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Astronaut1 has joined #spacedock
<Astronaut1> i ned h
<Astronaut1> help
<RockyTV> shoot
<Astronaut1> ?????
<Astronaut1> My mod isnt on CKAN when spacedock s
<Astronaut1> aid it is
<Astronaut1> pls help
<RockyTV> what mod
<Astronaut1> im using it to test textures but it is called KERBALVERSE
<Astronaut1> im planning to make galaxy
<Astronaut1> and it is only 1 gas giant
<RockyTV> hm
<RockyTV> ;tell
<RockyTV> !help
<Qboid> RockyTV: I sent you a private message with information about all my commands!
<RockyTV> !tell Thomas mod kerbalverse says it's listed on ckan when in reality it isn't
<Qboid> RockyTV: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Astronaut1> ok thx as from experinc eplanet textures only work when planet pack are downloaded from ckan
Majiir is now known as Snoozee
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AWAY
Astronaut1 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
<Thomas> Well, then either it gets added to ckan, or VITAS removes its badge
<Qboid> Thomas: RockyTV left a message for you in #spacedock [15.04.2017 04:01:38]: "mod kerbalverse says it's listed on ckan when in reality it isn't"
<Thomas> And o/
Olympic1 has joined #spacedock
* VITAS reads
<Unknown601> evening VITAS :)
<VITAS> so: a mod (link please) has to get the CKAN flag removed and it cant be done by the user?
<VITAS> good (looks on clock) morningish
<VITAS> how are things Unknown601 ?
<Unknown601> Great
<VITAS> you where away quite a while
<Unknown601> moved to a 100 acre in the mountains
<VITAS> now ive to find out how large an acre is but sounds large
<VITAS> what youre planing to do on that land?
<Unknown601> VITAS, how have you been going?
<VITAS> ive a job that is now permanent. I got some servers for free in a rack i can access physicly
<Unknown601> :) nice!
<VITAS> so SPaceDock isnt as responsive as it should be but it has mass amounts of spare resources
<VITAS> (its running on 1 i7 and 4 dual xeon machines
<Unknown601> rack mount servers sound fun
<VITAS> theyre old crap from 2009 a datacenter threw out
<Thomas> morning vitas
<Unknown601> i have a band new HP server with UNRAID and PLEX running on WDRED NAS DRIVES
<VITAS> and i got space, power and inet at the uni datacenter in my city
<Unknown601> what type?
<VITAS> im simply running Ubuntu lts and software raid 1 on supermicro 1u two node servers
<Unknown601> dell power edge?
<VITAS> they cramp two dual cpu nodes in 1u
<Thomas> Heh, I still have 2 servers from 2005 at school, but they arent used
<VITAS> with 2 drives each
<VITAS> i got 5 of those but even 4 nodes is overkill
<VITAS> theyre idile all the time
<VITAS> problem is: i do vpn from one end of germany to the other
<Unknown601> you lucky dog :P
<VITAS> so SD response times are slugish
<VITAS> but the server has (atm) 1gbit uplink so it should be stable even with high user counts
<VITAS> yes my new job is gold
<Unknown601> whats the job if you don't mind telling
<VITAS> ig got an lenovo thinkpad P50 with 4k display as computer
<VITAS> im head of it at a small startup that resides in the dep. of chemistry inside the uni of hamburg
<VITAS> they do open source mass spectrmetry softeware
<Unknown601> nice, and its innovative :)
<VITAS> thats that thing that finds out what somethign is made of if you stick a sample of it inside it
<VITAS> or something like that
<Unknown601> i know :P
<VITAS> i didnt
<VITAS> i felt like someone i talk about computer sto
<Unknown601> wiki is your friend
<VITAS> openchrom.net is the soft
<Unknown601> nice clean interface
<VITAS> im even looking for employees now
<VITAS> its java so i hate it
<VITAS> but not my problem im not there to code
<Unknown601> congrads :)
<VITAS> problem is: i dont find any
<VITAS> i didnt think its so hard to find a front&backend webdev
<Unknown601> hmmm i would have thought it would be easy
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> it was easier to find java devs that have ddegrees in chemistry :D
<Unknown601> lol
<Unknown601> i have been starting to skill up on the backend
<VITAS> i simply dont have the time to do it myself so ive to hire someone.
<Unknown601> yeah
<VITAS> in other news: i hopfully recive my unicomp model m today
<Unknown601> BTW https://i.imgur.com/uYuKWM1.jpg Most of what you see is mine, besides the mountain faces and the hills far off :P
<VITAS> i found out that theyre produced with german iso layout
<VITAS> so now i will have an ibm Model M buckeling spring keyboard in black with usb and win keys
<VITAS> thats big
<VITAS> and looks absolutly gorgous
<Unknown601> it is
<VITAS> what does that cost?
<Unknown601> just getting a feel for the area so leasing it, will be buying i think :)
<Unknown601> its worth under a mill
<Unknown601> around 800-900k i think
<VITAS> 642439€
<VITAS> that sounds cheap!
<VITAS> you get 1.5 normal houses over here for that money
<Unknown601> land is cheaper over here
<VITAS> and thy have only a small city like garden
<VITAS> because you have more of it
<VITAS> but what are your plans with it?
<VITAS> just look at it?
<Unknown601> :P look at mostly
SilverFox has quit [Ping timeout: 200 seconds]
<VITAS> hmm you could build the cabin in the woods :P
<Unknown601> ;) yep
<Unknown601> lol
<Unknown601> I can get upto 50/20 internet
<Unknown601> got 20/5 at the moment
<Unknown601> does have its downsides though
<VITAS> speed
<Unknown601> like 50minutes to a town with expensive shops, 1.5 hours to normal shops
<VITAS> still slow by my standarts but sounds usable
<VITAS> hmm thats longish
<VITAS> but keep in mind: i take an hour to get to work across the city
<Unknown601> and really bad flood destroyed the roads
<VITAS> i dont know your location but where you too affected by that storm power outage thing?
<Unknown601> i know people who got flooded :(
<Unknown601> yep
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Extras] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vS76i
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Extras/master a6785c3 Dorian Stoll: Ported the search plugin
<Unknown601> no power or internet for like 5 days
<VITAS> and no generator?
<VITAS> shoppinglist!
<Unknown601> nooo... like i said new to been this remote
<Unknown601> ebay ebay online
<Unknown601> shipping cost the same and you just have to drive 10km to pickup at tiny post office
<VITAS> see
* VITAS checks if the mountain ranges arround Unknown601 property are for sale :P
<Unknown601> :P
<Unknown601> GTG, great talking with you again my friend :)
<VITAS> bye
<Unknown601> i want to know about where you live next time :P
<VITAS> hamburg,germany
<Unknown601> i do like Germany
<Unknown601> o/
<VITAS> Thomas i changed the dev servers url to sddev.spacedock.info (from dev.spacedock.info)
<Thomas> ok
<VITAS> because i want to use dev for a gogs testsetup
<Thomas> I finished the plugin port
<VITAS> coingrats :)
<VITAS> -i
<Thomas> !choose write migration script|wait for the pr to be reviewed
<Qboid> Thomas: Your options are: write migration script, wait for the pr to be reviewed. My choice: write migration script
* VITAS waits for DNS to finish propagating
<VITAS> i wonder if shops ar eopen today
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go: https://git.io/vS7PE
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 86849ed Dorian Stoll: Update the README
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD force-pushed go from 86849ed to 67c2b0f: https://git.io/vS7P2
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 67c2b0f Dorian Stoll: Update the README
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go: https://git.io/vS71f
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go a1e1153 Dorian Stoll: Redo email parsing
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RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
TheKosmonaut is now known as Kosmo|EVA
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SilverFoxy has joined #spacedock
SilverFoxy is now known as SilverFox
<Thomas> o/ RockyTV
<RockyTV> hey
Olympic1|AWAY has joined #spacedock
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