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<Orum> integer promotion rules are platform-dependent in OCL, that's fun :|
<r4m0n> you should be explicit with your types in compute languages anyway, too much to go wrong
<Orum> fair enough, but the idea of heterogenious platforms running the same kernel is lost when the rules are different for each platform... hell, I probably wouldn't have even spotted the issue if I didn't happen to have an AMD CPU
<Orum> not sure what happens on the intel platform yet, but hopefully the changes I made should make it work everywhere
<r4m0n> nowadays, you're better off writing in some intermediary language and letting it handle the details
<Orum> such as?
<r4m0n> will depend on application, what are you trying to accomplish?
<r4m0n> some examples: tensorflow, CG, plain shader languages like Unity's
<Orum> really anything that's meant for high performance processing on common hardware, but that kind of necessitates both CPU & GPU support as I still want it to run on platforms without GPUs
<Orum> even if it is fuckslow in those situations
<r4m0n> C++AMP might be a good option there
<r4m0n> truth is, when people bother with GPU acceleration, they usually go with CUDA
<Orum> well I certainly don't want to marry myself to nVIDIA
<r4m0n> sadly it's where the performance is XD
<Orum> not to mention it took them 3 years to even get OCL 2.0 support... in beta...
<Orum> meh, I'm willing to sac that for portability
<r4m0n> if you don't care about the performance over portability, you'll have to stick to the less performing ones
<Orum> I remember AMD beating nVidia in several compute benchmarks last time I looked at cards too, but who knows how biased the benchmarks are
<Orum> yeah, I don't think the performance is /that/ different between CUDA and OCL
<r4m0n> the top Vega can beat a 1080 I think
<r4m0n> there's a loss of performance on OCL vs CUDA in Nvidia, though (it's small, yeah)
<r4m0n> what about tensorflow?
<Orum> haven't looked at it, does it run on platforms without GPUs?
<r4m0n> yes
* Orum wikis
<r4m0n> it's mostly focused on machine learning, but it's a general tensor library. you write your code in high-level python code, it generates CUDA/OCL or just runs the thing as needed
<Orum> > pyhon
<Orum> oh dear god no
<r4m0n> I like it as much as you. go where the state of the art is, or keep fighting your platform incompatibilities
<Orum> I think for now I'll just suffer through the idiosyncrasies of each platform for now
<r4m0n> you want top performance and platform compatibility? make a version in CUDA, one in OCL for AMD and good vectorized code for intel
<Orum> fuck that, too much to maintain
<r4m0n> then write the 20 lines of python instead :-P
<Orum> T_T
<r4m0n> there are tensor libraries in lua and java if you prefer </troll>
<Orum> lua's not bad
<r4m0n> I think there were, anyway. java for sure, though
<Orum> well, some of the implementations are shit, but the actual specs are good
<r4m0n> I find the language a bit too floaty, but hell, I used it in MJ before
<Orum> well I'll see if that's still supported, I may just do that instead
<r4m0n> there's a tensorflow API in C++ if you prefer
<Orum> that'd be best of all
<r4m0n> the tensor code probably won't be the hottest...
<Orum> well I'll definitely look into this, right now I just need to get the last few bugs ironed out for release
<r4m0n> the Lua one would be Torch
<Orum> how does it compare with tensorflow?
<Orum> most of these seem to be oriented to machine learning instead of just general processing
<r4m0n> they are, but the pieces are all there. the "tensor" idea is that you generate a "formula" (your code) and filter the information through it
<Orum> so the equivalent of a kernel?
<r4m0n> it gets compiled into one, yeah
<Orum> mmm, simple enough
<r4m0n> haven't used torch personally, but IIRC it works about the same
<r4m0n> TF's innards are quite open, so you'll find anything you need besides the ML stuff
<Orum> do both translate directly to CUDA code to compile?
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<r4m0n> both can do CUDA, preferably
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<Orum> ~wa ounces in a gallon
<FoxBot9000> Orum: convert 1 gallon to fluid ounces: 128 fl oz (fluid ounces)
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