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RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
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<Lartza> godock sounds too much like godot probably :P
<Lartza> and bootstrap doesn't have to look the same if you think that you've not understood it yet
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go: https://git.io/vydmS
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go df5062f Dorian Stoll: Improve memory consumption
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go: https://git.io/vydmH
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go b92150e Dorian Stoll: Dont try to crash the application on purpose
politas has joined #spacedock
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 2 new commits to go: https://git.io/vydOK
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go f1ef636 Dorian Stoll: Config overhaul
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go e2227c8 Dorian Stoll: general.go (storage downloads)
<Thomas> !choose work on mod routes|work on plugins
<Qboid> Thomas: Your options are: work on mod routes, work on plugins. My choice: work on plugins
RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
<Thomas> o/ RockyTV
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 2 new commits to go: https://git.io/vydlI
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go bf004ff Dorian Stoll: Package updated, value is gone
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 1aec7e8 Dorian Stoll: Fake plugin system...
<Thomas> godock now has a fake plugin system :P
<VITAS> for fakenews? ;)
<Thomas> Fakenews plugin
<Thomas> Outputs "Trump" as the author of all mods
<VITAS> Thats Fakenews! Your lying! your out! i wont invite you to this press conference again!
<VITAS> and i will build a pipeline trough your room
<Thomas> (nah, it is really just a build wrapper that inserts a list of repositories into the main file, so the "plugins" get embedded into the main binary)
<Thomas> lol
<VITAS> sounds like trumps health bill: placebo :P
<Thomas> Yes
<Thomas> But it is way saner than marshalling between go and another language :D
<Thomas> And it has more SPEEEEEEEEEED
<VITAS> speed is good!
<VITAS> gogo speed racer!
* Thomas wasnt quite in the mood to have a full javascript vm in backend
<VITAS> good
<VITAS> serverside js is strange
<Thomas> So now we have a fake virtualenv and a fake plugin system
<Thomas> FakeDock
<VITAS> great
<VITAS> you can now invent games and mods for it
<VITAS> and maybe user
<Thomas> games and user is already there
<VITAS> are they real?
<Thomas> only modlists, featured and mods is missing
<Thomas> trump approved
<Thomas> :P
<VITAS> @fakeDonaldDumb
<VITAS> sorry Trump :P
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go: https://git.io/vyd8v
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 56c8bec Dorian Stoll: featured.go
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 2 new commits to go: https://git.io/vyd8A
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go e3935c8 Dorian Stoll: Add the modlist objects
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go d8ca4c1 Dorian Stoll: Better formatting
<Thomas> o.O Almost half of the commits in the go branch were made yesterday and today
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 3 new commits to go: https://git.io/vyd02
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 5f727bc Dorian Stoll: Use urls that will actually work
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 074618e Dorian Stoll: First part of the modpack routes
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go deb5216 Dorian Stoll: Redo the ability adding for the dummy admin users...
<Thomas> Alright, mods.py, here I come
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go: https://git.io/vydzX
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 2fae745 Dorian Stoll: Add event objects
<RockyTV> Thomas, what do you recommend for getting started with go?
<Thomas> gogland from jetbrains
<Thomas> its early access, but it is awesome
<RockyTV> is it powered by java?
<Thomas> No, I dont think so
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 2 new commits to go: https://git.io/vydP0
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 2d0f866 Dorian Stoll: Redo some stuff
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go c951b64 Dorian Stoll: Start with the mod routes
Daz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Thomas> Hmm, I guess that I can finish the go port tomorrow..
<VITAS> good work
<VITAS> :)
<Thomas> And then: plugins :D
<VITAS> there are no plugins its all propaganda of the media
<VITAS> (thats what i was told)
* Thomas never said that
<VITAS> im sure cnn and the times said it
<VITAS> thats why theyre baned from this channel
<Thomas> :D
<VITAS> and still: go to Jugendhackt this summer!
Snoozee is now known as Majiir
<RockyTV> damn
<RockyTV> I was just going to get started with go
<VITAS> theres enough work left im sure
<VITAS> or do you mean the board game? ;)
<RockyTV> heh
<Thomas> RockyTV: VITAS is right, there is still a lot of stuff we need to do
<Thomas> *cough* porting plugins and making new plugins to replace features I left out *cough*
<Thomas> And of course general maintainance and bugfixing
Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away