raptop changed the topic of #kspacademia to: https://gist.github.com/pdn4kd/164b9b85435d87afbec0c3a7e69d3e6d | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
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<egg> mofh: also you should check the RO/principia discord
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<mofh> egg:
<mofh> 20:36:26 <@egg> mofh: I can have a MeasurementResult<T> that's a measured value T and a standard uncertainty Difference<T>, but what is this dispersion?
<egg|cell|egg> Meow
<mofh> isn't this just a variance in the standard uncertainty?
<egg|cell|egg> What do you mean
<mofh> Hrm. Actually let me think carefully about that first.
* egg|cell|egg bites mofh
<mofh> ow
<mofh> like this is trickier than it seems at first glance, okay,
* egg meows loudly at mofh
<mofh> hm. it feels like the dispersion of that should be something obvious, like a higher moment but I'm actually not sure atm.
<egg> mofh: surely it can't directly be that
<egg> mofh: if you get more samples, the uncertainty on the mean will go down
<egg> mofh: but the distribution of the values doesn't get narrower because you sample more of it
<egg> mofh: should, say, the nth percentile of the distance to the mean be itself a measurement result?
<egg> how would it be computed, and how would its uncertainty be computed and how would it correlate to the uncertainty on the mean
* egg bites mofh
<egg> B787_300: mofh: why does GPS use a semisynch orbit instead of a near-semisynch orbit phased on much longer like ГЛОНАСС, Galileo, or 北斗? longer phasing requires much less stationkeeping
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<B787_300> egg: no idea
<B787_300> maybe to make the math of orbits easier and easier bounding if a sat starts to drift?
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<egg|work|egg> I suppose
<egg|work|egg> B787_300: yeah I guess it makes writing receivers easier
<egg|work|egg> "Unhindered by military-threat requirements, Galileo satellites will forgo nuclear hardening, will not carry a nuclear-detonation-detection payload, and do not require a six-month autonomous operational capability."
<egg|work|egg> also interesting points in that document about the higher galileo inclination being better for nordic countries
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* egg|work|egg bites mofh
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<mofh> 08:15:57 <@egg> mofh: but the distribution of the values doesn't get narrower because you sample more of it
<mofh> point.
<mofh> 08:16:47 <@egg> mofh: should, say, the nth percentile of the distance to the mean be itself a measurement result?
<mofh> i mean, that is an approach that i think would give *something*, i'm just not sure if it's a reasonable way to go about things
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<egg|cell|egg> Why
<egg|cell|egg> Also how
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* egg meows at mofh
<mofh> egg: just a moment, bad headache making it really hard to think right now
* egg pets mofh with an ubuprofen
<SnoopJeDi> uwuprofen?
<galois> [WIKIPEDIA] Ubu | "François Ubu, dit le Père Ubu, est un personnage de fiction créé par l’écrivain français Alfred Jarry. Capitaine de dragons, officier de confiance du roi Venceslas, décoré de l’ordre de l’Aigle rouge de Pologne, ancien roi d’Aragon, comte de Sandomir ; puis roi de Pologne, docteur en pataphysique, et..."
<SnoopJeDi> oh I'm just being a git
<SnoopJeDi> but TIL Ubu, thanks
<kmath> <EuTwistedFate> Where the fuck is this thing taking me https://t.co/SxPmI9F4dh
<mofh> egg: huh, interesting.
<egg> mofh: wait hadn't i made the ubuprofène pun before
<mofh> hmm, i think you have but it escaped my mind
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<SnoopJeDi> mofh, so our dept's elevator says aloud "going up" or "going down" and now I'm trying to imagine what it would say in this case
<SnoopJeDi> not sure what it'd say but I'm sure it'd be in the voice of a tachikoma
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<egg> mofh: meow
<egg> rqou: hm, tried putting the principia binaries on tencent, but when following the sharing links I get 访问来源受限
<egg> / 请访问腾讯微云官网
<egg> ah nevermind it does that when the referrer is gmail :D
<egg> rqou: mofh: okay, eggsperiment https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162200--/&page=52&tab=comments#comment-3596363
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* egg bites mofh
<mofh> egg: okay, first off, what is the underlying distribution your measurement uncertainties are under?
<egg> hahahahaha
<egg> mofh: they're not even independent
<egg> it's a messy time series probably with strong periodic terms
<egg> mofh: :D
<mofh> I was hoping I could central limit it into a Gaussian but that's very not happening now
<egg> haha no
<egg> mofh: that's why I looked at time series analysis by projection, my uncertainty on the mean is obtained by the first few terms of the DFT
<egg> the standard deviation is useless
<egg> mofh: see https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19980201711.pdf p. 964 for instance, that's the variation around the ground track of TOPEX/Poséidon
<egg> there are OMMs here, but after the 15th of January 1996 it's happily cruising along without OMMs, you can see what sort of mess the time series can look like
<mofh> egg: OMMs?
<mofh> okay this is extremely nontrivial
<mofh> hm.
<egg> mofh: see page one of the same document: orbit maintenance manœuvres
<egg> OMM?
<egg> huh
* egg chews mofh
<mofh> ahh. reading document, okay >_<