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<Olympic1> Thomas: I'm making a plugin to change the language for 1.3 for other languages, but I just saw now that you already made a plugin for language patches.
<Thomas> Olympic1: You cant change the language. Some strings are edited at compile time and stored in the asset files
<Olympic1> in 1.3 you can
<Thomas> I am talking about 1.3 ;)
<Thomas> Not everything moved to the configs
<Thomas> thats why you have a build for each language
<Thomas> And in 1.2.2, the only way is to crawl all unity text elements and change then, which is what Language Patches does
<Olympic1> oh
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/master c8229fa Dorian Stoll: Fix explosions when concurrently accessing a map
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Extras] StollD pushed 2 new commits to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Extras/master 531f7fd Dorian Stoll: Cache browse
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Extras/master 31c10e6 Dorian Stoll: Limit recursion
* VITAS pushes some sofa into the room and falls onto it.
<VITAS> hi
<VITAS> site running? everybody happy?
<Thomas> Havent seen someone crying
<Thomas> On the other hand.. the spacedock therad might be still gone :P
<Thomas> *thread
* Thomas falls on sofa too
<Olympic1> it was merged into this thread:
<Thomas> lol
<VITAS> i know i find it funny but i realy want to inform the french ksp wiki admin about his dos
<VITAS> not that its a problem for the site but still
<Thomas> Interestingly I find no place on the french ksp sites where the data could be used
<Thomas> they have a modlist but it is horribly out of date and no spacedock links
<VITAS> it isnt the official wiki i think
<Thomas> I know
<Thomas> Found it: They fetch the ksp version from spacedock
<VITAS> as many times per second as they can :D
<VITAS> and why?
<Thomas> VITAS: Well, every time the site is loaded
<Thomas> Its a media wiki macro
<VITAS> hmm and then theres a bot loading the site over and over :P
<Thomas> or they have many visitors
<VITAS> but it shouldnt work anymore
<Thomas> yeah, mods for 1.2.2 are marked outdated :P
<VITAS> if its visitor triggered it shouldnt grind my apache to a halt
<VITAS> mybe it wasnt related but 80% or so of all req where from their server
<VITAS> thats a lot of french ksp players if you ask me
<Thomas> maybe they got ddos'd too
<VITAS> do we have api tokens in the new backend?
<VITAS> and if so can we have a restriction to n amounts of req/month?
<VITAS> or day
<Thomas> well, we have tokens, and we have req limits, but it how it works is different
<Thomas> every host has x requests per minute, unless he adds a token to the url
<Thomas> if he adds a token, the request limit is ignored
<VITAS> hmm and we need that tokenlkess req because of the split
<VITAS> and we dont know if the req came using the frontend
<VITAS> so i would increas the limit if a token is presented but not ignore it
<VITAS> it should be setable per acc/token too
<VITAS> so we can manualy increas it if certain demands are met
<Thomas> oh, and tokens are per ip
<VITAS> thtas fine
<VITAS> but it would be better if theyre per account
<VITAS> so we can link them to an email
<VITAS> pizzadock! *mampf*
RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Extras] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Extras/master 4056797 Dorian Stoll: Say nothing....
<Olympic1> oh, the old spacedock thread is back
<Thomas> They just renamed the thread that nomzed the spacedock thread xD
<Thomas> VITAS: SpaceDock was now created in 2014
<VITAS> fine with me
<Olympic1> lol
<VITAS> time flies :D
<Thomas> hmm, kerbalstuff started in 2014
<Thomas> so to some extend, this is true :D
<VITAS> dont tell them that i also was the pupateer behind kerbalstuff :>
<Thomas> inb4 vitas is majiir
<Thomas> ;P
TheKosmonaut is now known as TheAstronaut
TheAstronaut is now known as TheKosmonaut
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Olympic1|Back is now known as Olympic1
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