egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
⟨lamont⟩ tried to look at what you're doing but i got very confused with "gateux derivatives" and other such stuff.
⟨lpg4999⟩ it's just a misspelling for "gato". this is the multilingual cat channel, not the multilingual cake chanel
⟨Al₂Me₆⟩ I want to say that’s what they call the directional derivative? I believe they’re doing gradient descent based on the user’s current flight plan.
⟨lamont⟩ but if you've got L-BFGS you should roughly have matlab level fminunc capability. and from skimming it looks like you're trying to minimize "J = ∆v" (or "J = ∆v^2"?) subject to the celestial distance constraint? (and not sure if you're throwing that into J with a penalty function or if you're doing lagrange multipliers?)
⟨lamont⟩ (yeah the sensitivities of the flight plan to variations in the plan is definitely a derivative that you'd want to compute, i assume that is more or less what is being computed...)
⟨lamont⟩ but more to the point is that for that kind of a problem you'll get better results doing both forward and backward integration with a "meet in the middle approach"
⟨lamont⟩ that'll increase the dimensionality of the problem though
⟨lamont⟩ but the idea being that "∆v (x,y,z)" are optimizer variables at the start, you then forward propagate those for "0.5*∆t", then you have optimizer variables at the end (you could just pick the 6-vector "(vf,rf)" as optimizer variables) and then backward propagate by "0.5*∆t". then you have constraints at point "1" in the middle where "v1- = v1+" and "r1- = r1+"
⟨lamont⟩ but you can also be more cleverer and constrain rf to be on a surface with fixed radius with theta, phi being free (working in spherical coordinates) and then you're halfway to having your constraint automatically applied. and you can also probably eliminate a degree of freedom in vf by only considering the tangent space to rf and enforce the periapsis constraint that way.
⟨lamont⟩ derivatives get a bit messier though and the problem becomes larger, but you guarantee that you always "hit" your terminal conditions (because you start there).
⟨lamont⟩ then the optimizer just crawls around forward propagating on one side and backward propagatingo on the other side, trying to find a match point at the midpoint of the trajectory.
⟨lamont⟩ (which is dramaticaly more stable than trying to only do forward shooting and hit a celestial)
⟨ashnoom⟩ Here is an interesting one. But I am not sure if it is Principia's or Kerbalism's problem.
⟨ashnoom⟩ I have a Orbital Perturbation Experminent running around Venus. I have a 65deg inclination. But when it is _not_ the active vessel, then the inclination in the Kerbalism window chnges to <50
⟨ashnoom⟩ I brought my inclination up by 2.2points, now I at least get my science :p
⟨quattrorumbass⟩ could I use this with my current 80s rp1 game or should I try it with a different save?
⟨quattrorumbass⟩ * save
⟨sichelgaita⟩ This should be compatible with any recent save (less than 3-4 months). Of course, save your save before using this version.
⟨quattrorumbass⟩ ty!
⟨egg⟩ To an extent this effort stems from having the BFGS hammer because of the equipotential work and seeing something that looked like a nail.