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integer promotion rules are platform-dependent in OCL, that's fun :|
you should be explicit with your types in compute languages anyway, too much to go wrong
fair enough, but the idea of heterogenious platforms running the same kernel is lost when the rules are different for each platform... hell, I probably wouldn't have even spotted the issue if I didn't happen to have an AMD CPU
not sure what happens on the intel platform yet, but hopefully the changes I made should make it work everywhere
nowadays, you're better off writing in some intermediary language and letting it handle the details
such as?
will depend on application, what are you trying to accomplish?
some examples: tensorflow, CG, plain shader languages like Unity's
really anything that's meant for high performance processing on common hardware, but that kind of necessitates both CPU & GPU support as I still want it to run on platforms without GPUs
even if it is fuckslow in those situations
C++AMP might be a good option there
truth is, when people bother with GPU acceleration, they usually go with CUDA
well I certainly don't want to marry myself to nVIDIA
sadly it's where the performance is XD
not to mention it took them 3 years to even get OCL 2.0 support... in beta...
meh, I'm willing to sac that for portability
if you don't care about the performance over portability, you'll have to stick to the less performing ones
I remember AMD beating nVidia in several compute benchmarks last time I looked at cards too, but who knows how biased the benchmarks are
yeah, I don't think the performance is /that/ different between CUDA and OCL
the top Vega can beat a 1080 I think
there's a loss of performance on OCL vs CUDA in Nvidia, though (it's small, yeah)
what about tensorflow?
haven't looked at it, does it run on platforms without GPUs?
* Orum
it's mostly focused on machine learning, but it's a general tensor library. you write your code in high-level python code, it generates CUDA/OCL or just runs the thing as needed
> pyhon
oh dear god no
I like it as much as you. go where the state of the art is, or keep fighting your platform incompatibilities
I think for now I'll just suffer through the idiosyncrasies of each platform for now
you want top performance and platform compatibility? make a version in CUDA, one in OCL for AMD and good vectorized code for intel
fuck that, too much to maintain
then write the 20 lines of python instead :-P
there are tensor libraries in lua and java if you prefer </troll>
lua's not bad
I think there were, anyway. java for sure, though
well, some of the implementations are shit, but the actual specs are good
I find the language a bit too floaty, but hell, I used it in MJ before
well I'll see if that's still supported, I may just do that instead
there's a tensorflow API in C++ if you prefer
that'd be best of all
the tensor code probably won't be the hottest...