19
UmbralRaptop: also the VS is in a comment, not an identifier
UmbralRaptop: how does M3 sound
Seems reasonable
uh, 19 degrees altitude?
* UmbralRaptop
only knows of declination on the celestial sphere
egg|cell|egg has joined #kspacademia
UmbralRaptop: declination in the usual sense not altitude
iximeow: imaging m3 atm
first 60 s eggsposure has everything double, not sure if vibrations of egg or atmosphere
2nd and 3rd eggsposures semidecent
double is probably vibration
maybe the eggsposure is too long
hm yeah the stars trail a bit at times
!choose 10|30|keep going at 60
egg|laptop|egg: Your options: 10, 30, keep going at 60. My choice: 10
how long are eggsposures?
;choose 10|30|keep going at 60
egg|laptop|egg: 30
for maximum indecision iximeow should recommend 60
5th eggsposure is good
polar alignment is decent enough for this, trailing happens but is nondeterministic so probably atmosphere/vibrations fucking things up
(this time i bothered to take the scope outside and used the polar scope)
it could be periodic error on the mount too
that's what i'd suspect tbh
(i have some images from last night with fun obvious periodic error effects :( )
ah yeah
I should read up about that PEC functionality someday
UmbralRaptop: iximeow: how good/tricky of a target is M51
great target, farily bright
highly recommend
light pollution is the only real concern
it's one of my 'do i have things set up right' tests this time of year
(though less than for M101?)
UmbralRaptop: it's high so should be OK
only the horizons are fucked (until fog comes)
(ixi secretly <3 m51 because it's the galaxy used in a lot of homeworld art)
* egg|laptop|egg
schedules 10 more 60 s eggsposures of M3
iximeow: should i go down to 30 s to limit losses or is that not useful
oh lost frames
then again i have a buch at 60 already so that would make calibration etc. a pain
I already need to take new darks because mine are all at 10...
(they're old too, not sure how much that matters)
a long series of shorter exposures works well at 12/14 bpp for me
but at 8bpp it's no good
what's bbpppp
(that's due to noise properties of my sensor mainly)
bits per pixel
I'm at maximum gain here (lowest read noise), multiple settings would mean MOAR DARKS which I'm not sure I want :-p
hey another double frame
and another one
hm, maybe it's the wind
very light breeze
doesn't seem to correlate with my movement or lack thereof all that much
even though this laptop is at the end of the USB cable that goes into the instrument
oh hey a good frame
it does track nicely when I bother to do the polar alignment
these long eggsposures are much cleaner than short ones, hopefully the alignment algorithm actually has a chance of seeing stars this time
pointing th estars by hand is tedious
what are you using for processing?
hey satellite naked eye visible at the zenith
sunrise soon
iximeow: what? it's midnight
so it is
!choose more M 3 eggsposures | navigate to M 51
egg|laptop|egg: Your options: more M 3 eggsposures , navigate to M 51. My choice: more M 3 eggsposures
* iximeow
time is very miscalibrated from having not really slept in ~32hr
;choose more M 3 eggsposures | navigate to M 51
egg|laptop|egg: more M 3 eggsposures
* egg|laptop|egg
10 more M 3 eggsposures
it's cold
maybe i should put on another pair of trousers
iximeow: okay it has drifted to the side quite a bit
the bulk of the cluster is still distinctly in frame though
okay i should probably adjust
UmbralRaptop: iximeow; i forget, do i need the instrument to be in the telescope for darks or is that just flats
(pretty sure i'll give up on flats&biases)
Probably safer to do darks while still attached to the scope
uovo: can i do flats on horizon skyglow
UmbralRaptop not uovo
also if i do flats at the same duration as my eggsposures and darks can i get away without bias
(i.e. darks = bias)
egg: imo darks can be done anywhere as long as you've got the sensor nice and dark
also, yes, that's a fun trick
anyway enough M3
going to put on additional trousers and sglovse and then m51
They're the wrong trousers, Grommit! And they've gone wrong!
* UmbralRaptop
isn't sure how fast skyglow falls off
!choose Nick Park | Nick Land
UmbralRaptop: Your options: Nick Park , Nick Land. My choice: Nick Land
(very cursed thought)
oh wow M51 is at 87 deg alt
this is going to be painful
painful? 87 sounds nice
yes but finding it
there i anay to put a iagonral on the finder but it involes cha9cge itr tole iusal back not doing that in the dark wich all instruments set up