UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
<_whitenotifier-cd19> [Principia] sthalik commented on issue #2324: Suggestion: don't remove the last manœuvre node from the navball -
<kmath> <CalicoGame> While adding hats to the character creator we asked ourselves how would they work with putting cats on your head? ⏎ W…
UmbralRaptop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
UmbralRaptop has joined #kspacademia
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<B787_300> UmbralRaptop: why is DC so muggy at night
<UmbralRaptop> B787_300: It just wants you to feel at home
<B787_300> with its warm embrace?
<UmbralRaptop> yes
<UmbralRaptop> Alternatively, insert swamp joke here
<UmbralRaptop> !8 make the obvious joke about the new Principia release?
<galois> UmbralRaptop: no
<B787_300> UmbralRaptop: also L'Enfant Station needs better signage
<UmbralRaptop> Somehow that figures
<B787_300> and yes the 7000 series trains are much much better than the 3000 series trains
<UmbralRaptop> This is a 7000 series train. This is a 7000 series train. This is a 7000 series train.
<B787_300> took me like 5 mins to figure out which of the 3? exits i should have used
* UmbralRaptop has also taken the wrong exit from some stations before
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<UmbralRaptop> "With the growth in the population in this regime, the driest region in the brown dwarf desert (35−55MJsini) is reforesting and its mass range shrinking."
<UmbralRaptop> … is there an #arXivfinds hashtag?
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> i've used it
<UmbralRaptop> ooh
UmbralRaptop has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<egg> UmbralRaptop: oh Fibonacci is the רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה release
<egg> and del Ferro was the رأس السنة الهجرية one
<egg> !wpn whitequark
* galois gives whitequark a 𓌪
<egg> !choose aaaaaaaa|aaaaaaaa
<galois> egg: Your options: aaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaa. My choice: aaaaaaaa
<e_14159> So, apparently one or more papers of mine have been accepted to a workshop. I don't know which paper and which workshop, though.
icefire has quit [Quit: icefire]
<SilverFox> yall have prepared me for this moment, and i triumphed
<SilverFox> I have learned that Tensors are stuff that flow in TensorFlow
<mofh> !u 𝐼₁₁
<galois> ₁: U+2081 SUBSCRIPT ONE
<galois> ₁: U+2081 SUBSCRIPT ONE
<UmbralRaptop> . o O (Using a hairdryer to reflow tensors)
<UmbralRaptop> OH: "a small nuclear reactor that brews coffee using a small core of Am-241
<UmbralRaptop> we don't recommend drinking the primary-loop coffee, it's too hot"
<kmath> <nakengelhardt> grab your printer by the scruff
<kmath> <colby> When your printers rubs up against you, she is actually marking you as "hers" with her scent.
* UmbralRaptop is confused by mofh RTing the previous Principia release
<egg> !choose | 
<galois> egg: Your options: ,  . My choice:  
<UmbralRaptop> !choose \|
<galois> UmbralRaptop: Your options: \, . My choice:
<egg> UmbralRaptop: yeah that's weird
<egg> mofh works in mysterious ways
* UmbralRaptop blames the nearest Christoffel symbol
<egg> ;choose | 
<kmath> egg:  
<kmath> <✔Bouletcorp> Bon, un peu de sérieux.
<mofh> egg: UmbralRaptop: so I got confused since there's a new moon like, yesterday, and I thought I missed a release.
<egg> yes you did
<mofh> (and I as a general rule RT releases)
<egg> you missed del Ferro
<egg> and now you RTed it
<mofh> yes but that turned out to be last month.
<egg> yes
<mofh> should I un-RT it? :P
<egg> and so now you missed the next one
<egg> which was yesterday
<egg> albeit a few hours late
<UmbralRaptop> Quick, RT fibbonaci
<mofh> egg: yes but there's no tweet for the current one from yesterday
<mofh> or so there is
<egg> it's not like i linked it here or anything
<mofh> I'm just completely blind
<UmbralRaptop> Insect eyes have severe angular resolution problems
<mofh> egg: gods I want pierogi now
* egg|cell|egg pokes decisions with a stick
<mofh> egg: yeah I am likely going to use that code (or part of it, at least, for K/Kcomp) (with citation).
<egg> mofh: the Fukushima code or the phl code
<egg> the Fukushima code is in FORTRAN which might be an advantage in an academic codebase
<egg> otoh it has mutable global state and does I/Os for no good reason so
<mofh> egg: the phl code. I can convert C++ back to Fortran, but your C++ is much more readable than Fukushima's Fortran, and also more bug-free.
<egg> mofh: well, Fukushima updated it recently, hence the attribution
<mofh> (also I'm using my own code for elliptic-nome anyway).
<mofh> also like it seems your code for K is just a bunch of Taylor series so I might use my own Carlson Symmetric Form for that instead, or at least compare how much slower that is compared to this.
<mofh> Like this seems mostly the integrals of the second and third kind whereas I only need the first kind, heh.
<egg> mofh: carlson is not necessarily best
<egg> that's kinda the whole point of fukushima's work aiui
<mofh> egg: I mean I don't think it's *less* accurate than just a bunch of Taylor polynomials.
<mofh> Like the code does *interesting* things for E. But I don't need E.
<egg> yeah but is it more accurate
<mofh> Hrm, fair point. I guess I *do* need to test that, so having the Fukushima/phl code is handy for that.
<egg> and is it as fast
<egg> (in particular our code starts estrining at high degrees)
<egg> (not sure whether fukushima does that)
<egg> mofh: poke me if you need help building principia
<egg> this does have dependencies on the wider numerics libs, for the estrin evaluator
<egg> mofh: also i'm not completely sure it does what you think it does
<egg> mofh: EllipticF is not the same function as FukushimaEllipticF
<egg> EllipticF is calculated from EllipticEFΠ
<mofh> no, I mean EllipticK
<mofh> since at present I only care about the complete one
<egg> ah
<egg> boring
<mofh> (I will need K incomplete in the future and *that's* when things get interesting)
<mofh> I mean I agree, like I could just do the incredibly lazy thing of using AM-GM to calculate it. But that has weird accuracy-per-iteration properties and is a bit slow.
<egg> mofh: that's F, right?
<egg> not K
<mofh> yes
<egg> FEΠ but KEΠ, because sane notation
<egg> mofh: anyway, those are taylor series going to degree 19 and Estrin-evaluated
<egg> this does seem nice for a modern machine
<mofh> And yes you want to use Payne-Hanek for Reduce for large multiples of π
<egg> mofh: if you run it on a Cray it's a different question
<mofh> I mean I'm doing this on a modern machine so those are likely very fast, point.
<egg> mofh: yeah you do, or really you want your angles measured in turns
<mofh> (Which reminds me, I need to fix a bug in my double-precision Payne-Hanek, test the hell out of it and put it up on github)
<mofh> (I have a single-precision one which works correctly for every single single precision float, b/c that's a thing you can test. Not so much for doubles).
<egg> also aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how do i into decisions aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa
<egg> a
<egg> a?
<egg> a.
<mofh> At this point I legit am wondering if flipping a coin may be of any help.
<egg> ;choose should i flip a coin
<kmath> egg: There wasn't any delimiters in your message. Split your choices by , or |
<egg> ;8ball should i flip a coin
<kmath> egg: You may rely on it
<mofh> (I still lean "do apply for phd", for what it's worth. But not strongly).
<egg> Do[Apply[For[
<mofh> also back in like an hour or so
<egg> welp, I applied
<egg> UmbralRaptop: Callisto!
<mlbaker> mofh: re: the Andrew Dotson link, the math channel it links to in the description is hilarious
<kmath> YouTube - The Infinite Product Expansion for the Beta Function
<mlbaker> i'm wondering if this guy is stoned, he's so awkward and random
<mlbaker> or maybe this is just some meme subculture that i'm not aware of... the comments are quite bizarre
<mofh> mlbaker: rofl
<UmbralRaptop> egg: large moon!
<egg|cell|egg> Mooo
<UmbralRaptop> JuIoEuGaCa, contrast with EARTHMOO
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptop
* galois gives UmbralRaptop a sidereal iron deinonychus
<egg> !wpn mofh
* galois gives mofh a spoiler
<UmbralRaptop> !wpn egg
* galois gives egg a zinc flap
<mofh> !wpn egg
* galois gives egg an orange iconel fox
<egg|cell|egg> Aaaaa