raptop changed the topic of #kspacademia to: https://gist.github.com/pdn4kd/164b9b85435d87afbec0c3a7e69d3e6d | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
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<mofh> !u 𐊗𐊕𐊐𐊎𐊆𐊍𐊆
<galois> 𐊗: U+10297 LYCIAN LETTER T
<galois> 𐊕: U+10295 LYCIAN LETTER R
<galois> 𐊐: U+10290 LYCIAN LETTER MM
<galois> 𐊎: U+1028e LYCIAN LETTER M
<galois> 𐊆: U+10286 LYCIAN LETTER I
<galois> 𐊍: U+1028d LYCIAN LETTER L
<galois> 𐊆: U+10286 LYCIAN LETTER I
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<mofh> !u zï±z_0/;¬(z_0∈∧z_0≤0)
<galois> Whoa now, that's too many characters, hoss
<mofh> !u zï±z_0/;¬(z_0∈ïž
<galois> Whoa now, that's too many characters, hoss
<mofh> !u zï±z_0/;¬(z_0â
<galois> Whoa now, that's too many characters, hoss
<mofh> !u zï±z_0/;¬(z_0
<galois> Whoa now, that's too many characters, hoss
<mofh> !u zï±z_0/;¬
<galois> z: U+007a LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
<galois> ±: U+00b1 PLUS-MINUS SIGN
<galois> z: U+007a LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
<galois> _: U+005f LOW LINE
<galois> 0: U+0030 DIGIT ZERO
<galois> /: U+002f SOLIDUS
<galois> ;: U+003b SEMICOLON
<galois> ¬: U+00ac NOT SIGN
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<SilverFox> have a meme
<UmbralRaptop> meh, lots of angles < 4 μrad
<SnoopJeDi> Most of them! :)
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<egg|cell|egg> Mofh: meow
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<egg> mofh: could this be relevant or does it make inapplicable assumptions https://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/software/dataplot/refman2/auxillar/quantse.htm
<egg> mofh: found http://www.tqmp.org/RegularArticles/vol10-2/p107/p107.pdf but it doesn't talk about correlated samples
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<kmath> <InertialObservr> i joke, i joke.. https://t.co/l1mN14VRB7
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<_whitenotifier-5dfc> [Principia] MiracleMagician commented on issue #2154: manoeuvre node auto move while warping - https://git.io/fjCuN
<_whitenotifier-5dfc> [Principia] eggrobin commented on issue #2154: manoeuvre node auto move while warping - https://git.io/fjCzJ
<_whitenotifier-5dfc> [Principia] eggrobin labeled issue #2154: manoeuvre node auto move while warping - https://git.io/fjceZ
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<mofh> egg: i mean correlated samples are honestly 85% of what make this Forecasting Hell, basically.
<egg|cell|egg> Heh
<egg|cell|egg> Mofh: tbh I'm not necessarily interested in the stationary extrapolation aspect
<egg|cell|egg> Eventually secular variations will garble anything
<egg|cell|egg> And I can just integrate longer to inspect longer times
<_whitenotifier-5dfc> [Principia] chengyufei starred Principia - https://git.io/fjC2t
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<mofh> egg|cell|egg: i mean stationary eggstrapolation there is silly for the reasons you just stated
<mofh> also p107.pdf is very useful but... okay i guess my question is *how* strongly correlated are your samples? b/c if it's sufficiently nontrivial then i think any monte carlo approach is going to be a nonstarter (mind you, i'm also not 100% certain about that, but still).
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<SnoopJeDi> I thought I was going crazy
<SnoopJeDi> !u 𒀱
<Raptop> ...they've had that character for quite a while now.
<SnoopJeDi> at least I think?
<SnoopJeDi> it could also just be FF being FF
<mofh> so: A) it's cuneiform, and I imagine a lot of people don't have font support for that, B) it's weirdly tall for a character, basically double-height, and it does do weird/amusing things for me in many places
<mofh> completely unrelated, but I think getting an eggspression involving 2F1 when typing in an integral into WolframAlpha is basically it flipping me off.
<egg|cell|egg> Miaou
<Raptop> 2F1?
* Raptop pets egg|cell|egg with a tungsten cube
<SnoopJeDi> mofh, hmm, if it were font it 'should' just turn into mojibake, right? This looks like the rendering gets screwed up for anything in the DOM after your display name.
<SnoopJeDi> mmmm, not mojibake
<Raptop> Works fine for me on firefox (and I think on systems where I've had font issues, it just becomes tofu). Which OS is giving you issues?
<SnoopJeDi> tofu? whatever word I'm looking for. I would think the failure mode would be sane and not break rendering
<SnoopJeDi> raptop, win7, predictably
<Raptop> tofu is the sane failure mode -- you get a numbered box
<Raptop> Hrm. Don't have any win7 boxen lying around >_>;;
<SnoopJeDi> yea it looks like it _does_ create some tofu, but the rendering is just very borked
<SnoopJeDi> and weirdly scrolling/mousing over things seems to change it
<galois> title: Imgur
<Raptop> O_o O_O o_O
<Raptop> meep
<mofh> SnoopJeDi: what in the hell
<_whitenotifier-5dfc> [Principia] pleroy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjC6n
<_whitenotifier-5dfc> [Principia] pleroy 039b5e8 - Weiyun links.
<galois> title: Enchaînement (linguistique) — Wikipédia
<galois> [WIKIPEDIA] Enchaînement (linguistique) | "En linguistique, l'enchaînement est un phénomène de sandhi externe qui consiste à resyllaber le son consonantique final d'un mot avec le son vocalique initial du mot qui le suit.Contrairement à la liaison, qui se traduit par l'insertion d'un phonème consonantique supplémentaire au début d'une syllabe..."
<egg> mofh: well i'm not even sure what i want to start with
<egg> mofh: after all, I am looking at all the ascending nodes on the period i study, and they're discrete events
<egg> so I can give the real percentiles for that
<egg> mofh: but then morally that time series probably has an underlying continuous thing
<egg> (say the entire ground track, not just on the equator)
<mofh> I mean that time series *should* have some underlying continuous thing, and it feels like working with that would be much easier if we could determine what it is and parametrize it nicely.
<mofh> ofc now you have two problems...
<egg> mofh: thansk
<mofh> egg: I mean this isn't a nice problem to work with, or straightforward :P
<egg> mofh: what if i don't look at the continuous thing
<egg> then i just have a finite set of ascending nodes
<egg> with longitudes
<egg> (well, longitudes modulo ΔλE in this case)
<mofh> hrm
* egg bites mofh
* mofh winces
* egg bites mofh
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* egg meows loudly at mofh
<egg> cc whitequark ^
<SnoopJeDi> mofh, yea I'm very confused/slightly amused by that failure mode
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<mofh> egg: mm, solenoid valves
<egg> mofh: also femoral heads
<egg> !acr -add:MOFH Massive Osteolysis of Femoral Head
<galois> Definition added!
<egg> mofh: also longitudes
<mofh> egg: i mean you have a finite set of ascending nodes with some unknown (or at least difficult-to-determine) correlation between them, which is "fun"
<egg> mofh: what do i want to know about them though
<egg> i'm unsure even what the qusetion is
<egg> mofh: also i shared a google keep note called mofhstack with you :-p
<mofh> ooh
<mofh> and added to it :p
<egg> ah yes
<egg> mofh: also have you poked at mgex again
<egg> mofh: well mgex you mostly did, but wider IGS, IDS, and ILRS
<mofh> i have not, and that strikes me as prolly the trickiest of those right now, poke me sunday on that one (IGS, at least, i didn't even realise IDS was also in-scope)
<egg> well all three are things wot make SP3 orbits
<egg> and international services, so multimirror
<egg> NGA doesn't have IGN mirrors obviously
<egg> mofh: prolly the trickiest of those right now << dunno, it seems it's the one you did the most on so far :-p
<mofh> i mean b/c it required the least amount of continuous attention time of those :p
<egg> mofh: i would suspect the wider IGS or the other services would be similar in that respeggt?
<mofh> i mean they would be, it's just that the servers i used are currently down due to system upgrades
<egg> ah
<egg> well at least pbarfuss is up
<mofh> yeah that should stay up
<egg> mofh: anyway, what is useful to report about the terrestrial longitudes of the ascending nodes of a phased satellite
<egg> mofh: assuming we're interested only in a bounded duration, and we have computed them all on this duration
<mofh> i'm honestly still trying to *determine* that right now.
* egg licks mofh
<SnoopJeDi> l-lewd
<SnoopJeDi> egg, it's not heggsafleggsagons, but... https://twitter.com/mrallanmaths/status/1125438241774166017
<galois> title: Mr Allan on Twitter: "For my 8000th tweet, here’s how to make a truncated icosahedron from toilet roll tubes.👇… "
<egg> hah
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<SnoopJeDi> Wondering if the rats would enjoy destroying some math
<galois> title: Steve Canon on Twitter: "RIP Mogget, Slayer of Rodents.… "
<SnoopJeDi> aw
<egg> mofh: meow