btw, I created my account at our git: Xinayder
add me to the SD team
btw might be but i said i wont start chaninging all occurences of that font
and i wont have one font on one side another on another
ill add oyu
gogs is really fast and looks like github
yes that is why we use it
faster than github pages :)
its faster than gitlab
ops, gitlab*
gitlabs hogs cpu time like crazy even ifg its not used
have to give you rights later. im in a natwork where i cant reach the site.
or ask thomas
RockyTV: And gogs is in go \o/
is there anything left to do with sdb.go?
what makes go better than python?
VITAS: Python is interpreted, go is compiled into machine code
and its webserver implementation handles concurency very good
btw, are the servers down? can't access dev.spacedock.info nor stats.52k.de
I cant access it too
uuh checking
aradapilot has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
RockyTV: Also, the new sdb is mostly finished, now its time again to do frontend dev and develop the backend based on whats needed for the frontend
what was that software we use for tickets?
dev is working
but sd isnt for me
RockyTV: Added you to the orga in gogs
aradapilot has joined #spacedock
both aren't working for me
Yeah, dev is dead again
aradapilot has quit [Client Quit]
Now it works again..
yes because im working on getting sd back up
VPN link is dead
working now?
puuh good
vpn link to the rack went down
VITAS: Another suggestion: Maybe force https on developer
and when it came back up apache had given up on trying to reach the nodes
i will
hates when sd breaks. It gets so hectic
imidiate post on forums :D
ppl notice imidatly
aradapilot has joined #spacedock
i like my reply
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VITAS, I'll mirror dmp on spacedock dev hub
if you like :)
maybe you should rename it to SpaceDock Developer Portal or Hub
and why is that?
Hmm, I should check if gogs can mirror in both directions
so that you can push to gogs and it appears on github
RockyTV, i like suggestions but it doesnt make a good impression if you come in after something has been finished and suggest we should change stuff
it's weird "SpaceDock Developer"
are you reading what im writing?
please be here when things are done and help doing them. I wont have problems with you criticising my decissions then.