<TheKosmonaut> VITAS: I will give you friendly warning though, don’t do anything to unnecessarily heat some feud up.
RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
Jimmy has joined #spacedock
<Jimmy> Just curious, what happened to the KSP Space Dock Thread?
<TheKosmonaut> Forum is bugging or
<TheKosmonaut> Out
<Jimmy> Ok thanks
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<cannwhitt> was spacedock down for anyone else yesterday
<cannwhitt> @VITAS was the spacedock down yesterday
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<RockyTV> this reminds me
<RockyTV> I couldn't deploy spacedock clone due to a bug I can't even find its cause
<RockyTV> if my opinion matters, I think it's time we should put up a beta testing of spacedock.go and check if it's suitable for production use, then push it to production
<RockyTV> I still think we should use a open source frontend for sd until the actual frontend is done
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<VITAS> TheKosmonaut, it isnt down that often. in fact it was the first major thing in month and it was because of DOS at a time when i was asleep. (The DOS is still a thing but i firewall it now)
<VITAS> if hes angry about the site beeing down he could be asking where to help or at least cope with a comback when he does these statements. abusing his powers is badong (bad and wrong) and unprofessional
<VITAS> the majore problem im having with the site btw is that i dont have enough ppl with enough time to fix bugs, optimize code and do support. its only thomas me and some rockyTV and we all have work/school so its up to everyone to help us out and make the site better
<VITAS> about the baging: due to complicated tax laws and so on i wasnt able to transfer any money from patreon. SO its all still there and im paying all the bils from my money since the beginning.
<VITAS> if i remember correctly KS cost about 150$/month and SpaceDock feels bussier than it ever was having about 300Mbit/s and 10 req/s on average 24/7
<VITAS> so imagine it on rlease days. and ive to plan for those to when it spikes to 30req/s
NathanKell|AWAY is now known as NathanKell
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
<VITAS> TheKosmonaut, is it possible to migrate to mariadb on the current prod code?
<VITAS> it wasts resources to run postgres AND myriadb side by side
<Olympic1> VITAS: I found the spacedock thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/159581-dt-vista-engine-losing-thrust
<Lartza> :DDDD
<Lartza> Working just fine
<VITAS> yes i was told its like a ghost haunting the squad forums :P
<VITAS> we had that problem already at some point so i hope they will find a fix :)
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Thomas|AWAY is now known as Thomas
<Thomas> TheKosmonaut: Thanks for the info. My apologies, that timing was just to weird.
<Thomas> o/
<Thomas> !tell RockyTV* Well, for that we'd need to finish a frontend first. And I am still not sure how VITAS wants to proceed with that topic
<Qboid> Thomas: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
* VITAS handles food first :)
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<VITAS> either $someone has to finish the existing one or $someone has to make another one but i still stand to my opinion that i dont want the layout, color, fotn and graphics to be used by someone else
Olympic1 is now known as Olympic1|Away
<Thomas> So, the question is now does Rocky want to work on SDF
<Thomas> that would be more future oriented
<Thomas> on the other hand: opendock would be finished faster and easier
<Thomas> moo
RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
<RockyTV> I'd like to, but I don't know how to proceed and/or if I have enough time (I'm free on weekends and holidays)
<Qboid> RockyTV: Thomas left a message for you in #spacedock [28.04.2017 13:08:18]: "Well, for that we'd need to finish a frontend first. And I am still not sure how VITAS wants to proceed with that topic"
<RockyTV> o/
<VITAS> hoi
<Thomas> RockyTV: Yeah. Thats one of the reasons I would prefer to finish opendock... But I dunno how VITAS sees that, since OpenDock is completely FOSS
<Thomas> *why I would
<RockyTV> we need to adapt it to spacedock.go, don't we?
<Thomas> We just need to change some routes
Olympic1|Away is now known as Olympic1
<Thomas> We didn't had much stuff that used the POST stuff
<Thomas> And change some field names or add them back to sdb
<VITAS> the frontend also isnt finished and has some bugs/problems
<VITAS> my problem is: i code and type all day long so i cant bring myself to spend the rest of my time coding.
<VITAS> but it makes me angry at the same time. because i want the result
<Thomas> VITAS: If you give the ok, I will finish opendock, and if RockyTV has time, he can help with it. I know its not your vision of spacedock, but it would be a start and it would give us time.
<VITAS> if it conforms to my restrictions
<VITAS> whatever you code keepin mind that we will add new functions to the site
<VITAS> i realy want to have tha bility to add video/written reviews, letsplays and so on to mods and packs
<Thomas> what are your restrictions? spacedocks ci should be closed source, ok, but what else?
<VITAS> and analytics for mod hosters should be expanded using piwiks api
<VITAS> yes the ci as mentioned
<VITAS> i dont want the layout, color, fotn and graphics to be used by someone else
<VITAS> with layout i mean the look not the position of elements
<Thomas> graphics arent in the repo, but atm opendock uses the old kerbalstuff look. We cant relicense that
<VITAS> not a good idea
<VITAS> it has to look like prod or like my frontend
<VITAS> everythign else will confuse the user
<VITAS> you could look into customizing jqueryui
<Thomas> Well, we could port the opendock js stuff to the prod ui
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9nN0
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/master 3ad21c2 Dorian Stoll: Expose more stuff
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9nxc
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/master 0d41f67 Dorian Stoll: Replace all 403s with 401s, because jQuery cant handle 403
<Thomas> Wait no, it always returned a 403
<Thomas> Explanation: I access /api/users/current with jsonp. It worked when I wrote the code, and now it refuses to do
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD force-pushed master from 0d41f67 to 3ad21c2: https://git.io/v6CsO
<VITAS> dont use the prod uis html
<VITAS> its html was the reason why i started rewriting stuff
Olympic1 is now known as Olympic1|Away
<Thomas> Somehow I always have to fork and hack cors middlewares :D
<Thomas> waah
<Thomas> VITAS: Would using jquery 3 instead of 1.11 ok for you? ^^
<VITAS> sure
<VITAS> its newer isnt it?
<VITAS> the frontend will be on the same domain but different subdomains if that helps
<Thomas> jQuery develops 3 versions in parallel
<Thomas> 1 -> for old browsers, 2 -> dunno, 3 -> special features for new browsers
<Thomas> different subdomains?
<Thomas> you mean for games?
<VITAS> no the frontend and the backend
<VITAS> backend will be sdb.spacedock.info and the frontend e.g. sdf.spacedock.info with cname to spaceodck.info
<VITAS> i cant do subdomains per game (i would like to) because i dotn have an wildcard ssl cert
<VITAS> and i wnat to be able to react quiclkly and add games
<VITAS> iin regards to software: im ok with any solution as long as its opensource and works on a default webspace with php
<VITAS> opensurce (we dont have to pay for it)
<Thomas> so freeware
<Thomas> Oh nice, in jquery 3 the ?callback=? stuff isnt needed
<VITAS> yes
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Extras] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9c3J
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Extras/master af7dd49 Dorian Stoll: We need to go deeper
ksp-usr313 has joined #spacedock
<ksp-usr313> hi
<ksp-usr313> anyone use ksp mod military chassis?
<Thomas> VITAS: caddy supports wildcard domains and generates lets encrypt certs for them on the fly :D
* Thomas silently walks away before people start yelling at him for liking caddy again :P
<ksp-usr313> I'm doing a lot of milsim stuffi n ksp and this mod is bugged or just not working right, even though it is up to date
<ksp-usr313> when you use symmetry, the wheels or what not are actually floating in the air on one side, which makes it look crappy from one side
<ksp-usr313> I don't know enough about ksp to even try to fix this, and haven't found anything online about an alternative or how to fix it
<Thomas> We are a mod hosting site. We dont make mods nor do we support them. Please contact the author of the mod to fix your problems
<ksp-usr313> I understand, just hoping someone has used this
<ksp-usr313> it's surprising to me I can't find another mod which adds the things this mod does
<VITAS> what who ?
<VITAS> ive a script that does that but hmm
<ksp-usr313> a script that fixes that?
<VITAS> not you thomas
<VITAS> i too cant help you
<VITAS> im not even playing ksp
<VITAS> and i dispise anyone who wants to turn ksp into a wargame. play a wargame if you want to kill someone.
<VITAS> hmpf
<ksp-usr313> lmao
<ksp-usr313> really? dispise?
<ksp-usr313> why wouldn't you appreciate someone appreciating ksp
<ksp-usr313> ksp is awesome and mods make it even better imo
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<SpaceDock> [OpenDock] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9cca
<SpaceDock> OpenDock/master f18e80f Dorian Stoll: Update most of the stuff to work with the new sdb
<Thomas> VITAS: Heh, updating jquery killed bootstrap
<Thomas> oh well
<VITAS> ok....
<VITAS> i gues its useless to ask squad about the forum
<Thomas> Lets see if I can update bootstrap to v4
<Thomas> VITAS: yeah
<VITAS> so lets think about dinner instead
<VITAS> :)
<SpaceDock> [OpenDock] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9cWU
<SpaceDock> OpenDock/master fd9d016 Dorian Stoll: Update bootstrap to use a version with jQuery 3 support
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9crk
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/master 37ea81f Dorian Stoll: Fix terrible bugs by adding terrible things
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9coi
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/master 92fa80b Dorian Stoll: Fix the build
Olympic1|Away is now known as Olympic1|Semi
<Thomas> sdb likes to create a query of death
<Thomas> fetches more and more objects recursively
Olympic1|Semi is now known as Olympic1