@VITAS quick suggestion while I'm here for a few minutes, implement categories or tags for mods so we can sort through them faster :)
i thought about that allready
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i even tought about replacing games categorys with tags
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[SpaceDock] Nhawks1717 opened issue #177: Cannot delete SVE from Spacedock https://git.io/vyjHT
i could do that manualy
[SpaceDock] V1TA5 commented on issue #177: I did unpublish it for you (Just because). Dont know why it couldnt be deleted. I deleted mods in the past. https://git.io/vyj7o
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[SpaceDock] Nhawks1717 commented on issue #177: Thanks for that! I don't know what happened either, it did that awhile back and I forgot to poke one of you guys about it then. Thanks for your help! https://git.io/vSe5z