raptop changed the topic of #kspacademia to: https://gist.github.com/pdn4kd/164b9b85435d87afbec0c3a7e69d3e6d | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
23:41:18 <@egg|z|egg> how do i describe satellite orbits in the presence of weird perturbations that i potentially can't model without being eaten by a singularity when e is smol
i feel like you're now getting into "reimplementing NASA HORIZONS" levels of compleggsity
what? no, HORIZONS doesn't do anything interesting
its elements are all osculating and boring
Mofh more like getting close to GMAT
mofh: and its ephemeris hodgepodge not really nicely documented/choosable like the ИПА РАН orIMCCE ones
honestly at this point if you need anything from HORIZONS that relates to the planets and their natural satellites I would recommend running away from JPL and towards either of the other two
IMCCE recently redesigned their ephemeris formular
I mean I mostly use HORIZONS for spacecraft ephemerides
But yeah, agreed, I've switched to IMCCE for most everything else.
title: AIAC18: 18th Australian International Aerospace Congress (2019): HUMS - 11th Defence Science and Technology (DST) International Conference on Health and Usage Monitoring (HUMS 2019): ISSFD - 27th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics (ISSFD) - Accurate osculating/mean orbital elements conversions for spaceborne formation flying (Engineering Collection) - Informit
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[Principia] pleroy opened pull request #2186: Next release is Fermat - https://git.io/fj0wi
[WIKIPEDIA] Dongfeng (missile) | "The Dongfeng (simplified Chinese: 东风; traditional Chinese: 東風; literally: 'East Wind') series, typically abbreviated as "DF missiles", are a family of short, medium, intermediate-range and intercontinental ballistic missiles operated by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Rocket Force (formerly the..."
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Is this how the missile knows where it is?
!u -f
UmbralRaptor: where it isn't, too
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title: Eric Mamajek on Twitter: "Astro PhD student opportunity: IPAC Visiting Graduate Fellowshiphttps://t.co/6DnfXElM1C"six-month positions to graduate students who want to conduct PhD-level astronomical research in close association with @caltechipac scientists." #exoplanets #NASA #astronomy #AAS #STEM"
!acr -add:IPAC International Particle Accelerator Conference
Definition added!
!acr -add:NAPAC North American Particle Accelerator Conference
Definition added!
!acr -add:IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Definition added!
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SnoopJeDi: are you able to haz pdf on that australian paper?
title: AIAC18: 18th Australian International Aerospace Congress (2019): HUMS - 11th Defence Science and Technology (DST) International Conference on Health and Usage Monitoring (HUMS 2019): ISSFD - 27th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics (ISSFD) - Accurate osculating/mean orbital elements conversions for spaceborne formation flying (Engineering Collection) - Informit
hmm it doesn't automagically retrieve it but let me check
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egg, nope, I'd recommend emailing G. Gaias directly and asking her for a copy. I do have access to some papers that look related, but I assume you know that what you need is only in that paper
I have no idea what I need
egg, hmm, what drew you to that paper?
(I didn't check scrollback)
things wot cite the GSOC/DLR paper mentioned further up
that develops a mean element theory for GSOC while complaining that the existing modern ones are hidden in JPL internal documents
Precise mean orbital elements determination for LEO monitoring and maintenance
tbh that one probably has anything I actually need
sounds like the AIAC18 paper is a solid bet, then
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gabriella.gaias@polimi.it looks like a good email at which to reach her
Snoopjedi: unlikely to be worth the hassle, Precise mean orbital elements determination for LEO monitoring and maintenance probably is more relevant to what I want to poke at
And that one is easy to get
Fair enough
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(worst case 8 AUD is cheap if I'm reading that price rise right)
yea that's decently fair, although at that point an email is worth hassle unless it's a fire that needs immediate putting out :P
and also presumably DLR people can point the way to whatever you do need if the paper is not quite it
You seem to think I know what I need
I usually make that assumption, but I think it's not unreasonable to ask to pick someone's brain, either.
but also it's not unreasonable to continue surveying the literature until you can form a question you're comfortable with
And I have full faith you know how to navigate that space to your own satisfaction, just wanted to toss out the reminder that human beings write papers and they're _usually_ nice, it's too easy to forget :)
My questions are generally weird, ill defined, and open at this point
Breakfast of champions in academia :D
but yea, I know that feel. I sometimes wonder if I'll ever have a well-formed idea.
KSP is good at inducing weird questions, usually when doing mission design you know what the planet is
or ferram4's problems, usually aerodynamicists don't have to deal with recomputing models in real time as bits of the plane fall off
also they deal with planes that look like planes
I remember ending up in some ascent profile white papers when trying to get my head around the Trajectories mod including aerodynamic effects
Not particularly deep though. You're right though, it's a good generator of lines of inquiry. Such is exploration?
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right you are
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UmbralRaptop: mofh: B787_300: I'm wondering what useful properties I can compute and give about a perturbed Keplerian orbit without modeling the perturbations
title: Gemini IX Crew Found 'Angry Alligator' in Earth Orbit | NASA
No idea
what a title
B787_300: if the orbit is the tiniest bit inclined (and if it isn't perturbations will probably make sure it is), mean node-to-node times (nodal period) should be well behaved, and then you can talk about phasing and stationkeeping of the longitude of equatorial crossing
computing ω, ω', and the anomalistic period as mean periapsis-to-periapsis time otoh fails completely for low-eccentricity orbits (the 4-apsis orbits)
the sidereal period (mean time between crossings of a plane perpendicular to the equator) should be well behaved inconditionally, but isn't very useful
all the cycle wrt the sun / sun-synchronicity stuff is tied to the nodal precession so that might work too
UmbralRaptop: is nasa really killing Spitzer
I think there was some swapping around funding with NSF?
At least jwst made it out of tvac okay
Thermal vacuum chamber/testing
Thermal vacuum
mofh: B787_300: UmbralRaptop: another way to approach the question: which quantities are you *directly* interested in when describing an orbit
Egg the 6 classical. Plus their movement terms.
by *directly* I mean e.g. probably not the eccentricity, because here it's likely the apsis altitudes that are of interest rather than the description of their ratio
and Ω is almost certainly of no direct interest
(because Ω' is nonzero, so interesting alignment of the ascending node would more likely be on the ground track, with a terrestrial longitude, or with a mean solar time for sun-synch orbits)