idea: i havent transfered or used any donations from patreon yet. it might be a good idea to have the money as prize or payment for commiting usefull stuff/code to spacedock. so e.g. if someone would make a working (and quality) frontend i could give him/her some money (it isnt enough to hire someone but something like a couple of 100$ would be possible)
and yes i would prefer people to do stuff without payment
we could also break it down and say: if you implemnt feature x you get y. or everyone can xommit code for solving y and the one commiting the most usable code gets y
i also wonder. does patron take handleing fees if i donate money from my patron account to another patreon account?
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VITAS: I think it does
i wrote them an email
VITAS: And I like that idea
on one hand its outragous if they charge you for changing flags in their db (and they allready charged the same money in the past)
on the other hand: one could spread donations two multiple accounts so one wouldnt have to go trough the tax foo
the money was intended to pay the server infrasteructure. but im willing to give up on (some) of the money in exchange for getting stuff moving
and moving not only includes finishing the rewrite but also have it include all the functions i want
If you have time: make tickets for the stuff you need
I wont remember it otherwise
first question is: what would be the best way to use the money to maximum effect?
so if patreon says they wont charge for dontaing donations to other patreon users i would go that route
do i offer a big sum for finishing all or small sums for milestones is another thing
atm its just an idea
From their TOS: "Our fee is 5% of processed pledges."