VITAS: I will give you friendly warning though, don’t do anything to unnecessarily heat some feud up.
RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
Jimmy has joined #spacedock
Just curious, what happened to the KSP Space Dock Thread?
Forum is bugging or
Ok thanks
cannwhitt has joined #spacedock
was spacedock down for anyone else yesterday
@VITAS was the spacedock down yesterday
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this reminds me
I couldn't deploy spacedock clone due to a bug I can't even find its cause
if my opinion matters, I think it's time we should put up a beta testing of spacedock.go and check if it's suitable for production use, then push it to production
I still think we should use a open source frontend for sd until the actual frontend is done
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aradapilot has joined #spacedock
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TheKosmonaut, it isnt down that often. in fact it was the first major thing in month and it was because of DOS at a time when i was asleep. (The DOS is still a thing but i firewall it now)
if hes angry about the site beeing down he could be asking where to help or at least cope with a comback when he does these statements. abusing his powers is badong (bad and wrong) and unprofessional
the majore problem im having with the site btw is that i dont have enough ppl with enough time to fix bugs, optimize code and do support. its only thomas me and some rockyTV and we all have work/school so its up to everyone to help us out and make the site better
about the baging: due to complicated tax laws and so on i wasnt able to transfer any money from patreon. SO its all still there and im paying all the bils from my money since the beginning.
if i remember correctly KS cost about 150$/month and SpaceDock feels bussier than it ever was having about 300Mbit/s and 10 req/s on average 24/7
so imagine it on rlease days. and ive to plan for those to when it spikes to 30req/s
NathanKell|AWAY is now known as NathanKell
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
TheKosmonaut, is it possible to migrate to mariadb on the current prod code?
it wasts resources to run postgres AND myriadb side by side
either $someone has to finish the existing one or $someone has to make another one but i still stand to my opinion that i dont want the layout, color, fotn and graphics to be used by someone else
Olympic1 is now known as Olympic1|Away
So, the question is now does Rocky want to work on SDF
that would be more future oriented
on the other hand: opendock would be finished faster and easier
RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
I'd like to, but I don't know how to proceed and/or if I have enough time (I'm free on weekends and holidays)
RockyTV: Thomas left a message for you in #spacedock [28.04.2017 13:08:18]: "Well, for that we'd need to finish a frontend first. And I am still not sure how VITAS wants to proceed with that topic"
RockyTV: Yeah. Thats one of the reasons I would prefer to finish opendock... But I dunno how VITAS sees that, since OpenDock is completely FOSS
*why I would
we need to adapt it to spacedock.go, don't we?
We just need to change some routes
Olympic1|Away is now known as Olympic1
We didn't had much stuff that used the POST stuff
And change some field names or add them back to sdb
the frontend also isnt finished and has some bugs/problems
my problem is: i code and type all day long so i cant bring myself to spend the rest of my time coding.
but it makes me angry at the same time. because i want the result
VITAS: If you give the ok, I will finish opendock, and if RockyTV has time, he can help with it. I know its not your vision of spacedock, but it would be a start and it would give us time.
if it conforms to my restrictions
whatever you code keepin mind that we will add new functions to the site
i realy want to have tha bility to add video/written reviews, letsplays and so on to mods and packs
what are your restrictions? spacedocks ci should be closed source, ok, but what else?
and analytics for mod hosters should be expanded using piwiks api
yes the ci as mentioned
i dont want the layout, color, fotn and graphics to be used by someone else
with layout i mean the look not the position of elements
graphics arent in the repo, but atm opendock uses the old kerbalstuff look. We cant relicense that
not a good idea
it has to look like prod or like my frontend
everythign else will confuse the user
you could look into customizing jqueryui
Well, we could port the opendock js stuff to the prod ui
[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9nN0
SpaceDock-Backend/master 3ad21c2 Dorian Stoll: Expose more stuff
[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9nxc
SpaceDock-Backend/master 0d41f67 Dorian Stoll: Replace all 403s with 401s, because jQuery cant handle 403
Wait no, it always returned a 403
Explanation: I access /api/users/current with jsonp. It worked when I wrote the code, and now it refuses to do
[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD force-pushed master from 0d41f67 to 3ad21c2: https://git.io/v6CsO
dont use the prod uis html
its html was the reason why i started rewriting stuff
Olympic1 is now known as Olympic1|Away
Somehow I always have to fork and hack cors middlewares :D
VITAS: Would using jquery 3 instead of 1.11 ok for you? ^^
its newer isnt it?
the frontend will be on the same domain but different subdomains if that helps
jQuery develops 3 versions in parallel
1 -> for old browsers, 2 -> dunno, 3 -> special features for new browsers
different subdomains?
you mean for games?
no the frontend and the backend
backend will be sdb.spacedock.info and the frontend e.g. sdf.spacedock.info with cname to spaceodck.info
i cant do subdomains per game (i would like to) because i dotn have an wildcard ssl cert
and i wnat to be able to react quiclkly and add games
iin regards to software: im ok with any solution as long as its opensource and works on a default webspace with php
opensurce (we dont have to pay for it)
so freeware
Oh nice, in jquery 3 the ?callback=? stuff isnt needed
[SpaceDock-Extras] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9c3J
SpaceDock-Extras/master af7dd49 Dorian Stoll: We need to go deeper
ksp-usr313 has joined #spacedock
anyone use ksp mod military chassis?
VITAS: caddy supports wildcard domains and generates lets encrypt certs for them on the fly :D
* Thomas
silently walks away before people start yelling at him for liking caddy again :P
I'm doing a lot of milsim stuffi n ksp and this mod is bugged or just not working right, even though it is up to date
when you use symmetry, the wheels or what not are actually floating in the air on one side, which makes it look crappy from one side
I don't know enough about ksp to even try to fix this, and haven't found anything online about an alternative or how to fix it
We are a mod hosting site. We dont make mods nor do we support them. Please contact the author of the mod to fix your problems
I understand, just hoping someone has used this
it's surprising to me I can't find another mod which adds the things this mod does
what who ?
ive a script that does that but hmm
a script that fixes that?
not you thomas
i too cant help you
im not even playing ksp
and i dispise anyone who wants to turn ksp into a wargame. play a wargame if you want to kill someone.
really? dispise?
why wouldn't you appreciate someone appreciating ksp
ksp is awesome and mods make it even better imo
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[OpenDock] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v9cca
OpenDock/master f18e80f Dorian Stoll: Update most of the stuff to work with the new sdb