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<Lartza> spacedock is slow, gg rip
<Lartza> :P
* Thomas SpaceDock is very fast, but it has almost no features, because he is rewriting backend in go
<Lartza> Thomas, Opening featured mods, or changing the page on it takes like 45 seconds
<Thomas> ack
<Lartza> :P
<VITAS> does it?
<VITAS> problem: ive a cold right now (3rd time this season) so i dont feel clear enough to change $stuff
<Thomas> VITAS: btw, I am planning to remove all the hardcoded spacedock / ksp specific variables from the db objects in the go version of backend, and move them to the meta-dict
<Thomas> If you have no obligations against it of course
<VITAS> example?
<VITAS> stuff that reffers to the sitename?
<VITAS> or url=
<Thomas> forumUsername for example
<Thomas> or avatar
<Thomas> Everything that is frontend / game specific
<Thomas> backend should be a barebones mod repository / data api
<Thomas> (if you ask me)
<VITAS> avatar should be a site internal avatar not external
<VITAS> for stuff like forum: i would have a key/value store of additional values that can be specefied in the config file (maybe with additional regex or something)
<Thomas> VITAS: thats meta
<Thomas> You can put stuff into it through the edit mechanism
<VITAS> but yes forumuser and other ksp specific stuff should be optional
<Thomas> Also, the avatars would be still hosted on the site, just the reference to them would be in meta, if you meant that
<VITAS> if you boil it down: the code should be for a social "github like" filesharing platform
<Thomas> That was kinda my plan
<VITAS> so what makes it different from github?
<VITAS> or other version control webfrontends
<Thomas> That it is hosting mods
<VITAS> i think its steam like theaming and presentation of software as a product
<Thomas> And it is version control in a minimalistic way
<VITAS> maybe but that isnt something that has to be like that
<VITAS> i think the main difference is: github targets experts
<Thomas> right
<VITAS> but spacedock targets like steam endusers
<VITAS> they want flashy ads and theaming
<VITAS> so we are taking in code and projects and serving products
* Thomas doesnt quite understand what VITAS wants to say him with that
<VITAS> ok
<VITAS> for the mod author its a tool
<VITAS> and for him it has to be as easy as github (and easy on the eyes)
<Thomas> And thats what the frontend does
<VITAS> for the mod user its like steam. where a mod is a product that has to fight for attention
<Thomas> It abstracts the backend API in a way the end user can understand
<VITAS> in other words: you have cool technical ppl on one side and emotional non technical people on the other and we exchange between them
<VITAS> yes but the backend has to offer the functions
<VITAS> it has to offer the tools for the mod author who thinks about efficiency and the mod user who wants fancy gfx, videos and screenshots :)
<Thomas> The backend offers the functions
<Thomas> By giving out an API for the frontend to store / read whatever it wants to store
<VITAS> but are you now getting how i define spacedock?
<Thomas> Yes
<VITAS> hmm but it has to follow a norm
<VITAS> generic is good but beware the conflicts :)
<Thomas> Maybe a registery system through plugins / scrips
<Thomas> *scripts
<VITAS> i think the idea with regex isnt that bad
<VITAS> a value for a var has to match some regex i definie when init that var
<Lartza> VITAS, It really does, but it's only the popular category for some reason so meh, and I wasn't in a hurry :)
<VITAS> i wonder if it wouldnt be better to just massivly fork gogs or something liek it.
<VITAS> like
<VITAS> i find the idea of beeing part of the dev process itself interresting
<VITAS> so spacedock not only as publishing platform but as repo for the dev process
<Thomas> Tbh, I think thats is too much overkill. People wont stop using Github in favor of spacedock, and we would have to maintain way more stuff
<Lartza> KSP uses 6.8 gigabytes of RAM in main menu
<Lartza> A bit worrying
<Lartza> :D
<VITAS> my question is: how much modification would it take? aka how many parts can be taken from existing projects that we dont have to maintain?
<VITAS> Lartza, with all the mods you have?
<Lartza> Yes
<Lartza> it actually dropped in game, I guess the textures for the planet on the main menu are a bit large with the highest rest real solar textures
<VITAS> i think the max ram usage i had was 28.something GB while playing
<VITAS> i cant rememebr what the mainmenu usage was
<Lartza> o.o
<Lartza> I guess I am fine then :D
<Thomas> VITAS: If we want to do it good, it would be quite a lot of work
<Lartza> To be honest I've never looked what I've been using in the past really, and I don't have as many mods now as I have had sometime
<VITAS> Thomas i didnt hink it would be but oyure the expert (i guess)
<Thomas> Well we could just pull gogs into backend, but how would that look?
<Thomas> Then we could also just host a gogs and say: if you want you can do vcs here
<VITAS> hmm only if the mod user would haveanother frontend
<VITAS> he doesnt need to be confused with sourcecode :)
<VITAS> but my head is currently filled with slime and fuzzy stuff so we should discuss that another time :)
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