so, I saw a numberphile video on superpermutations and shit and wanted to do that, they said they don't know what the smallest one for 6! is for sure. so I took this as a challenge, and because I have no way of storing these gigantic strings of numbers for superperms, I'd have to break it out as a string, so in my drunken stupor I came up with this solution for checking if a series contains each number of a permutation or whatever
stupid_chris, much better yeah, I'll put that one in now
so this one did like, adding to the number by one and made sure it didn't go higher than the possible number we were going for, like the superperm of 6 will never contain a 7, so skip 7 and start at 1
that was the purpose of this function
RandomJeb has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
well youre motivated at least
I like how drunk-me still kept up with the documentation tho
!csharp Convert.ToChar(1)
what is that
!u '\x1
U+0031 DIGIT ONE (1)
and I'm here, trying to implement hierarchical model loading in OpenGL
oh you wanna get like that?
I hate c++
it's a project
I'm over here tryna simulate the human body
but you have your own game enine
and im building mine
depending on how yours goes, I might use yours
not very far
you'll have to keep it up with Unity
I'm not doing anything fancy
probs, but the encouragement is there
just doing something simple but from the ground up
because *education*
~wa '\x1
Query was not understood; no results available.
<< /me pays the price for having like 72 mods installed + a few legacy ones that aren't counted in that number.
I lost all my main flights in my career save,
and a bunch of my parts aren't spawning.
aight, gonna have to go
peace out guys o/
stupid_chris has quit [Quit: peace out like a trout]
right now KSP-AVC is erroring out so that's top priority at the moment.