r4m0n changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Technical discussion ONLY (KSP related or not), for random shit-talking, join #shitshow (seriously)
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<SilverFox> the best gaming laptop offered
<SilverFox> the aliware 17 r4
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<lpg> IPS TN display
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<SilverFoxy> For my next insanely huge project I am going to simulate the human body at a generic/semi-specific level for use in medical science and diagnostics teaching.
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<SilverFoxy> also for my superpermutator I found a way to decrease the time it takes to find the superperm of 3 from 5-6 minutes to about 20 some-odd seconds
<SilverFoxy> down to 12 seconds
<SilverFoxy> just as simple as if the number contains a number higher than N then just skip past 9 since I'm incrementing 1 digit at a time
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