reminder: alt-right trolls and neonazis cannot function if you don't take their bait and let them waste your time on distractions
if you have an angle, press it and ignore the distractions until they flee
do not let them frustrate you with irrelevant trash that's just meant to upset you into breaking off an attack that's working and let them lead the conversation
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<mrbenwexler> I have no sympathy for these kids. Their parents broke the law. They don't have jobs. They cost taxpayers money. Deport Eric & Don Jr.
probably would save more money than deporting all the rest
So there's a TV nearby with CNN. It called North Korea the greatest threat to the planet.
* UmbralRaptor
stares at 401 ppm of CO2.
I suppose it depends on certainty of execution or worst plausible outcome - nuclear Armageddon would kill us quicker and deader so perhaps Twitler+NK wins on that one. :-/