r4m0n changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Technical discussion ONLY (KSP related or not), for random shit-talking, join #shitshow (seriously)
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<AlonzoTG> =\
<AlonzoTG> they screwed up my main career save. =(
<AlonzoTG> all my major flights got zapped,
<AlonzoTG> hopefully things can be fixed and I can recover but then the changes I think really go away from the classic Kerbal aesthetic.
<dbcooper> It's different?
<dbcooper> I should download it and check it out myself, lol
<dbcooper> First time really playing in 3 years! Woo!
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<AlonzoTG> anyone got timescales for the update cycle, I haven't seen any updates to my collection drop yet. =(
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<stupid_chris> salutations moderation nation
<stupid_chris> s/moderation/modding
<Qboid> stupid_chris meant to say: salutations modding nation
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<SilverFox> stupid_chris, welcome back
<stupid_chris> o/
<SilverFox> I have some lovely ternaries for you
<stupid_chris> oh boi
<stupid_chris> here they come
<SilverFox> this one is mild and poopy and will be replaced because its purpose is being replaced by a better one
<SilverFox> stupid_chris, https://pastebin.com/eqXCXiQ2
<SilverFox> the next one needs backstory
<stupid_chris> i feel like that could be simplified
<SilverFox> probably
<SilverFox> and it will be
<stupid_chris> that's already a lot better
<SilverFox> so, I saw a numberphile video on superpermutations and shit and wanted to do that, they said they don't know what the smallest one for 6! is for sure. so I took this as a challenge, and because I have no way of storing these gigantic strings of numbers for superperms, I'd have to break it out as a string, so in my drunken stupor I came up with this solution for checking if a series contains each number of a permutation or whatever
<SilverFox> stupid_chris, much better yeah, I'll put that one in now
<stupid_chris> numberphile can't do it
<stupid_chris> but you're gonna do it?
<stupid_chris> with C#?
<stupid_chris> that's a lot of alcohol
<stupid_chris> and a lot o confidence
<SilverFox> don't even know if it works
<SilverFox> but it's glorious
<SilverFox> so this one did like, adding to the number by one and made sure it didn't go higher than the possible number we were going for, like the superperm of 6 will never contain a 7, so skip 7 and start at 1
<SilverFox> that was the purpose of this function
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<stupid_chris> well youre motivated at least
<SilverFox> I like how drunk-me still kept up with the documentation tho
<BenjaminK> nice
<BenjaminK> :V
<SilverFox> !csharp Convert.ToChar(1)
<Qboid> '\x1
<SilverFox> what is that
<SilverFox> !u '\x1
<Qboid> U+0027 APOSTROPHE (')
<Qboid> U+005C REVERSE SOLIDUS (\)
<Qboid> U+0078 LATIN SMALL LETTER X (x)
<Qboid> U+0031 DIGIT ONE (1)
<SilverFox> mmmmmmm
<stupid_chris> and I'm here, trying to implement hierarchical model loading in OpenGL
<SilverFox> oh you wanna get like that?
<stupid_chris> I hate c++
<stupid_chris> it's a project
<SilverFox> I'm over here tryna simulate the human body
<SilverFox> *dab*
<stupid_chris> but you have your own game enine
<stupid_chris> and im building mine
<SilverFox> depending on how yours goes, I might use yours
<stupid_chris> not very far
<stupid_chris> you'll have to keep it up with Unity
<stupid_chris> I'm not doing anything fancy
<SilverFox> probs, but the encouragement is there
<stupid_chris> just doing something simple but from the ground up
<stupid_chris> because *education*
<SilverFox> ~wa '\x1
<FoxBot9000> Query was not understood; no results available.
<SilverFox> ugh
<AlonzoTG> << /me pays the price for having like 72 mods installed + a few legacy ones that aren't counted in that number.
<X> Hmm
<AlonzoTG> I lost all my main flights in my career save,
<AlonzoTG> and a bunch of my parts aren't spawning.
<stupid_chris> aight, gonna have to go
<stupid_chris> peace out guys o/
stupid_chris has quit [Quit: peace out like a trout]
<AlonzoTG> right now KSP-AVC is erroring out so that's top priority at the moment.
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