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<Orum> anyone know how to keep MSVS from generating carcinogenic try/catch blocks when pressing tab immediately after "try"?
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<Majiir> Orum: Stop pressing tab?
<Orum> then how would I insert a tab character? D:
<Orum> either way nothing should paste like 5 lines of code when auto-completing
<Majiir> Normally I type `try {` <enter> and I get auto-indented braces but no auto catch block
<Orum> yeah, if you put the { in there it doesn't happen AFAIK, it seems to be between the 'try' and the '{' where it causes the spam
<Orum> I do stuff like this all the time though (except with tabs instead of spaces): https://hastebin.com/witucorati.scala
<Orum> hence the issue