r4m0n changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Technical discussion ONLY (KSP related or not), for random shit-talking, join #shitshow (seriously)
Glass|phone has joined #kspmodders
<Glass|phone> "advanced entrepeneurship: avoiding total disaster"
<Glass|phone> whyyy is that an advanced topic
<SilverFox> because lul
fcbayerndm has joined #kspmodders
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BenjaminK has joined #kspmodders
<BenjaminK> o/
<BenjaminK> could someone explain attributes to me?
<BenjaminK> I'm wondering what they're used for and how to determine which classes can be attributes?
Technicalfool has joined #kspmodders
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<GlassYuri> "static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> strings;"
<GlassYuri> BenjaminK, I'm actually using them in my current project
<GlassYuri> BenjaminK, that said, I just came to the realization that I don't really understand them either
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Snoozee is now known as Majiir
<Majiir> BenjaminK, they have to inherit from Attribute
<Majiir> (or from something else that inherits from Attribute)
<Majiir> They're also a Bad Idea in many ways
<Majiir> (They require reflection, so code with attributes is very hard to statically analyze.)
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<BenjaminK> thanks Majiir and GlassYuri
<BenjaminK> I'm going to do some reading up and hopefully come back with some info for all of us!
TonyC has joined #kspmodders
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Majiir is now known as Snoozee
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Rokker has joined #kspmodders