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<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/master d0b3385 Dorian Stoll: Output the mod data for featured mods
<Thomas> o/
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Extras] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Extras/master 2cbc433 Dorian Stoll: Transform featured mods
<VITAS> <-i only need to customize the welcome screen text
<Thomas> VITAS: Looks good
<VITAS> problm with the text is, that its multilang
<VITAS> and i dont know chinese spanish and so on
<VITAS> so i will do it in english and german and thats it
* Thomas stabs gorm
<Thomas> Somehow it is trolling me
<Thomas> It seems to execute a perfect query, but the result doesnt show up in the db
* Thomas only wanted to feature a mod, waaah
<Thomas> VITAS: Instead of "we are the community" maybe "from the community, for the community" or sth. like that?
<VITAS> thats was my 1st version
<VITAS> soudned like the 3 musketeers and was a bit long
<VITAS> hmm breaks line but else im happy
<VITAS> Ok i posted on the FOrums so i declare aka SpaceDOck Developer open
<Thomas> VITAS: Another thing you might want to note: free and unlimited private repos
<Olympic1> o/
<VITAS> yes seems like i have to because it isnt as usual as i would like to
<Olympic1> oh, SDdev looks nice
<VITAS> and wasnt a lot of work to get it to look like that :)
* VITAS is reading about the ksp expation "making history"
<VITAS> i wonder if it matters to mods if a person has the expention or not
<VITAS> (and thus to spacedocks version system)
<Olympic1> well adding 1.3 is certain :P
<Olympic1> easy*
Olympic1 is now known as Olympic1|NOMZ
<VITAS> its also funny how they talk about "artists" and "devs" and not mention names anymore
<VITAS> yes but 1.3 + dlc bla or without dlc bla
<VITAS> adding both as idividual versions isnt a problem
<VITAS> but would be something to change /make bette rin your ver thomas
<VITAS> like make tree like version structures possible
<VITAS> or simply add dlcs as modifiers for versions
<Thomas> VITAS: If I understand it correctly, the dlc is an official mod
<Thomas> So if mods want to care they can care, but they dont need to
<VITAS> yes but you could build uppon it
<Thomas> Yeah, but that can work in mods too
<Thomas> So why should we care?
<VITAS> youre right
<Thomas> CKAN maybe, but not sd
<VITAS> because it official
<VITAS> +s
<VITAS> that brings us to the question: for non ckan users: wouldnt it be nice to notify users of dependencies?
<VITAS> so we could handle the dlc as a required mod that isnt hosted by us and simply have a list for the user
<VITAS> is there any official talk on betas or anythign liek that for the next major ksp ver?
<Thomas> We dont need a second ckan I think
<VITAS> i dont want to build ckan
<VITAS> i just want to present information in a more unified way
<VITAS> so not in some readme description but in links and unified names
<Thomas> Why not
<VITAS> because i like machine readable data
<VITAS> you could e.g. autobuild modpacks to dl
<VITAS> for now im goign to watch movies, decide on a good keyboard to buy (in germany) and wait on who will use SD dev
<VITAS> btw would have been cool if i could connect to SD user db from gogs
<Thomas> Well it is go, so we could try to pull the sdb user modules into a gogs fork
* Thomas hates his db recursion code..
egg|afk|egg is now known as egg
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Olympic1|NOMZ is now known as Olympic1
<Olympic1> When you update your mod on SD, maybe under the version selection dropdown add a checkbox for the dlc
<Olympic1> so you can check it as dlc content or not
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/master a8ea0cd Dorian Stoll: Thomas 1 - DB Recursion 0
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<Thomas> Olympic1: If we do it, I would do it generic
<Thomas> So mod 1 depends on mod 2
<Olympic1> wouldnt that begin making things complicated. ex: Mod 1 depends on mod 2, but in order to get mod 2 you need to have mod 3
<Thomas> Olympic1: Not if all the user gets is a list, so he doesnt have to parse the description :D
<Thomas> Just a list of links he *can* click
<Olympic1> ah, that would help
<VITAS> and u could think about gogs integration
<VITAS> eg userdb sync
<Thomas> VITAS: That shouldn't be hard
<Thomas> But it would need a gogs fork I think
<VITAS> no gogs api?
<VITAS> or directly fill its db?
<Thomas> There is an api, but when we do this, we should make spacedock the central part
<Thomas> and not gogs
<Thomas> so gogs fetches its data from the spacedock tables
<Thomas> and there is no api that can do this
<Thomas> So we'd need to build sth. custom
<VITAS> i was thinking that sd could write to gogs db
<VITAS> and add users and retrive data
<VITAS> so it would be the central
<Thomas> I would like to avoid that
<VITAS> dont know
<VITAS> so api still?
<Thomas> Because then we have two systems that are deeply connected. With my suggestion, sd(b) doesnt care about gogs
<Thomas> So we are more free
<VITAS> it has to in a way
<VITAS> else its just gogs
<Thomas> If we decide to close the gogs, we dont have 2 dbs with connected data
<VITAS> ant the core idea is to have it as dev env for mods that the author then pushes to sd
<Thomas> We can do the integration with sdb through the gogs api and plugins, thats not my point
<VITAS> in that case do
<Thomas> My point is that I would like to avoid gogs specific code directly in the backend
<VITAS> then do
<VITAS> all i want is to be able to read/write forma nd to gogs
<VITAS> so mod pages can integrate gogs data if present
<VITAS> and authosrs can use their sd login for gogs
<VITAS> (and maybe use data from sd via gogs plugins)
<Thomas> Gogs plugins and sd login would need a gogs fork, yeah
<VITAS> why?
<VITAS> gogs supports plugins
<Thomas> Actually.. the gogs stuff could also be in the frontend
<Thomas> VITAS: What.. how
<Thomas> It is go
egg is now known as egg|principia|egg
<VITAS> theres a plugin folder
<VITAS> thats all i know
egg|principia|egg is now known as egg
<Thomas> VITAS: jQuery plugins maybe? ^^
<VITAS> no idea
<VITAS> else you can do it via glue processes
<VITAS> use hooks, api and so on
<Thomas> Gah, no. That would need a fork too and then I can also just implement code directly. :D
<VITAS> anyways
<VITAS> ill go to bed now
<VITAS> you can play with it if you like
<VITAS> n8
<Thomas> Nah. Before I attempt any integration I want to finish the frontend/backend so that it is actually useable
<Thomas> night
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD commented on issue #5: Hiho,...
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