Profound has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
No, conservative intellectual, it's not that your objects are inherintly bad, it's that 1) you may be making them in bad faith, 2) if you aren't more extreme members of your movement are exploiting them in bad faith, and 3) your position is to the left of basically every republican and a non-trivial number of democrats. (most dems in the case of healthcare)
UmbralRaptor meant to say: No, conservative intellectual, it's not that your objections are inherintly bad, it's that 1) you may be making them in bad faith, 2) if you aren't more extreme members of your movement are exploiting them in bad faith, and 3) your position is to the left of basically every republican and a non-trivial number of democrats. (most dems in the case of healthcare)
icefire has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
icefire has donated enough. For now.
UmbralRaptor, context for what objections?
Multiple contexts, mostly climate and healthcare discussions.
so why are they to the left of democrats?
AIUI, the vast majority of democrates in the house/senate (and most state houses/senates) are against single payer.
ProjectThoth is okay with single payer.
ah, okay. naming a single person clarifies it more, even if I've not been looking at what he says lately
The climate one is more of Ross Douhat, but still sorta applies.
random: I am disappointed that there doesn't appear to be such thing as a breadboard wire splitter (as in a Y-lead). However with a couple cuts in the foam and some rearranging tomorrow I think I'll be able to get the extra 5V/GND pairs I need
NathanKell|Twitch is now known as NathanKell|AFK
(more than half of the accessible part of the breadboard is already used by an I2C multiplexer and I don't want to go plugging 5V/GND into its unused channels when unnecessary)
... wait why am I considering this a problem when this is the kind with the +- lines all up the sides
I have literally unlimited 5V/GND connections already
(this literally being figurative)
Are you certain that your circuit board isn't aleph-null inches by aleph-null inches?
Mostly, though I have not actually put the micrometer to it
"he Genovese story isn’t just a story of individual moral culpability, it’s also a story about malign and corrupt institutions and the corrosive effects those institutions have on our lives, and one of the real services Cook’s new book provides is the restoration of those effects to the broader narrative of the case."
UmbralRaptor meant to say: "The Genovese story isn’t just a story of individual moral culpability, it’s also a story about malign and corrupt institutions and the corrosive effects those institutions have on our lives, and one of the real services Cook’s new book provides is the restoration of those effects to the broader narrative of the case."