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<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 2 new commits to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 3591d98 Dorian Stoll: Rename the route functions
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 7ed96f3 Dorian Stoll: Finish game.go
<Thomas> 5 done, 6 missing
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 2 new commits to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go f6d9e2e Dorian Stoll: Remove trailing slashes
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go bf72328 Dorian Stoll: Token api
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 943c90d Dorian Stoll: My Github name and the year changed
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RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
<Thomas> o/ RockyTV
<RockyTV> hello!
<RockyTV> TIL debian release names are toy story characters
<Lartza> :O they are!
<Thomas> lol
* Thomas wonders when ubuntu will run out of animal names
<Lartza> In around 29555 years probably
<RockyTV> never
<Lartza> If they keep the two releases per year pace
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<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 5665e0f Dorian Stoll: More dummy data
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 41358c6 Dorian Stoll: Fix the request limiter
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 0cfff46 Dorian Stoll: Better tokens
<Thomas> Fork of a request limiting software for go, because I modified it
<Thomas> But it didnt worked, so I redid it and deleted that repo :D
<VITAS> req limitin g?
<VITAS> dont need that i use mod evasive
<VITAS> so its handled on the webserver/proxy level
<Thomas> Now its there
<Thomas> And it has support for tokens
<Thomas> :D
<VITAS> ok thats a good thing
<Thomas> (and you were the one who wanted it when I added it to the python version :P)
<VITAS> btw i played arround with twitter bootstrap and now understand it :D
<Thomas> Heh
<VITAS> but im still unsure if i find it usefull
<Thomas> Yeah, bootstrap is quite nice if you understand it, and if you dont overuse it
<VITAS> because all sites look the same
<Thomas> I absolutely hat sites who are full bootstrap
<Thomas> (but I actually like googles material design :D)
<VITAS> i also looked at gogs symanticUI
<VITAS> it looks similar and i think i will do a quick poage in that too
<VITAS> interresting thing: ive the option to buuild some sort of toolbox web portal thing at work
<VITAS> and i will need to implement user acc, api, some admin panel, ui and so on to house a set of webbased tools
<VITAS> i think its an great opertunity to play arround with ready made building blocvks that are out there and find good ones to combine
<VITAS> i also looking for idears on what to offer to the community using the spare server resources i have
<VITAS> input is welcome :)
<Thomas> dunno
<VITAS> u can ask arround :)
* Thomas focuses on getting godock done :D
<VITAS> ok...
<VITAS> :)
<Thomas> mostly reimplementing routes
<VITAS> at least youre good in branding :P
<Thomas> and the plugin system
<Thomas> lol
<Thomas> godock is the working title
<Thomas> And when that is done, I will focus on opendock and MAYBE on SDF
<VITAS> hmm i simply hope we will have soemthign we can put into production at some point :)
<Thomas> Yeah
<Thomas> Also, I noticed that sdb never had a way to delete users :D
<VITAS> tztztz
<VITAS> but most services dont
<VITAS> try deleting your acc from different websites
<RockyTV> I forked the prod to dev
<Thomas> Well, not only for the end user. There was no admin interface, so the only way to do it is the db :D
<RockyTV> but it's not working
<RockyTV> I can't register, dunno why
<RockyTV> it was that error I pasted the other dya
<RockyTV> s/dya/day
<Qboid> RockyTV meant to say: it was that error I pasted the other day
<Thomas> .. For me it starts
<Thomas> or do you mean the setup script?
<RockyTV> I can't create a modpack*
<RockyTV> er
<RockyTV> actually
<RockyTV> I can't create a game nor publisher via db
<VITAS> uhm the game and publisher db is no secret
<VITAS> isnt there a version in sdb?
<VITAS> you coudl export and use
<VITAS> the admin panel in prod is broken
<Thomas> sdbs database is too different to be useable for prod
<VITAS> the games and publisher tables shouldnt
<Thomas> RockyTV: I think eirexe fixed the modpacks in his spacedock clone...
<VITAS> also: PIZZA time!
<VITAS> todays pizza: borccoly, steak strips, sauce hollandais, steak pepper
<VITAS> and tomatoes
<Thomas> RockyTV: Hmm, I dont see why it doesnt work
<RockyTV> VITAS, I'll get some fixes from eirexe and apply to prod repo
<RockyTV> then you can update prod
<VITAS> be carefull: he did mess up the templates
<Thomas> Hmm, no eirexe didnt fix the modpacks, he fixed gameversion creation xD
<RockyTV> I think I fixed them
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock] RockyTV pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock/master e61e617 Alexandre Oliveira: Reorganize script imports again
<RockyTV> oh damn
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock] RockyTV pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock/master ae3908e Alexandre Oliveira: Move edit_pack.js to end of import list
<RockyTV> VITAS, I think we're good to go to push that
<RockyTV> s/that/that to prod
<Qboid> RockyTV meant to say: VITAS, I think we're good to go to push that to prod
<VITAS> what does it do?
<VITAS> who tested it?
<RockyTV> well, we can't test it yet
<RockyTV> but I'm pretty sure it's fixed
<RockyTV> it won't be worse than it was (it wasn't working) :P
<VITAS> and you want me to push something that isnt tested and that youre "pretty sure that its fixed" and i dont even know what you wanted to fix to production?
<VITAS> what we should do is fill the dev env with test data and play arround
<VITAS> i will set up a beta env if thats done
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 49bede6 Dorian Stoll: publisher endpoints
<RockyTV> I set it up, it's not working
<RockyTV> if you fix it, sure
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Majiir is now known as Snoozee
flightyfighty has joined #spacedock
<flightyfighty> hello
<flightyfighty> anyone there
<flightyfighty> nananannanananna
<flightyfighty> I don't know where I am
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<VITAS> no problem noone does